June 27, 2022

Dear Members and Friends:
How I wish each and every one of you were here with us at GFWC Convention in New Orleans. The workshops are amazing, and the 31 of us from CA are splitting up and attending all the workshops and affiliate partners so when we get home we will be able to share all of the information we are learning with all of you.

Pam and Dori both taught workshops today and they are amazing Leaders!
We have been to Operation Smile, March of Dimes, Fundraising, and Advocates for Children, Membership and Communications, Arts & Culture workshops and more.

We are in General Sessions and doing Resolutions and Bylaws, listening to the candidates who are running for the GFWC officer positions and being at meetings from early till late every day.

The weather here is very warm, but we haven't been outside much to walk around yet. We have had jambalaya and beans and rice with sausage, one salad, and a few desserts. Pasta and chicken, and egg whites and tomatoes and bacon. A few members have asked me what we have had to eat.

The CA contingent is starting to leave tomorrow morning, and then Tues and Wed. We fly home Thursday and will report back to you fully next week.

Until then, please remember if you are a District President I need your monthly collage of pictures page for the 18-month calendar, and I need them by July Boards in San Ramon.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love and Aloha,

CFWC 2nd VP-Membership - Wendy Curran

As we begin the 2022-2024 administration, with President Barbara at the helm, let me introduce the Area Vice Presidents. Our membership team is eager and excited.
Area A – Toni Lima – email: [email protected]
Area B - Rosette Clippinger - email: [email protected]
Area C - BJ Addis – email: [email protected]
Area D - Lynne Youngstrom – email: [email protected]
Each of these Vice Presidents have experience as President and other duties at their Clubs, Districts, and Areas. They bring a wealth of knowledge and are ready to share fresh ideas with our members. In addition, plans are already underway as the Vice Presidents coordinate the Area Conferences set for October 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd. “Save the Date” Flyers will be coming out to the Districts soon to share with your Clubs.

Your Membership Team is “Blessed, Bright, and Bold” as we join together with all members for a beautiful, brilliant, and bountiful two years.
CFWC Photographer - Sonja Hults

Photography Tip - Rule of Thirds

When you take a photos for your club, there are rules that photographers pick up along the way. Have you heard of the rules of thirds? 

The first thing you should do is go to your Iphone settings. Go to your camera and then look for your GRID button. Toggle that on and then it gives you a guide for taking balanced photos. 

So, why do we use the rule of thirds? The rule of thirds helps capture the subject of a photo in a way that's pleasing to look at. It involves breaking any image you want to photograph into thirds, horizontally and vertically, so that you have nine equal parts.

Here is how to use the grid and rules of thirds as a photographer:
If you are taking a photo of a person, align the person in the middle square. 
Taking a photo of a clubhouse? align the ground on the bottom line of the grid.
Do you have to take a photo of a group of women, place the line of faces on the top 1/3 of the grid. 

Try it out and send me your photos, we can get together and practice through the summer so that you are ready for your club year. 

Just a thought ......

"Whatever you dream of, be bold and pursue it."
-Lailah Gifty Akita