July 11, 2022

Dear Members and Friends:
July Boards are almost here, and I see many of you are attending. Looking forward to seeing you all in person, and please feel free to wear face masks if you so choose. Whatever makes you comfortable.
The CFWC yearbook is making great progress to going to print and being distributed via flash drives or if you order and pay for hard copies at the Sept. Boards. Please get your picture and information to Toni Lima, if you have a page in the yearbook. Toni is our Publications Chairman and Area A VP, by July 15, 2022.  
Bylaws are being reviewed now. If you have any concerns please contact Joyce Opjorden, CFWC Parliamentarian.
We are scouting for the Fall Boards location September 15, and hopefully will have the information ready for you by next week. We know the call needs to go out soon. Many Thanks to Carol Lopez-Lucey for flying down this Friday, and Marcia Willett for picking Carol up and helping locate a place for Sept. Boards 2022.
Mary Sprague and Kathi McGraw are working on the convention 2023 location in the South, but the hotels are slow in getting back to them, with less staff than usual, and still trying to regroup with the pandemic concerns.  
Thank you for your patience in our CFWC calendar.
See you soon. Love and Aloha,
ALOHA! And welcome everyone to 2022-2024 with President Barbara Briley Beard at the helm. In keeping with Barbara’s theme, your Membership Team has adopted as our Membership theme for the next two years:
The Spirit of ALOHA.

Let me share The Meaning of Aloha by Lopaka Kimo: The word “Aloha” is an expression of Hawaiian essence. It is the language of the soul – speaks through welcome smiles, friendly gestures, and warm greetings. And means more than “hello” or “goodbye”: It is more than a word – it’s an attitude – state of mind, compassion, and gratitude.

Powerful words that describe how we as members can reflect in everything we do for our club, our community, the world, and most especially for those in need. Please take the opportunity to invite more to join us in what we accomplish. And remember to acknowledge our members who continue to help make our world a better place for everyone.

So, ALOHA, members. With love in our hearts and smiles on our faces, let’s make some memories.
Summer board is almost here and we are excited to let you know in advance of a speaker that is coming from CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates.)
My goal for the next two years is to ask club members to speak up for Children and make a positive difference in the lives of foster kids. Second to increase members awareness of child abuse.
LEADERSHIP - Vicki Holden, Chair                                         
Leadership is indeed a puzzle.  Putting all the pieces together in just the right mix is a challenge, but not unsurmountable.  All it takes is patience, the ability to see the whole picture and to focus on what is necessary to make each piece correspond to each other piece.  You can do it!  Attached please find the Leadership Jigsaw Puzzle handout to help you with the task.


We are receiving information for the new CFWC Procedure Manual/Yearbook. Putting this book together in a new term is a huge undertaking, everything needs to be redone…well maybe not the collect and historical items but everything else, and it can’t be done without your help!

We’re off to a great start and I would like to thank everyone who has already sent in their information. I would also like to keep this momentum going, so anything that you can send me will be appreciated.

District President’s if you didn’t receive a copy of what is needed for your section I apologize, please let me know and it will be sent to you. We are in need of Pictures of all District Presidents, District First Vice and Second Vice Presidents.

If you are already in the book and like your old picture it can be reused and of course if anyone wants to change their picture just send them to me at: [email protected].

Again, Thank you for all your help!
Hot Off The Press! - GFWC California Clubwoman Magazine Team

Attached please find the July, Summer issue of GFWC California Clubwoman Magazine. The team is excited to share it with you and hope you will enjoy the articles. It was truly a labor of love and YOU, our club members are the star of the show - be sure to see the Club pages to see what your sisters in Federation are doing. If you have trouble opening the document you can also find it online at https://www.cfwc.org/publications/california-clubwoman/.

Just a thought ......

-Sean Higgin