Delegation from CGCC Chicago Visits Leading Agriculture Companies in St. Louis to Explore Potential Collaborations
美中总商会芝加哥(CGCC Chicago)会员代表团访问了密苏里州圣路易斯两家领先的农业公司。代表团包括来自农业、金融和物流等各行各业的领导。
访问的第一站是中粮集团,这是中国最大的食品和农业公司之一,也是CGCC Chicago的会员之一。代表团与高层管理人员会面并参观了中粮集团的设施,以更好地了解公司的运营和在全球食品行业中的作用。
在访问期间,代表团有机会探讨中美两国农业公司之间的潜在合作机会。CGCC Chicago代表团的会员们表达了他们在探索美国贸易和投资机会,特别是在农业领域方面的兴趣。
“访问中粮集团和邦吉公司非常有成效,我们对这些公司的规模和先进程度印象深刻,” CGCC Chicago代表团说道,“我们相信,在农业领域中,中美两国公司之间有许多合作机会,我们期待进一步探索这些机会。”
CGCC Chicago代表团对圣路易斯的访问是加强中美经济联系的广泛努力的一部分。CGCC Chicago致力于促进中美之间的贸易和投资,并建立中美企业之间更强的关系。
A delegation from the China General Chamber of Commerce U.S.A. - Chicago (CGCC Chicago) visited two leading companies in the agriculture industry in St. Louis, Missouri. The delegation included representatives from various industries, including agriculture, finance, and logistics.
The first stop on the visit was at COFCO, the member of CGCC Chicago, and one of China's largest food and agriculture companies. The delegation met with senior executives and toured the company's facilities to gain a better understanding of the company's operations and its role in the global food industry.
After the visit to COFCO, the delegation then went to Bunge, a global agribusiness and food company based in the United States. The delegation was welcomed by senior executives and given a tour of Bunge's facilities in St. Louis.
During the visits, the delegation had the opportunity to discuss potential collaborations between Chinese and American companies in the agriculture industry. The representatives from CGCC Chicago expressed their interest in exploring opportunities for trade and investment in the United States, particularly in the agriculture sector.
"The visits to COFCO and Bunge were very productive, and we were impressed by the scale and sophistication of these companies' operations," said a representative from CGCC Chicago delegation's . "We believe that there are many opportunities for Chinese and American companies to work together in the agriculture industry, and we look forward to exploring these opportunities further."
CGCC Chicago delegation's visit to St. Louis is part of a broader effort to strengthen economic ties between China and the United States. CGCC Chicago is committed to promoting trade and investment between the two countries and to building stronger relationships between Chinese and American businesses.