· 11/21 Adult Choir rehearsal 7:15 PM
· 11/24 Gingerbread Decorating 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
· 11/24 Adult Choir rehearsal after 10:00 AM service (no choir 11/28)
· 11/25 Contemplative Prayer 11:30 AM (Every Monday)
· 11/25 Brown Bag Lunch Book Discussion: 12:00 PM (Every Monday)
· 11/25 Rector Meeting 7:00 PM on Zoom
· 11/27 Wednesday Morning Prayer 9:30 AM (Every Wednesday)
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· 11/28-11/29 Church Office is Closed.
· 11/28 Thanksgiving Dinner 12:30 PM
· 11/30 Gingerbread Village/Holiday Stroll 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
· 12/01 Advent 1 - Family Eucharist 10:00 AM
· 12/01 Family Movie Night 5:00 PM
· 12/02 Contemplative Prayer 11:30 AM (Every Monday)
· 12/02 Memorial Service for Rev. Nancy R. Meyer 2:00 PM
· 12/02 Deadline for Vestry nominations into office.
· 12/02 Advent Study 6:00 PM in lounge
· 12/04 Wednesday Morning Prayer 9:30 AM (Every Wednesday)
· 12/09 Brown Bag Lunch Book Discussion: 12:00 PM (Every Monday)
· 12/09 CGS Women's Christmas Party (Potluck/Yankee Swap) 5:30 PM
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Thank you, everyone, for your generosity! | |
We wrap up this Season of Creation and Stewardship Season with deep gratitude for all good gifts, from God to us and from us to our community. These pledges are the basis for all planned spending for the year, and now the Finance committee will be hard at work with Pastor Kathy on the budget that will be presented at the annual meeting in January.
As you can see, we are missing about 70 giving units and 30% of a healthy budget, so if you missed turning in your pledge card this last Sunday, please turn it in to the office this week. You can email or call John Budzyna, or pledge through Realm.
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Nomination Time
Nominations are currently being accepted for these positions; Junior Warden, Clerk, four vestry members (3 to serve a three-year term; 1 to complete a one-year term); two convention delegates and one alternate, one youth delegate to the convention, and two representatives to the Nashua Area Interfaith Council.
Please click here for the nomination form and requirements.
If you have any questions, please reach out to any vestry member or Sue Corman, Senior Warden, at radar3018@comcast.net.
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Rev. Nancy Meyer Reception
Please sign up to help setup/takedown or bring items for the reception after the Nancy's service on Mon. Dec. 2 at 2:00 PM
Reception Signup
Please also send in stories of Deacon Nancy to news@cgsnashua.org by Friday, November 29th, so that Johanna can compile them into a booklet for the family.
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Advent Study—Mondays in December
When is Christmas again? It is hard to tell when department stores have started playing Mariah Carrey already. This can take away from the meaning in Advent though, a season of great anticipation of the arrival of Jesus, both in that manger in Bethlehem and in our hearts today. Advent calls us to ask, how do we prepare for the arrival of Jesus on Christmas morning?
Come explore how we prepare ourselves to welcome Jesus through the lens of hospitality as we read “Stay Awhile: Advent Lessons in Divine Hospitality” by Kara Eidson. We will gather on:
Mondays in December from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM in the Lounge
(with the exception of December 9, which will be from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM so it will not overlap with CGS Women’s group that evening.)
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Rector's Meeting November 25 at 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM on Zoom
Looking for an opportunity to go a bit deeper into church happenings than what can be covered in our weekly announcements? Join Pastor Kathy and members of the Vestry for our first Rector's Meeting. At this meeting we will give highlights on what's going on at the church, let you know about opportunities to get involved, answer questions, and pray together. Subsequent Rector's meetings will be held in March and in June.
Together with our Annual Meeting in January and Homecoming Sunday in September, it is our hope that these occasions will provide opportunities throughout the church year for us to touch base and catch up on the various happenings here at CGS. Zoom link at cgsnashua.org/events
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Holiday Stroll Volunteers Needed!
The Downtown Holiday Stroll is Saturday, November 30. Good Shepherd is participating and will be welcoming the public from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
Our Gingerbread Village will be on display, and we will be selling cookies, popcorn, hot chocolate, cider, raffles, and of course our "First in the Series" Christmas Ornament!
We will need many volunteers to help out that day. Please volunteer and you can come and enjoy the Stroll and help out for an hour or two! Any question, please reach out to Sue Corman, 603-321-5809 or radar3018@comcast.net. Sign up at cgsnashua.org/news or click button below.
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Join in with other church families on some upcoming Holiday Fun!
Be part of the Gingerbread village on display during the Nashua Holiday Stroll Sat Nov 30 by decorating our own Gingerbread house. Last year over 1300 people saw our village!
Decorating Party - The decorating of Gingerbread houses will be Sunday Nov 24 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Candy frosting and instructions available on site. Please assemble your house before the decorating party. These are display only houses. Please bring your preassembled house to the party, and any special candy you have but no nuts please. All ages and abilities are welcome! You can put your house up for sale as part of a fund raiser for the church. When you finish your house, please let the helper know who you are (Name), age and if you are putting the house up for sale. Houses not sold must be taken home at the end of the display no later than Dec 15th.
Village Display - Come see your house in the completed village at the holiday stroll Saturday Nov 30 or in the church Sunday Dec 1st, Dec 8th. Take home your house on Dec 8th or Dec 15th.
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It Takes a Village to make a village!
We need the generosity of our community to help out with supplies for the Gingerbread Village and Holiday Stroll. Please stop by our "Village" in the Parish Hall to see how you can help support this fun event!
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Sign up for Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 28, 2024.
The annual tradition continues!
We need for food and volunteers to feed the 100+ guests we are expecting. Many hands make light work - so help us make this the biggest event yet. Fliers are available to post around town. For questions or more information, contact Woody and Cindy Hayes
Cell: 864-631-6637
Use "Scan Me" below or click link.
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Applebee’s Grill and Bar Dine-Out Night
Join us for another Fellowship Dine-Out Night! (And it’s a Fundraiser too) CGS will be hosting another Restaurant/Dine-out Fundraiser Night at Applebee’s in Nashua, NH on Thursday, December 12, 2024. So, mark your calendars and plan to bring your family and friends! Our first three dine-out nights were very successful and have raised $943.15 for all our wonderful CGS Ministries.
The fundraiser will run from 4PM until 9PM. Dine in and take out food will all count towards our sales total! Applebee’s will donate 15% of our sales total for this time period. Try to think outside the box, share it with friends and families, bring lots of folks to this event. It’s easy, present a physical copy of the flyer to your server or order-taker. Questions contact Mary O’Reilly at 603-424-2432 or moreilly@cgsnashua.org
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Sunday, December 15
“Bible Stories for Grown-Ups: Reading Scripture with New Eyes” Chapter 3 -It’s Not About the Fish: The Story of Jonah . We meet in the Parish Hall lounge between services. All are welcome!
A Study Guide can be found HERE; it includes resources for the whole year.
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End 68 Hours of Hunger
These donations fill the weekend and summer gaps in food for elementary students and families.
November's item is "Individually wrapped snacks." (Candy, granola bars, fruit snacks, fruit leather, trail mix packets, etc.) Drop items in the basket as you enter the sanctuary, and Sandy Desharnais will deliver them at the end of the month.
Thank you! Louise Bessler
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Poinsettia's for Christmas
Donate Poinsettias for our Christmas Altar in Memory of , in Thanksgiving for or in Celebration of a loved one. Forms are available in the back of the church to be dropped in the offering plate, or email your request to John in the office at administrator@cgsnashua.org. Please submit request and payment by December 16. Please write 'poinsettias' on the memo line on your check.
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Rector’s Discretionary Fund/Local Non-Profit Offering
On the last Sunday of each month the Offertory Plate gifts that are not pledges will be split between the Rectors Discretionary Fund which supports individuals in need with gas cards, grocery cards, rent assistance, etc. and a local non-profit. The non-profit for November will be Harbor Homes, with collection on Sunday, November 24th. You may also send in donations during the month if you wish, just note "Rector Fund" in the memo.
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Honoring loved ones through Memorials
If you wish to honor a family member or friend on a special Sunday, you could donate money for the Altar Flowers ($60) or Wine, Wafers, and Candles ($25). Please contact Peg Wehner at 603-889-5067 or pegwehner44@gmail.com to discuss your wishes.
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Fellowship and Coffee
Many people have been enjoying our fellowship time on Sundays, but we need your help to make it happen! We need some new faces and some of our parish groups to step up and host coffee hour. Please sign up HERE or Fellowship Hall.
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It’s that time of year again!
All are invited – children, youth, families & parishioners – to movie night on Sunday 12/1 from 5-7:15. It’s a great time to gather and see a holiday movie as we wind down the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. This year we will see “The Star” – a 2017 animated Christmas story about a donkey and his animal friends who tell the story of the first Christmas from their perspective.
Admission for the Good Shepherd Movie Theater is a bag/box of your favorite movie treats (cookies, popcorn, treats, etc.), and small donation for the Nashua Soup Kitchen. Come in PJ’s and bring your favorite blanket.
Pizza will be served, so please contact Nancy @ youth@cgsnashua.org with your favorite type of pizza!
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Take a moment to reflect on the sermon from this past Sunday by The Rev. Kathy Boss... | |
2025 Forma Annual Conference
Jan 27-30
Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center, Greenfield, NH
The Faith Formation Network of Province I (i.e., the New England dioceses) is combining its annual formation conference with Forma to offer "Come Away Together", the best of both worlds! We will gather Jan. 27-30, 2025, with colleagues from across New England onsite at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center for four days, during which time we will take mornings to meet and connect with our provincial colleagues and afternoons to participate in the Forma workshops and content. We will regather in the evenings to informally share inspiration and learning. There will be ample time for rest and individual needs even as we spend time together learning about the big ideas emerging in the formation space, and what we are called to do about them.
Do you think this conference is for you? Please watch this one minute video and hear from Province I colleagues about who they think should come—and most likely it is you! Registration information is here. Thanks to financial support from Province I and the dioceses of Province I, the costs for registration, lodging and meals has been greatly reduced. If you still have questions, please contact diocese of Maine Director of Faith Formation Emily Keniston,
You Are Not Alone: Responding to Grief and Trauma by Building Relationships
Friday, Dec. 20 - Sunday, Dec. 22
Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center, Greenfield, NH
The Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, has raised the alarm
about what he refers to as a epidemic of loneliness and isolation. "You Are Not Alone" is an opportunity for learning, retreat, and healing with co-presenters, the Rev. Bob Davidson, an Episcopal priest and social worker who has served as a hospice chaplain and trauma counselor, and Dr. Anthony Valdini, professor of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Massachusetts Chan School of Medicine. Saturday will be structured around three presentations; Facing up to loneliness and isolation—medical, psychological and spiritual impact; overcoming grief and trauma—gaining insight and discovering everyday recovery tools; and building relationships and social connection—healing support and Interdependence. Additional overnight options include: Friday evening get acquainted and community building; Sunday morning healing community worship. Download the flier to share with your parish. Register here, by e-mail, or by calling the office, 603-547-3400.
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Applications for Young Adult Service Corps Open Oct. 21
The Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) is a ministry for Episcopalians ages 21-35 years interested in exploring and sharing their faith in new places around the worldwide Anglican Communion. The deadline for applying is March 8, 2025. Learn more here.
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This week’s community prayer intentions for
Healing and Special Concerns
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Keith Adams
Aunt Joan & Family
Jerry Armstrong
Rev. Kate Atkinson
Stephen Bailey & Family
Jerry Balcom
Jayme Bellafatto
Janet Boduch
Judy Boss
Ella Brown
Leo Brunk
Adrienne Buckley
Brian Burgess
Brody Campos
Cindy Caradis
Charlotte Davis
Heather Duquette
Julie Dunning
Robert Duquette
Roxanne Dwyer
Kathy Eckels
Charles Freiburger
Chuck Fitzpatrick
Fred A.
Jeanne Gregoire
Jacqui & Brian Hollenbeck
Pam Hufnagel
Chip & Sally Hulten
Shelley Kesselman
Marcy Klamka
Peter Langlois
Friends & Family of
Pete Larochelle
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Daniel Lombard
Ken Lombard
Dawn Marie Long
Sandra Long
Colby Jean M.
Hannah Malik
Philip Marinucci
Jane Metcalf
Nancy Meyer
Virginia Mills
Elissa Morin
Anne Moyle
Jim Mutherbaugh
Myranda Newton
Everly Noska
Tina Ostrowski Lincoln
Edith Pack
James Pelham
Shirley Phillips
Kevin Rebello
Joseph Robbins & Marie
Kathie Rousseau
Samantha Rousseau
Heather Rossbach
Justin Seavey
Danil Shapovalov Family
Nicole Silvaria
Dawne Sosa
Katherine Swisher
Richard Tan
Terry Toland
Topp Family
Chris Walsh
Bonnie Whalen
Jennifer Zeleneski
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For Those Deployed in the Military
Alyssa Dyer, Alan James Epstein, Johnathan Epstein, Samuel Epstein, Robert Herendeen, Bryan Laliberte, Devon Lambert and Josh Lentz.
Vestry - vestry@cgsnashua.org
Sue Corman (Sr. Warden)
Don Yelton (Jr. Warden)
Amey Fuller (Treasurer)
Susan Nutting (Clerk)
Vestry Members: Thom Arpin, Amanda Blair, Kathy Cormier, Mark Crepeau, Michael Engelsen, Doug Liles, Sarah Patton, Denise Thompson-Coutu, and Jane Wilkins.
Office hours Monday thru Friday 9:00 am. - 4:00 pm
Announcement submissions are due every Tuesday by noon :-)
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The Rev. Kathy Boss, Rector
Associate, George Swenson
Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal
214 Main Street
Nashua, NH 03060
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