CH2 Classroom Newsletter


Lauren Seger, Lead Guide

Pooja Agarwal, Assistant Guide

Upcoming Events
  • Elementary Montessori Journey - Nov 15
  • CH2 Giving Thanks Brunch - Nov 22; Info TBA
  • Thanksgiving Break - Nov 23-25
  • Children's House Show Your Work Days - Dec 6 & 7; Info TBA
  • Community Sing / Early Dismissal - Dec 16
  • Winter Break (No School) - Dec 19 - Jan 3

(Students first day back Jan 4)

Classroom Volunteers

With so many winter holidays coming up, we want to celebrate all holidays and cultures that are present in our classroom, or cultures you know a lot about! During the month of December, we would LOVE to invite you into our room to share your family's holiday traditions. Whether you yourself were born in a different country that has rich traditions, or your family has something special you do annually, we want to hear about it and see it.

If you are willing and able to come into our class one morning in December to talk about, show-and-tell, or bring in a snack/song/toys/etc., PLEASE contact Mrs. Lauren by emailing and we can plan a date/time. We'd be so excited to have you!

Also, we've got our Giving Thanks Brunch coming up, and a few classroom activities happening in December. Please keep a look out from CH2 teachers and room parents for more information.

Room-Parent Contact Info:

Jen McCraw: / 919-578-4853

Karen Vallecillo-Pereira: / 336-287-5294

Where Am I in the Universe Today?

Home to School Connections

This year, each child will get a weekend (or week) to take the "heart" doll necklace and journal home with them. We ask that you take at least one picture of your child wearing the necklace and write about where you are in the picture. It could be on a daily outing, a big family trip, or at home in your living room. Then sit down and write about that moment in our journal with the picture glued next to your entry. When your child returns to school with the items, they will show and tell about where they were in the universe.

(If everyone has had a turn and you want it again, or if you're going somewhere special during an open week, just let us know! )

Want to know more about "Where Am I?" Click here to read the bio on their website.

Journal Schedule: 

We will send the journal and necklace home with your child on a Thursday and ask it be returned by the following Monday (unless you have a trip that takes longer).

Nov 10-14: Claire

Nov 17-21: Daphne

Dec 1-5: Ginny

Dec 8-12: Asher

Jan 5-9: Ellie

Jan 12-17: Evan

Jan 19-23: June

Jan 26-30: Malone

Feb 2-7: Andrea

Feb 9-13: Luca

Feb 16-20: Salem

Feb 23-27: Narayan

March 2-6: Olive Kate

March 9-13: Max

March 16-20: Micah

March 23-27: Katherine

March 30-April 4: Vera

April 6-18: (Spring Break)

April 20-24: Thomas

April 27-May 1: Leo

May 4-8: Hugo

May 11-15: Anvi

May 18-23: Rafi

May 25-30:

June 1-5:

Arrival and Dismissal

PLEASE make every effort for your child to arrive at school before 8:30! Every time a child enters the classroom after our work period has begun, it is a distraction to the other children working and it takes either myself or Mrs. Pooja away from what we're focused on. It also helps your child start their day off with consistency, the joy of getting unpack with their friends, greeting me at the door, and they feel as though they are a part of the group. 

  • Arrival - 8:15 am (At 8:30 the hallway is closed, so students need to be brought to the front desk and then walked to our classroom after this time.)
  • Dismissal - 2:50-3:00 pm (Please make every effort to be prompt. At 3:00, Leads and Assistants are expected to be back in our rooms to prepare the environment for the next day.)

Amazon Wish List

Here's a link to our class's Wish List! 

Priority items are toothpicks for food prep, butterflies for indoor watering, paint cups, and any pots or lights for our classroom environment. 

CH2 Wish List - Amazon

CH2 Photos 

CH2 Jack-O-Lantern

The Friday morning before Halloween was filled with holiday fun! We carved a classroom pumpkin and each student had the chance to help pull out the seeds! A few students gave input on what shapes to use for our jack-o-lantern's face, and I know I'm biased, but I think it turned out SO GOOD!










Olive Kate







Afternoon Tea

Mrs. Dorian is our gardener extraordinaire, but she also comes up with amazing activities to do that build off of gardening experiences. A couple of weeks ago, she brought herbs collected from a few school gardens, tea bags, warm water, and bickies ("cookie" biscuits), and as you can guess our students were able to enjoy afternoon tea with her in our classroom environment.

It. Was. The. Sweetest!

Students helped create their own tea bag, choose two bickies for their plate, practice grace and courtesy waiting for others at the table, and practice patience waiting for their 5-minute timer to run out before they could take their tea bag out and enjoy their treats. Above all they were able to practice having sparkling conversations with others at the table.

Thank you Mrs. Dorian! Our kids said this was one of the highlights of their year so far!

Welcome to CH2

Last month we welcomed four new students into CH2. Leo moved to the area and joined our classroom on Oct 19, and on Oct 24, three friends from across the patio joined our class from T3, Anvi, Hugo, and Rafi. We are so happy to have these new friends in our classroom family.

Leo showing off the Pink Tower lesson he completed for the first time independently.

Hugo practicing one of the first CH lessons he was shown, the knobbed cylinders.

Anvi eating her morning snack at the snack table with Evan. All smiles when new friends meet yummy foods!

Rafi practices the knobbed cylinders during one of his first visits in our classroom.

During the season of giving thanks, we are so THANKFUL for our classroom and school community. THANKFUL for trusting us with your precious children every day. We are GRATEFUL for the time we get with them during these precious years.


Lauren and Pooja