OSP Weekly 03/24/2021
----- Division of Research -----
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CHANGES to NIH Biosketch and Other Support
Effective 05/25/2021

Section B renamed to “Positions, Scientific Appointments and Honors” (previous: Positions and Honors).

Non-Fellowship Biosketch: Section D is removed and applicants may include details on ongoing and completed projects from past 3 years within their personal statement, Section A.

Fellowship Biosketch: Section D still required but “Research Support” removed.

Template, Resources, FAQs
SciENcv formats will be revised by FY22. Use the Word templates until SciENcv is updated.
Other Support
Re-organized to separate funded projects from in-kind.

Signature Required: for PI and Senior Key Personnel (SKP) to certify the accuracy of the information submitted.

Foreign Affiliations: PI/SKP must attach supporting documentation such as copies of the contract or agreement specific to any foreign appointments, affiliations and/or employment with a foreign institution for all foreign activities and resources reported in Other Support. Must be in English. Must be attached as part of the Other Support PDF.

Reminder: PI's/Key Persons must disclose any updates to Other Support on active grants.

Updated Requirement for OSP: must notify NIH immediately when we discover that a PI or Key Person on an active NIH grant failed to disclose Other Support information.

Template, Resources, FAQs
Althea Sheets, Communications Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs, [email protected], 702-895-1880