Education Update

Coming Soon: RL6 Risk and Feedback Module Changes

On May 21, CHART will update RL6 from version 6.21 to 6.27. In this update members will have a new option under ‘report date range’ for the last "N" hours (e.g., last 24 hours) from the current date and time that the report is run. This new option will enhance daily reports – reports can have the most current event information instead of only files entered yesterday or today. The update fixes issues loading certain dashboards and errors with report drilldown on some fields, and includes performance improvements and several administrative fixes and enhancements.

On May 21, there will be a four-hour downtime to complete the update. More information about the downtime will be sent closer to the update date.


Event Investigation and Analysis Workshops

Facilitator: Cyndi Siders, MSN, RN, CPHRM, CPPS, DFASHRM

#1 - May 16, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 am

#2 - June 20, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 am

Join us for two interactive workshops where we will walk through a patient scenario from event occurrence to event analysis plan.

The workshops will be conducted as Safe Tables within CHART Institute Patient Safety Organization.

The workshops provide an opportunity for members to collaboratively apply the event investigation and analysis tools from the four modules. The facilitator is Cyndi Siders, the creator of the four-module series.

During workshop #1, the scenario and event timeline will be reviewed. The group will collaboratively develop a process map based on the scenario and timeline.

During workshop #2, the group will conduct a root cause analysis and develop a plan.

Register For Workshop #1 Here
Register for Workshop #2 Here

Reduce Your Risk: Understanding EMTALA - 2024 Update

Presenter: Ryan J. King, Esq.

June 25, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 am

This webinar will focus on the core EMTALA principles and outcomes associated with lack of adherence and how to satisfy the three primary EMTALA requirements. Throughout the webinar, Mr. King will incorporate examples from EMTALA court cases.

Register Here

That Sneaky Maternal Sepsis: Early Identification and Capture

Presenter: Lori Ley, PhD, MSN, RNC, C-EFM

July 18, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 am

Sepsis has been labeled a “silent killer” in pregnancy due to the subtle signs and symptoms that can be confused with normal physiologic changes of pregnancy such as faster heart rates and respirations, as well as changes in blood pressures. According to the CDC, between 2014 and 2017, infection or sepsis caused 12.7% of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States. This webinar will present facts and alert care givers to the nuances that support the early diagnosis and management of sepsis in pregnancy and the post-partum period. Early identification and management will support the achievement of healthier outcomes in the maternal population.

Register Here

Enhance Adult Airway Management and Resuscitation Skills

CHART Institute offers members access to an adult simulator through the On-Demand Simulation Program.

Nasco Larry

Are you focusing on adult airway management and resuscitation competencies for your healthcare providers?


If yes, consider scheduling Nasco Larry, an adult resuscitation simulator, available as part of CHART Institute’s On-Request Simulator program. This simulator allows providers to practice airway management and resuscitation skills using standard manual, automatic, or semi-automatic external monitor defibrillators.

To check availability for your hospital, click here.

For more information on this simulator, click here. or send an email to to schedule.

Click on simulation scenarios and drills to be directed to those available on the CHART website.

Complimentary Educational Opportunities Available

CME and CNE Courses Offered in New Bundles

The 2024-2025 curriculum bundles through The Sullivan Group are available. Members have access to one of four customized bundles offering continuing education hours for healthcare professionals. Courses are available until March 31, 2025. For more information, click here.

To obtain an account, send your first and last name, hospital, position and email address to

On-Demand Courses and Webinars

On-demand education courses and webinars are available on the member portal of the CHART website offering 39 nursing contact hours. Click here to access a list of the courses and webinars.

The most recent activities are:

  • Mitigating Post-Operative Risks (available 5/14/2024)
  • Nursing Malpractice: In the Hospital and Courtroom
  • Risky Business: Avoiding Those Perinatal Trappings
  • Risk Managing the Grievance Process
  • Sepsis: Optimal Care for Optimal Outcomes

If you have a username and password, click here to log in to the website.

If you do not have a username and password for the CHART website, click here.

Apply for Patient Safety Award

Dream It, Embrace It, Empower It: 

Improving Patient Safety Together Award


CHART Institute recognizes the important role our members have in improving patient safety and acknowledge the need to celebrate their success. For our 15th anniversary, we created the Dream It, Embrace It, Empower It: Improving Patient Safety Together Award.

For this award, members share a project describing how their team improved patient safety over the past 12 months. Award recipients determine how to use the $500 award to celebrate their team’s success.

Click Here for more information.

To apply for this award, click here.

Mark Your Calendar

2024 Virtual Conference

October 14-25

Join us in October for a discussion about risk and safety leader issues, the new staff support learning series, the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence in healthcare, evolving healthcare law and creating psychological safety.

August 13, 2024 - 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Focus: Case review lessons learned: Discharging emergency department patients with abnormal vital signs, seconds-to-minutes emergencies and 72-hour bounce backs

Registration Available Soon

September 19, 2024 - 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Focus: Mental Health & Wellness in the Workplace

Registration Available Soon

November 21, 2024 - 10:00 to 11:00 am

Focus: Fetal Heart Monitoring

Registration Available Soon

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Weekly we share upcoming events, recognitions & celebrations.

Connect with us by clicking on our profiles and follow us @chartrrg

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CHART Institute, LLC is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Program Requirements:
To obtain nursing contact hours, the participant must attend the entire session and submit an evaluation form.
CHART Institute | 412-212-3338 | Email | Website
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