Representation of Women on National Institutes of Health Study Sections
A group of researchers including Dr. Anna Volerman Beaser (CHAS Fellow and Associate Professor in the UChicago Department of Medicine and Pediatrics) recently conducted one of the first studies that describes differences in gender representation among National Institutes of Health (NIH) study sections. Their cross-sectional study examined participants on NIH study sections during one review cycle between May and July 2019. They found that reviewers were more likely to be men than women, women reviewers were more likely to hold lower academic rank across all institutions, women were more likely to be temporary members, and women were less likely to be on standing study sections. Although study sections that were chaired by women were less likely to have women as reviewers, study sections within an institute with a woman chair were more likely to have women as reviewers. There were also lower odds of having women as reviewers among institutes that had more total funding and research grant awards. The authors emphasize that intentional efforts to increase gender representation on study sections are critical. In order to reduce disparities, they recommend creating study sections through committees or applications instead of individual recruiters, having individuals who select reviewers complete implicit bias training, and ensuring that data about study sections composition is routinely reviewed and shared. Read the full study below.
Unsanitized and Unfair: How COVID-19 Bailout Funds Refuel Inequity in the U.S. Health Care System
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of the US health care system and the enormous inequalities that exist within it. Researchers including Colleen M. Grogan (CHAS Co-Director and Professor at the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice) looked at the US hospital system, which is marked by large and persistent inequalities, and investigated whether funds from the 2020 Cares Act were distributed fairly based on COVID-19-related medical and financial need. For their investigation, they used data from HHS posted on the CDC website and used RAND Hospital Data to analyze how fund distributions are associated with hospital characteristics. Their research found that hospitals with the most amount of cash on hand received more funding per bed than hospitals with fewer than 50 days of cash on hand. Even more, the health care safety net hospitals cared for the bulk of COVID-19 cases. Despite extreme racial inequities that were exposed early on in the pandemic, the federal government has rewarded hospitals that cater to the most privileged people in our society, while hospitals that serve primarily low-income people of color received less. Read the complete article below.
Anna Volerman Beaser, MD
UChicago Medicine
4/20/2021 @ 12:30 pm CDT
Stephanie Rennane, PhD, MA
RAND Corporation
4/27/2021 @ 12:30 pm CDT
Julia Henly, PhD
University of Chicago
5/4/2021 @ 12:30 pm CDT
Dexter Voisin, PhD
University of Toronto
5/11/2021 @ 12:30 pm CDT
Invisible Visits: Black Middle-Class Women in the American Healthcare System
Dr. Tina Sacks, AM ’98, PhD ’13 Assistant Professor
School of Social Welfare at the University of California, Berkeley
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Apply for 2021 CHAS Seed Grants
The Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) at the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice is proud to offer accepting proposals to our 2021 CHAS Seed Grants opportunity. Seed Grants provide modest research funding for a limited time (usually two years) to enable faculty investigators to explore the feasibility of a concept related to the mission of the Center and generate sufficient data to pursue it through other funding mechanisms. Learn more about our Seed Grants program on our website or search for “Center for Health Administration Studies” at
Applications will be accepted until Friday, April 30th, 2021
Apply to the 2021 Doctoral Research Stipend Program
The Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) supports health policy and services research by offering a stipend to doctoral students who play an active role in the research of CHAS fellows, CHAS affiliates, and other CHAS-funded faculty members. Stipend recipients will receive a total of $3,000 of financial support, which will be distributed in three $1,000 increments, one increment per quarter in most cases. Learn more about the Doctoral Research Stipend Program and how to apply on our website.
Application Due: May 31, 2021
Recipients Announced: July 2021
Stipend Start Date: September 2021
Stipend End Date: June 2022
"States with the Most and Least Medicaid Coverage"
What are the major benefits and drawbacks of Medicaid expansion? Are states that have expanded Medicaid better positioned against COVID-19 and a recession? Last month, WalletHub turned to a panel of experts including CHAS Co-Director & Crown Family School Professor Colleen M. Grogan and Winter 2021 Davis Lecturer & Cornell University Professor Jamila Michener to get more insight into these questions.
Read the full piece with Dr. Grogan and Dr. Michener's expert takes here.