CHC's Industry Insight
A Note from our Executive Director
With the start of a new year just weeks away, there is much anticipation 2018 brings for the affordable housing world in California.
For the first time in years, we start out with new tools and funding that will make building affordable homes for families, seniors and veterans a greater reality. Yes, the details of how to make these tools work and implementation guidelines for some of our policies still must be hammered out. Still, the unease I wrote about a year ago has been replaced with eagerness to put our accomplishments - SB 2, AB 1505, AB 1397 just to name a few - into action.
We also look ahead to getting the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act, commonly known as SB 3, passed by voters in 2018. With more than 60% of likely voters already supportive, this will be another key opportunity for CHC to show the strength of our leadership and collaboration.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the tax bill discussions happening in Washington, D.C. now that diminishes our cheer and brings some uncertainty to future planning. As of this writing, we continue to closely monitor how the House and Senate tax plans will come together. CHC's federal advocacy team is tirelessly working to educate our representatives on why Private Activity Bonds and housing tax credits are the foundation of financing and developing affordable housing across California. Thank you to all of our members who have picked up the phone, sent emails or Tweets and shared how projects would be devastated by the House plan to eliminate PABs.
As we gear up for the year ahead and close out our 20th anniversary, let me again say how grateful I am for your commitment to CHC, and even more importantly, for putting affordable homes in reach for low- and moderate-income Californians.

  Ray Pearl 
  CHC Executive Director 
In Case You Missed It...
  • TCAC issued final proposed regulation changes. The Committee will consider these changes at their December 13, 2017 meeting.
  • The Senate and House approved their respective tax reform bills. This document crafted by the ACTION Policy Steering Committee explains the impact each bill has on affordable housing production. Since a final vote could come as early as this week, the clock is now ticking on all last attempts to fix some of the many provisions that would harm low- and moderate-income Californians.

    This is our last opportunity to weigh in on these issues. At a minimum, if you live or work in McCarthy's or Nunes' districts or know someone who does, please call via the Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121) and email their lead tax staffers using the information below. If you don't have a connection to either, you can still affect the outcome if you have connections to any of the other majority-party Representatives by calling them via the Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121) and emailing them with the following message:

    Please ask Majority Leader McCarthy and Representative Nunes to do the following three things:
  1. Support the Senate's preservation of tax-exempt multifamily Housing Bonds and the linked 4% Housing Credits, which are creating more than 20,000 affordable homes in California annually and are far and away the most important tools we have to address our affordable housing crisis and to create local construction jobs and revenue;
  2. Remove the reduction in the cap on Housing Credit basis from 130% to 125% specified by the Senate because it won't help rural areas in California and will harm the rest of the state; and
  3. Fix the base erosion and anti-abuse (BEAT) provision in the Senate Bill so that it does not damage the Housing Credit market by preventing major banks with foreign ownership such as Union Bank from investing.
This is the last chance to affect the outcome of the tax reform bills, so please take a few minutes today to contact at least one California Representative from the following list with these requests: 
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23), staff: Kyle Lombardi ([email protected])
Rep. Devin Nunes ( R-CA-22 ), staff: Jilian Plank ( [email protected] )
Rep. Mimi Walters ( R-CA-45 ), staff: Casey Fitzpatrick ( [email protected] )
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher ( R-CA-48 ), staff: Jeff Vanderslice ( [email protected] )
Rep. Duncan Hunter ( R-CA-50 ), staff: Reed Linsk ( [email protected] )
Rep. Jeff Denham (R- CA-10 ), staff: Tracey Chow ( [email protected] )
Rep. David Valadao ( R-CA-21 ), staff: Dylan Chandler ( [email protected] )
Rep. Ed Royce ( R-CA-39 ), staff: Peter Freeman ( [email protected] )
Rep. Ken Calvert ( R-CA-42 ), staff: Ian Foley ( [email protected] )
Rep. Steve Knight ( R-CA-25 ), staff: Adam Brooks ( [email protected] )
Rep. Darrell Issa ( R-CA-49 ), staff: Robert Rische ( [email protected] )
Rep. Doug LaMalfa ( R-CA-1 ), staff: Kevin Eastman ( [email protected] )
Rep. Paul Cook ( R-CA-8 ), staff: Brandon White ( [email protected] )
Rep. Tom McClintock ( R-CA-4 ): Richard Stern ( [email protected] ) 
A Celebration of CHC's 20 Years

It has been a great honor to spend this year commemorating CHC's 20th anniversary with all of you - an important milestone that has taken on special meaning as it coincides with our historic legislative success.

A group of CHC's leaders, past and present, gathered in Berkeley on November 16th as a final celebration of our milestone year.  In a surprise award ceremony, we honored Mary Ellen Shay as a true CHC Champion whose support spans the organization's two decade history and whose career has been dedicated to affordable housing. 
Congratulations, Mary Ellen!
 A full photo album from the event is available here.

We owe immense gratitude to our founders and past leaders who were on the frontlines, advocating for comprehensive policies and had the vision to bring housing leaders together to create this organization that has grown into the united voice for affordable housing.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to CHC and for being part of this community dedicated to finding solutions that put affordable homes in reach for low- and moderate-income Californians. We know our work thus far has mattered and yet we have only just begun.
Affordable Housing in the News 

Just when we think news at just how high home prices, and therefore rents, keep rising may be losing some shock value, the recent headline   "Home prices nearly doubled in this surprising California city" made many people do a double take: Stockton. "Prices are rising," a local real estate agent told the Mercury News. "Even rentals, the rental market, there's a shortage as well. People used to pay $1,200 a month for a three-bedroom, two-bath. Now they're paying $1,500, $1,600, $1,700 for a three-bedroom, two-bath."

The New York Times took an in-depth look at challenges many CHC members are all too familiar with as we try to fill the housing gap: roadblocks at the local level that tie our hands from building the homes families need in the places they need them. In the "The Great American Single-Family Home Problem," Sen. Nancy Skinner talks about SB 167 - among the policies mentioned to help close policy loopholes cities use to block development - and why it was among the tools we needed this legislative year: "What's frustrating for anybody trying to build housing is that they try to play by the rules and they still get told 'no."

CALmatters - co-creator of the housing policy podcast Gimme Shelter - is breaking down terms like Costa-Hawkins and rent control for Californians in this recent piece . The online publication received more than 130 questions before putting together its "Your frequently asked California housing crisis questions-answered." What can we glean from this piece? Housing issues, even the detailed policies and terms that just a few years ago only developers and local officials scrutinized, are on the minds of many Californians who are yearning for place they can afford.
Staff Promotions  

As we conclude CHC's most successful advocacy and financial year in our 20-year history, I am pleased to announce the following staff promotions:

Marina Wiant
, who has been with CHC for 5 ½ years, has been promoted from Policy Director to Vice President of Government Affairs. This new title reflects Marina's strong advocacy work and dedication to affordable housing policy in the legislature as well as on the regulatory side. 

Nancy Martin
, who has been with CHC for almost 9 years, has been promoted from Program Manager to Director of Operations. Nancy prefers to remain behind the scenes but her work in membership, fundraising, budgeting and event planning is critical to CHC's overall success. 

As a number of our Board members have told me, we have a small but mighty staff.  It is because of Marina and Nancy that we are able to achieve our goals and as do much as we do.  I thank them for their years of dedication and service to CHC.  Please join me in congratulating them on their career achievements.

Ray Pearl
Executive Director 
CHC would like to thank the sponsors of our 20th Anniversary:

Is your CHC membership current? If you would like to  join CHC or have questions on your membership, please contact  Nancy Martin.  
CHC is a non-partisan advocate for the production and preservation of housing affordable to low- and moderate-income Californians. We represent the development, building, financial, and public sectors united in their goal that every Californian has a safe, affordable place to call home.