Dear Friends in Christ,
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision reversing Roe v. Wade is the result of nearly fifty years of prayer and dedicated pro-life advocacy on behalf of preborn children and their mothers. It is certainly cause for joyful celebration as well as a confirmation of God’s loving Providence, as the decision was released on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.
However, it is clearly not the end of the debate over the right to life of the unborn. Our response will be crucial in determining the outcome of the next phase of the civil rights movement of our time, in defense of life and human dignity.
First and foremost, the foundation of our response must be prayer. For underlying the visible battle in defense of life from conception, is an invisible spiritual battle. “For our battle is not against flesh and blood…but against the spiritual forces of evil,” (Eph. 6:12) and “this kind can only come out through prayer.” (Mark 9:29)
It is providential that the Bishops of the United States have just launched a three-year National Eucharistic Revival. This can provide a spiritual foundation for our response as, “a movement of Catholics across the U.S. healed, converted, formed and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist – and sent out in mission ‘for the life of the world.’” (
Equally important and necessary will be the evangelization of those Americans who do not yet acknowledge the intrinsic dignity and value of every human being made in the image of God, and will therefore continue to support abortion rights in certain circumstances.
Through prayer and evangelization, the vision of the Eucharistic Revival aligns with the words of Pope St. John Paul II who said, “In order to evangelize the world, we need experts in celebration, adoration and contemplation of the Holy Eucharist.” (Message for World Mission 4/19/2005)
Finally, we must continue to support moms and their children before, during and after birth through the charitable work carried on in thousands of pregnancy resource centers across the country, pro-life medical clinics, and Catholic health systems. Catholic Dioceses are also involved in a nationwide effort promoting the Walking with Moms in Need initiative to expand the availability of assistance in our parishes.
The Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance (CHCLA) is committed to assisting in this effort. Through the nationwide network of its founding members and their expertise and experience in medicine, law, bioethics, pastoral care and health care administration, along with its relationships with many of the organizations already involved in the provision of these services, CHCLA is uniquely poised to provide leadership in facilitating and coordinating the response necessary to meet the challenges of this historic event.
Together, through prayer, evangelization, mutual support, and charitable service, we can rebuild a culture of life in our country and restore the integrity of the medical profession as a vocation dedicated to the health and healing of all people – in mind, body and spirit – from conception to natural death.
Sincerely in Christ,
Steven White, M.D.
President, Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance
Past President, Catholic Medical Association
High Court Reverses Roe v. Wade; Decision Bestows Hope
Last Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed its 1973 ruling in the far-reaching abortion case, Roe v. Wade. This decision returns the legislation of life to the state-level, ending an era of forced compliance with pro-abortion jurisprudence. Dr. Steven White, President of the Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance (CHCLA) and former president of the Catholic Medical Association, issued the following statement on the ruling:
“The Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade marks a new era in the practice of medicine – and in Catholic health care especially. Finally, the highest court in the land will no longer shelter abortionists from the force of the law. States may now enact life-preserving measures and protect human beings at every stage. We are anxious to see the integrity of medicine restored as a result of this ruling.
Catholic health care exists to serve people in exactly these vulnerable moments. Since the first Catholic hospital was operated by the Church, we have been continuously and completely pro-life and committed to the care of every patient.
For Dr. White's full statement and to read the press release, click here.
CHCLA in the National Catholic Register:
Catholic Healthcare Is Concerned With Both Mother and Child
In an article at the National Catholic Register, Dr. Steven White, President of the CHCLA, wrote a thoughtful piece about the care that mothers and children receive in Catholic hospitals.
He responded to an Op-Ed in The Kansas City Star by a mother who had tragically lost her child who was born prematurely. She had maintained that the hospital's Catholic ethical foundation was the reason for the poor treatment that she received. In her letter, she called into question the ethical directives that informed the care given at Catholic hospitals.
In his piece, Dr. White defends the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services (ERDs) and shows how they work to bring about the healing ministry of Jesus Christ within the world today.
For CHCLA's response in The Kansas City Star, click here.
News from Our Allied Member Organizations
NCBC: Conscientious Objection and Abortion
Joseph Meaney, President of The National Catholic Bioethics Center and Board Member of the CHCLA wrote about a shocking news headline that grabbed his attention recently: “Conscientious objection ‘may become indefensible’ according to new [World Health Organization] guidance.”
Promoting abortion is the reason for this latest assault against conscience and the right to life of preborn babies. The WHO issued a new “Abortion Care Guideline” in March 2022 to update and replace all previous recommendations.
The document says it wants to “enable evidence-based decision-making with respect to quality abortion care.” What it really does is attempt to portray abortion as ordinary health care and places it under the controversial heading of “sexual and reproductive health rights.” Flowing from the false assertions that abortion is “health care” and a “right” are a long list of recommendations to eliminate barriers to access, including curtailing the rights of health care workers to conscientious objection.
CMA Member Sues HHS Over Fertility Awareness Health Coverage
The Catholic Medical Association, a member organization of CHCLA, applauds the move by CMA member Dr. Cami Jo Tice-Harouff, to sue the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services after it removed Fertility-Awareness-Based-Methods from federal health coverage.
In November of 2021, CMA issued public comments about fertility-based methods, recommending that instruction in fertility awareness-based methods continue to be provided for women desiring an alternative method in tracking fertility.
“It is ironic that the current federal administration, which heralds the values of reproductive choice as well as care of the environment, is denying women this choice of family planning," said Dr. Marie Hilliard, Co-Chair of CMA’s Ethics Committee."
Fertility-Awareness-Based Methods FABM can be used to effectively avoid or achieve pregnancy, and they avoid the ill side effects of other forms of birth control.
The Catholic Benefits Association Provides Resources About HHS Religious Liberty Threat
The Catholic Benefits Association has put together a resource page to with information about regulations that are set to come out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that threaten conscience and religious freedom.
Membership Benefits
- Providing mutual support and being a part of an active community of like-minded individuals who share a common goal of protecting and advancing Catholic Health Care, and of protecting conscience rights and religious freedom in Catholic Health Care.
- Being a recognized leader in advancing Catholic Health Care through the initiatives of the CHCLA.
- Being a part of a larger voice for Catholic Health Care, a voice that represents all Catholic health care providers, through legislative and policy efforts at the highest levels of federal, state, and local government through national advocacy.
- Having an active leadership role and voice in the strategy of Catholic Health Care in the United States and abroad, and the trajectory of the CHCLA.
- Having access to a broad network of professionals in various areas related to health care, including medicine, law, business, academia, insurance, advocacy, and various experts on specific health care topics.
- Having access to educational material, papers, reports and academic insights on Catholic health care, ministry, Catholic identity and the health care delivery system, through courses, podcasts, publications, and both live and remote events.
- Having access to advocacy and legislative initiatives, and receiving updates on legislation, pending and anticipated lawsuits, and the impact on Catholic Health Care.
- Having access to regular newsletters updating on the initiatives of CHCLA and cutting-edge information on issues impacting Catholic health care.
- Having access to regular conference calls and video meetings regarding CHCLA initiatives and issues of importance to CHCLA members.
- Spiritual and moral formation and guidance on ministry renewal and evangelization
Membership Types
Allied Members:
Individual Catholic Health Care Professional ($25.00 annually)
For Individual Catholic Health Care Professionals who are practicing Catholics and are actively practicing in the field of health care, such as physicians, nurses, or other allied health care professionals..
Individual Catholic Health Care Administrator ($25.00 annually)
For Individual Catholic Health Care Administrators who are practicing Catholics and are involved in administration at any health care facility or system.
Retired Individual Catholic Health Care Professional or Administrator ($10.00 annually)
For Retired Individual Catholic Health Care Professionals or Administrators who are practicing Catholics and are no longer practicing in the field of health care. It may include retired physicians, nurses, allied health care professionals, or administrators.
Individual Catholic Health Care Student ($10.00 annually)
For Individual Catholic Health Care Students in a pre-medical program, medical school, or residency program who are practicing Catholics.
Catholic Health Care Practice Group ($100.00 annually)
For Catholic Health Care Practice Groups of 2 to 20 employees whose practice is in compliance with the Ethical and Religious Directives and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Catholic Health Care Organization (Contact us for additional information)
For Catholic Health Care Organizations including any individual hospital, clinic, laboratory, research group, nursing home, or other health care related entity, who agrees to comply with the Ethical and Religious Directives and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Catholic Health Care Systems (Contact us for additional information)
For Catholic Health Care Systems including any organization comprised of multiple health care facilities who collectively agree to comply with the Ethical and Religious Directives and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Affiliate Members:
Non-Profit Organizations (Contact us for additional information)
For Non-Profit Organizations that are supportive of the mission of CHCLA and desire to partner with the work of CHCLA.
Catholic Medical Association
91st Annual Educational Conference: Searching for the Truth: Medicine, Morality, and the Media
September 8-10, 2022 in Denver, Colorado
Catholic Bar Association
2022 CBA Annual Conference and General Assembly
The 2022 Conference will be October 13-15, 2022 in Dallas, Texas
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