Diocese of Southeast Florida
Resource Page

Revisions to this page will be updated weekly
Updates will be in bright blue.
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Please view this at https://www.diosef.org/
"On Being Faithful"- Vestry Papers -Guide from the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida Spanish , French
SEASON 2 REOPENING PLANNING GUIDE- an easy to fill in questionnaire to create your reopening plan quickly.

Links for needed COVID 19 re-opening supplies- Outreach , GFS, Opentip.com, Office Depot, Amazon, Powerpak

Links for Facemasks- www.tmiami.com

Long Term Approach to Regathering - Imagining the move from“Stay-at-Home” to In-person Gathering at church.

Schools and Child Care Programs -Plan, Prepare, and Respond -Guidelines and checklists for reopening schools and childcare programs.

Reopening Guidance-an easy questionnaire to make your reopening plan- Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools -Reopening requires us to move forward together by practicing social distancing and other  daily habits  to reduce risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19.

Canceling Summer Programs -How to make tough decisions about summer programs. Whether we are canceling, moving forward, postponing, scaling back, or moving online – be intentional not reactive.

Legal resources -Newsletters and articles

Links to resources on Responding to Racist Violence - The Episcopal Church’s Department of Reconciliation, Justice and Creation Care and the Office of Government Relations have assembled resources to assist individuals, congregations and communities seeking to LEARN, PRAY and ACT. Please use and share these resources, and send your own resources and stories to  reconciliation@episcopalchurch.org .  

Sacred Ground Dialogue Series  curriculum and the thinking behind it, by way of extending a heartfelt invitation for you to either organize or join a dialogue circle in your community to participate in transformational conversation about race. The series is part of the Becoming Beloved Community initiative of The Episcopal Church, a long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society.
Webinar Resources
Ways to learn online

VTS webinars-Click to access important and informative webinars from Virginia Theological Society

Zoom How To -Click to access webinars on how to use Zoom video conferencing.

Innovation in the Moment: Connecting Communities Together Today - Tuesday, June 24 3:00pm, Register now.
The CEEP Network presents webinars on various subjects underlining the impact this pandemic is having in our faith tradition and being the church during this challenging time.

ERD webinars - Click to access all of the informative Episcopal Relief and Development webinars .
Administrative Resources
Ways to maintain business practices 

Small Business Administration Loans- Disaster loans can provide vital economic assistance to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue
Click for Payroll Protection Program -Application
PPP Loan Forgiveness Most Recent Update-From 8 weeks to 24 weeks

Manual of Business Methods - This Manual identifies requirements and seeks to provide helpful advice on sound, practical internal controls, accounting guidelines and business practices.

Church Pension Group -Click for news about clergy pension assessments and many other helpful resources

Harvard Business Review - Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.

Episcopal Church Foundation - Helps congregations, dioceses and more engage in visioning and planning, develop leadership and raise and manage resources for ministry.
Epidemic Preparedness Planning Guidelines - Church and diocesan leaders should consider these areas while making preparedness plans.

Alban at Duke Divinity School- helps leaders connect and learn from one another by sharing practical wisdom, stories of thriving congregations and transformational models of ministry.

Prepare Your Parish -This step by step guide can be used to prepare your parish for public health emergencies

Getting Out Ahead of COVID-19: Mapping Neighborhood Vulnerability and At-Risk Populations

Ways to keep your congregation informed
The Episcopal Church -Provides us all with the role of churches, Dioceses and compassionate Christians
The Diocese of Southeast Florida-Check for the latest news and updates from the Diocese
Any financial questions please email Cris Valdes at cris@diosef.org
Congregational Development & Vitality -Keep up to date with new resources
Any questions please email cddiosef@gmail.com
Episcopal Relief & Development - Visit for resources and training to help prepare for disasters, they provide emergency support to aid with a full and sustained recovery.

CDC -Center for Disease Control -Provide many resources to k eep up to date with the latest guidelines, precautions and areas of greatest concern.
Florida Dept of Health - Issuing updates daily to keep you safe, has a toolkit of posters for download

National Domestic Violence Hotline  1-800-799-7233
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Helpline  1-800-662-4357
AA Meeting Locator  1-844-334-6862
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255
Other Crisis Resources Please  Dial 211
For life threatening emergencies,  please dial 911.  
Pastoral Care
Ways to aid 

Caring for your mental Health despite the Coronavirus- Ways to keep you and your family feeling mentally balanced and safe in your household during an uncertain time.

National Domestic Violence Hotline Resource  -L ists of resources for victims and survivors, as well
as the facts about domestic violence in the United States.- Spanish Available

CDC Guidance for older adults-Evidence-based, scientific information to educate, inform, and assist in translating research into public health practice.- Spanish Available
Nat. Council on Aging’s Resources for older adults and caregivers - Resources and links for every need for older adults

Dial-a-Priest - A group of veteran priests who are willing to answer the call when needed. A great resource for use at local hospitals - Spanish Available
Mental Health Class - Coping with Stress & Anxiety (Coronavirus)
Parish Life Resources
Ways to share Devotions

How to do church online - Learn best practices for streaming church online with this LIVE Webinar featuring digital and online pastors from around the US.

Presiding Bishop Curry’s Weekly Habits of Grace -The weekly words of The Presiding Bishop Michael Curry reminds us to love God, love our neighbors and to love ourselves.
Bishop Peter Eaton’s Daily Devotions -click here to sign up for the Grapevine and receive Bishop Eaton’s Daily Devotions

PRAYING IN COLOR   - Do you want to pray but words escape you? Or perhaps sitting still and staying focused in prayer are a challenge. Perhaps you need a new way to pray! Praying in Color is a visual concrete way to pray. 

TUCKED IN: BEDTIME STORIES & PRAYERS WITH EPISCOPALIANS AND OTHERS  - Each Wednesday evening, and occasional Mondays, different storytellers read Bible stories and short bedtime prayers through Facebook Live. The stories are recorded and available for viewing at any time.  

Caffeinated Church -Monthly Parish Collaboration Meetings and resources on staying connected and communicating with your parish.

Ministry Architects helps churches build healthy systems that create space for deliberate, often disruptive, innovation. Offers many free resources.

Formation Resources
Ways to keep your congregation engaged and connected
ChurchNext - Explore hundreds of online courses that can invigorate your life and your congregation's, with individual and group classes. Congregational Development offers a library of classes- CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO or sign up for just $10

Forward Movement-  Provides daily meditations based on Bible scripture readings appointed by the lectionary and Daily Office, daily meditation is available online   and  by podcast . - Spanish Available
Bible studies  that address fear, something many people around the world are feeling right now. Read these studies together and discuss over phone calls, email, online meeting platforms or on social media.- Spanish Available
Eformation - a learning community dedicated to finding ways to bring the work of formation, discipleship, and community organizing that churches already do, online.

Church Publishing - offering many ways to worship while our congregations are at home, Prepare for Sunday -easy online lectionary readings, and more - Spanish Available

RENEWALWORKS-DISCIPLESHIP MATTERS -Building cultures of discipleship in the Episcopal Church.

Living compass- Rev. Dr. Scott Stoner’s Weekly Words of Wellness columns cover a new topic each week providing insight and wisdom for our everyday lives.
Stewardship Resources
Ways to improve tithing

  Sign on: 1PETER  Password: FOUR:10

TENS is an association of church leaders who understand, practice, and proclaim God’s call to generosity. They provide parishes with an unlimited amount of resources, letters, Bible readings & more.

Tithely Online Giving - Tithely  is a way for your parish to give to your church in a meaningful, simple, and fast way.  Tithely  is free to set up and use and offers a variety of digital giving tools for your church.
Vanco Online Giving Vanco is another online giving option helping schools, churches and nonprofits thrive. We provide technology that helps you stay connected to your community- Spanish Available

PayPal- Makes it easier for people to donate on your website in just a few taps or clicks by adding a standard or customized Donate button. With easy, DIY integration, you can be up and running in 15 minutes–no programming skills required.

Giving365 -sign up for a free account and get a folder labeled “Leading through the Coronavirus outbreak and social distancing” filled with helpful resources.
Outreach Resources
Ways to reach out to your community
National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster website-provides resources to mitigate and alleviate the impact of disasters, provides a forum promoting cooperation, communication, coordination and collaboration; and fosters more effective delivery of services to communities affected by disaster.
Episcopal Charities of Southeast Florida- Works together with parishes, nonprofit partners and the Diocese of Southeast Florida, to help parishioners reduce human suffering by funding programs for youth, their families, the elderly and the homeless.

Liturgy Resources
Ways to guide and prepare for liturgy
VTS- a practical hub for faith leaders to rely on for digital ministries. Provides
timely, trusted guidance and tools for leaders to use as we experience these
changes together.

Bishop Eaton Sunday Service -Link to the Diocesan Facebook page
The National Cathedral -Live streaming Sunday Service-Link to the Cathedral online service.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Word: On Our Theology of Worship - In the context of coronavirus pandemic, refraining from physically gathering together to hear God’s holy word and receiving the sacrament of holy communion is itself an act of love for God and our neighbor .
The Episcopal Church,  Concerning COVID19 -The Episcopal Church’s response to Covid 19
Prayers and Liturgies-Prayers to use and share via social media

Prayers for use during the Coronavirus - A list of prayers to use during worship or other activities
Clergy Resources
Ways to handle grief, stress & anxiety

National Alliance on Mental Health -Information and resources for clergy mental health
How To Cope With Stressors -A power point with helpful hints on helping others and yourself cope with COVID -19 stress

Vicarious Trauma - Warning signs for vicarious trauma, sometimes also called compassion fatigue, the phenomenon generally associated with the “cost of caring” for others.

CDC Guidelines for Responders - Guidelines and steps responders can take to ensure they are able to do their job and cope with challenging situations.
Youth and Children Resources
Ways to keep the youth engaged

Ministry to Youth - Newly designed courses that can help children deal with COVID 19

Department of Children and Family - The Department of Children and Families, Economic Self Sufficiency Program has several programs that can help Florida families. They include, Food Assistance , Temporary Cash Assistance , Medicaid and Refugee Assistance .
Connection Resources
Ways to keep your congregation connected
FaceBook-Click to join FaceBook
Instagram-Click to join Instagram
Webs.com-Click to create a free, easy to use website
Constant Contact Email Servic e -Easy, low cost way to create emails for your group, post to FaceBook and create a website
MailChimp - An all in one email and business marketing platform, a low cost way to create and send group emails
Zoom Online Conferencing - Enable quick adoption with meeting capabilities that make it easy to start, join, and collaborate across any device.
Free Conference Calls - Collaborate wherever you are in a private, on-demand free online meeting room with free video conferencing, free screen sharing and free dial-in integration.
Virtual Ministry Opportunities - Online Technology Resources
The office of
is always here if you need anything.