August 2022| Center for Human Health and the Environment
Upcoming Events
Aug 5: CHHE Behavior & Neuroscience RIG Meeting: Dr. Karen Litwa, Detoxifying a Toxic Environment: Investigating Sulforaphane-Mediated Prevention of Pollutant-Induced Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities” 12:15pm
Aug 12: Find out Fridays: Emily Griffith, "Statistical Consulting and Collaboration through CHHE" 12:00pm
Sept 15: Pilot project applications due
Sept 15: Community grant applications due
Sept 16: State of Center and mini-symposium at Arboretum

Add the CHHE Google Calendar to your calendar to make sure you never miss an event or opportunity!
RFA for Pilot Project Proposals $25K & $50K Fall 2022
NC State/NIEHS Center for Human Health and the Environment (CHHE) is announcing its request for applications (RFA) for pilot project proposals for fall of 2022.  Applications are due on September 15, 2022 at 5:00 pm. EDT.

Individual awards will range upwards to $25,000 (direct cost) for one year and CHHE expects to fund up to five proposals. CHHE will also award up to two $50,000 proposals (direct costs) for dual-investigator, multi-disciplinary collaborative research which requires additional funding and separate budgets. CHHE full members can now use the STC Voucher Program Funds for STC services that are part of a CHHE PPP.  

The CHHE Pilot Project Program (PPP) fosters collaborations, increases interdisciplinary research and aids in the career development of early career investigators to advance environmental health research. The overarching goal of CHHE’s PPP is to provide support for research aimed at understanding the adverse impacts of environmental factors on human health and disease. The CHHE PPP encourages multidisciplinary/collaborative approaches and the use of CHHE’s cores and resources. The PPP has added a new program that supports community engaged projects. More details about the objectives of the PPP and RFA instructions can be found at
Find Out Fridays

"Find Out Fridays" is a CHHE zoom event held at noon on Fridays of each monthThe purpose of these sessions is to provide CHHE members and their groups with an overview of 1) a CHHE service/benefit or 2) a topic of general interest to the CHHE membership. 

There are many avenues for obtaining statistical support at NC State and through CHHE. Emily Griffith's presentation titled "Statistical Consulting and Collaboration through CHHE" will cover the types of support available and how to obtain it, including upcoming plans through the Data Science Academy and the NC State Libraries. Please join us August 12 at noon.

EHS Core Centers annual meeting

The annual meeting of all EHS Core Centers was held July 13-15 in New York City. A keynote address was given by former NIEHS director Ken Olden, and current NIEHS director Rick Woychik shared his vision for the future of EHS research. Sessions included talks on disaster response research, climate change and health, and career development for early stage investigators. Jane Hoppin, Katy May, Jen Richmond-Bryant, Karen Litwa, and David Aylor represented the CHHE.
Many congratulations to Heather Patisaul! Dr. Patisaul was recently awarded the Society of Toxicology's Stephen B. Harris Mid-Career Scientist Award by the Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology specialty section. In addition, she is the newly elected chair of both the NIEHS Board of Scientific Counselors (which evaluates intramural research) and the NC State Research Leadership Academy. Article

Congratulations to center members Cathrine Hoyo, Randy Jirtle, Dereje Jima, David Skaar, Michael Cowley, and Fred Wright for a newly published article that catalogs all known human imprint control regions. This "imprintome" could play an essential role in the link between environmental exposures and human health. You can read the article in the journal Epigenetics.
New Members
Ryan Paerl ( Full Member )
Ryan Paerl is a native of North Carolina and grew up along the coast in the old maritime harbor town of Beaufort. His expertise is in Ocean Science (PhD UC Santa Cruz) but his lab addresses questions related to inland waters as well as estuaries. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the University of Copenhagen Marine Station in Helsingør prior to becoming faculty at NC State. Ryan's lab's research focuses on aquatic microbial ecology and the impacts of these microbes on ecosystem health and biogeochemistry. Cyanobacterial ecology, physiology, and ecosystem impacts are of particular interest with respect to environmental and human health.
Research Interest Group Updates

Behavior and Neuroscience Interest Group
Leader: Emilie Rissman

The Behavior and Neuroscience CHHE RIG plus other interested neuroscientist will meet for lunch and presentation from Dr. Karen Litwa (ECU). Please bring your lab and interested parties.

The title of the presentation is: "Detoxifying a Toxic Environment: Investigating Sulforaphane-Mediated Prevention of Pollutant-Induced Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities” We will meet in room 2102 just across the hall from the auditorium. The talk will begin at 12:15.

Environmental Justice Research Interest
Leader: Jen Richmond-Bryant

Are you curious about Environmental Justice Research? Want to learn more?

The CHHE's Environmental Justice RIG is gearing up for the coming academic year,
and we would like your feedback and involvement! Please join us on Tuesday, August
16 at 1 pm on Zoom to discuss plans for a speaker series, grant writing ideas, and other activities as we launch this new RIG.

Have you seen someone give a really great talk related to EJ? Are there community-
based organizations you'd like to learn from? Let us know whose work and
experiences you'd like to learn more about by filling out this form. We will be able
to provide an honorarium, especially for non-academic experts.
Employment Opportunities

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!
The CHHE Website posts job openings in the environmental health sciences field. Send us your postings for new jobs, email Michico (MJ) James. It's a great place for students and post-docs to see new available positions.

Career Development: Want some help with your grant?

All investigators, especially Early Stage Investigators, are encouraged to work with the Career Development Core to develop and refine their grants. Email [email protected] to set up a chalk talk to help organize ideas for your next proposal.

Please remember to cite and acknowledge NIH award support and the CHHE’s P30 grant in future publications and presentations by including this –
“Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30ES025128. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”

Publications citing the Center grant in the acknowledgements of a manuscript and in the deposit of the manuscript in NIHMS are the currency for the P30 renewal!

CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants is available on the CHHE website.
PINS: Remember when submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as a center in PINS. Link to Additional Resources
CHHE Cited Publications
Click here to check them out!