Dear Friends,
2021 has been a year like no other. Our mission, to raise up vulnerable children in a loving environment, is more important than ever before. During another year filled with uncertainty, God remains faithful. His hand of protection has been upon this ministry and His miraculous provisions in our work. God’s faithfulness through you - reaching out with love, prayers and financial support – has provided hope for children and families in need. The pandemic may be straining your economic security, but you refuse to turn away from those Jesus asks us to love. As such, Juna Amagara Ministries continues to offer hope and stability to the children we serve with our partner in Uganda, Hope Partners Africa.
The pandemic continues to make a significant economic impact on people in Uganda. The most significant is the loss or reduction in income sources due to job loss and inflation. It is projected that East Africa will remain in a crisis food security situation for many months. This is being driven by below-average agriculture production, below-average rainfall, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
But, by God's good grace, you have stood in the gap and provided hope to hopeless situations – access to life’s most basic need – food. In fact, your gifts have provided food for families or guardians of our sponsored children.