Restaurant Auction Company
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This auction features new S&D equipment, a variety of used restaurant equipment including refrigeration, cooking equipment, furnishings and smallwares. 

Preview: June 15th
Closes: June 16th
Pickup: June 18th

Our warehouse is burtsting with equipment! We will have a 2nd Consignment auction this month. We will also feature a large selection of Rubbermaid Commercial closeouts! A complete list will be posted soon 

Auction Details
Opens: June 16th
Preview: June 25th
Closes: June 26th
June 12, 2015


Now Open for Bidding

This neighborhood bar & restaurant just closed its doors. 
This auction will run for 1 week only.

Items include Hoshizaki ice machine, Frymaster fryers, 7'x7' walk-in cooler, True refrigeration, refrigerated wine dispensers, True back bar unit, 3' grill, 3-bowl sink, tables, chairs and booths, glycol draft beer system, POS system, smallwares and more!


Auction Details

Wednesday June 17, 2015
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday, June 19 2015 at 11:00 AM

Item pick-u p
Monday, June 22, 2015
 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

CHOW284 B ar & Restaurant
284 E S treet Road
Feasterville, PA  19053
Restaurant Auction Company | 717-712-8789 | |
22 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101