Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!

The Fall Festival is this Saturday!

This is a big weekend for the Pumpkin Patch! Our Fall Festival is this Saturday, October 12 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, and we need as much help as we can get to ensure that this event is a success. Thank you to those who have already signed up to help out so far. It is not too late to fill out our volunteer survey below to let us know how you can help. Or contact Tyler or anyone on the CFL committee if you would like to volunteer with us this weekend.

If you plan on bringing baked goods for the Bake Sale, please pre-package them and bring them by the Pavilion between 9 and 10 am on Saturday. Also, if are are volunteering during this event, please park behind the Century 21 building and walk over to the church. Finally, be sure to spread the word by inviting others to join us for all the fun there is to be had during our Fall Festival. One specific way you can do that is by sharing the Facebook event below with friends and family. See you this Saturday in the patch!

Share the Facebook Event
Fill out the Volunteer Survey

This Sunday in Worship: October 13, 2024

Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday's Scripture:

Mark 10:17-31, NRSV

Hebrews 4:12-16, NRSV

Sermon Title:

"Called For Good"

Wish to worship with us again or during the week? Click below to view last week's worship service.

Click Here

Just as we are called to give of our time, tithes, and talents to the ministry of Christ's church, we are also called to build relationships with one another. One ministry that has been important to me has been our small group ministry. I've been fortunate to be involved in a few small groups. It's a great way to get to know others and to support one another in various mission projects. One specific project that meant a great deal to me was volunteering to build a school playground. Others noticed how we showed up to help and were curious about where we went to church. I was very proud to tell them we attended Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church.

Whether it is Bible study, sharing a meal, or volunteering in some way, these small groups are a meaningful way to participate in the life of the church. Discipleship opportunities like this help to bring us together and make us family. Thank you for the ways you have helped to make ministries like this happen at CHPC that build relationships. Throughout this stewardship season, please prayerfully consider how you have been "Called" by God, not just to faithfully support our church family, but to help build relationships that bring people together to worship, glorify, and give back to the Lord, who has blessed us greatly. May God use our gifts to bring people together in love and help us to serve those in need.

In Christ,

- Gina Ford

Please remember that Stewardship Packets are available in the narthex as we consider how God has "Called" our church family to collectively minister in Christ's name. Stewardship Sunday will be October 26. Pledge cards may be returned at any time to Sarah Johnson in the office. Thank you for prayerfully discerning how God is calling us to help serve in this upcoming year!

Terrific Turnout for Our Blood Drive

Thank you so much for ensuring that this past Sunday afternoon's Blood Drive with Marsh Regional Blood Center was such a success! We had a total of 28 people - church members as well as community members - come and give blood. The representatives from Marsh shared with us that each donation will help 3 patients apiece, totaling in 84 lives benefitting from this Sunday's collection. Special thanks again to all who were able to participate and our Missions committee for organizing this opportunity to give!

Responding to Hurricane Helene

As our greater community continues to respond to the disaster left in the wake of Hurricane Helene, our connectional church is already hard at work caring for those in need and discerning the best ways we can make an impact in these needed recovery efforts. We are grateful for our how the Presbyterian Church (USA) and Holston Presbytery are faithfully and creatively responding in beneficial ways and we look forward to partnering with them as opportunities are announced. A few immediate ways you might consider initially responding now to those in need would be to: Pray. Share. Volunteer. and Give. Below are a few links to some of the ministries we have partnered with that could continue to use our help. In addition, our missional partner SMILE Foster Closet is specifically asking for baby formula donations to feed the littlest members of our greater community. The brand does not matter, and donations may be left in the narthex and will be delivered at a later date.

Presbyterian Disaster Relief
Holston Presbytery
Black Mountain Presbyterian 

We worship a God of resurrection, who can bring back life out of destruction, healing out of disaster, and hope out of despair. Thank you for your prayers, your attention to our neighbor’s needs, and your willingness to be a helper. Your generous support is a gift of God’s grace and love to our sisters and brothers in this time of need, and we are most grateful for the compassionate ways our church family will collectively live out our shared faith in the days to come. 

Fun in the Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch continues to be a source of fun and warmth this week! We have been making connections with our community and turning visitors into friends. This past week, we were especially grateful to welcome this furry friend into the patch to come and help us sell pumpkins! Our guests were thrilled to meet this pup while they perused the pumpkins.

This is just one small example of how our Patch is a blessing all around, to our church as well as our community! As of this Wednesday, we have already sold over $4,500 in Pumpkins. We still have plenty of pumpkins left to sell--and plenty of empty slots in the Patch! See the sign up sheet in the Narthex or contact Tyler to volunteer.

See More Fun Photos
Sign Up To Serve

Support the Blessing Box

As we welcome new guests into the Pumpkin Patch, let us not forget those visitors who stop out front of our church for the Blessing Box. The front of our church building gets much busier in October and the Box could use more supplies for our neighbors in need! Please donate items from this suggested donation list. You can leave donations in the basket in the Narthex. Thank you so much for all you do to care for those in need!

Save the Date for November's Youth Retreat

We are a month away from the Holston Presbytery Youth Retreat! Registration is $65 per student for housing and food for the weekend. All participants will receive a nice, reusable water bottle. This year, Holston Presbytery decided to welcome any student between 5th-12th grade! The plan is to leave from the church Friday, Nov. 8th at 5 pm. Pickup back at the church will be Sunday, Nov. 10th around noon. Please contact Tyler if you have any further questions or to sign up!

Congregational News

Sunday School Classes resume this Sunday after worship at 11:15 am. The Disciples Class meets in room 218 to discuss a lesson from the Wired Word, and the Remnant Class meets in room 221 to discuss the scripture from that morning’s service. Contact David to learn more about either class or to get involved in other Christian Discipleship opportunities.

The Children's Choir will sing in worship this Sunday, October 13. Parents - please bring your kiddos to the sanctuary by 9:15 to practice. Contact either Emily Broadhead or Carolyn Barry with any questions.

A Congregational Meeting has been called by the Session on Sunday, October 20 to: 1) to approve a slate of five Elders for the class of 2027, 2) to approve a slate of two Trustees for the Class of 2027, and 3) to approve a slate of three members to serve on the 2025 Officer Nominating Committee.

The Youth Group will be spending every Sunday evening of October out in the Pumpkin Patch! We'll be hanging out from 5-7, having a bible study, enjoying autumnal activities, sharing a meal, and of course--selling pumpkins! Click here to sign up to provide a meal for our youth or if you would simply like to contribute to cover meal, please contact Tyler.

Trunk or Treat will be here before we know it. Please plan to come and decorate your trunk on Saturday October 26 from 5-6pm. We have also begun collecting Halloween candy for this event. Baskets are labeled and in the Narthex on Sunday mornings. Please let Tyler Paulsen or Brenda Hutchins know if you would like to decorate a trunk to share treats with the over 400 visitors who stop by each year.

The Shoebox Ministry is in full swing! If you are interested in sponsoring a shoebox for a child in need, please signup with Brenda or Jonathan Hutchins. Boxes are due by Sunday, October 27 and may be left in the parlor. 

All Saints’ Sunday will be celebrated on November 3 to remember members of our congregation and/or immediate family members who have passed away during the previous year. If you have someone that has passed away since November 1, 2023, please email or call the church office with your loved one’s name by Wednesday, October 30.

The Midweek Bible Study continues each Wednesday from 3-4:00 pm in the Parlor. All are welcome to enjoy this lively discussion about the upcoming lectionary readings used on Sunday mornings. Contact Lisa Pecorini if you would like to participate or know more!

CHPC hosts a special prayer gathering each Wednesday evening in the church parlor at 6:30 pm. This weekly experience meets for a 30 minute intentional time of communal prayer and contemplation. All are welcome to come by and drop in as we turn to the Lord and listen for the movement of God’s Holy Spirit.

Last call to sign up for CHPC's New Phone Tree System! This ministry resource helps to keep the body of Christ connected in praying for various concerns within the church. This new system is able to accommodate a preference between receiving a phone call, email, or text message. A test of the text system will be completed today for all those who have enrolled. Please let Mary know if you desire to be added to the prayer list, or if you have a preference on a specific communication style.

All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.

Prayer Requests 

Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Boyd Holder, Bethany Thompson, Family of Kirk Cole, Family of Angela Kelly (Bill Kelly's Wife), Family of Evelyn Hill, Joy Weber (Marissa Paulsen's grandmother), Bonnie Cole, Julius Maikis, Dixie Keith, Charles Gibson, Linda and Dwight Young, Richard Crawford, Donna Whitson, Family of Shirley Hurst, Family of Anne Hertel

Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities

Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,

Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett

213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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