Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 

values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 

you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers, and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!

This Year's Fall Festival Was A Blast!!

Last weekend's Fall Festival was an absolutely fantastic time! Thank you so much to the over 300 people who were able to make it out on Saturday to enjoy this wonderful time of fellowship, food, and fun. An extra big thanks to all of our volunteers--without you this community event would not have been possible! It's opportunities like the Fall Festival that remind us that hospitality in the name of Christ is an enriching blessing to all, our neighbors and ourselves!

Click Here To See The Facebook Album

Now that the Fall Festival is behind us, we are looking forward to our next event in the Pumpkin Patch at the end of the month! Trunk or Treat is a week from this Saturday, on October 26 from 5-6 pm. Please plan to come in your favorite Halloween outfit, decorate your trunk, and welcome our visitors by passing out candy! Any donations of Halloween candy are much appreciated and may be placed in the baskets in the Narthex. Please let Tyler Paulsen know if you have any questions or plan on decorating a trunk to share treats with the over 400 visitors who stop by each year!

This Sunday in Worship: October 20, 2024

Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday's Scripture:

Hebrews 5:10, NRSV

Mark 10:35-45, NRSV

Sermon Title:

"Called to Serve"

Wish to worship with us again or during the week? Click below to view last week's worship service.

Click Here

Congregational Meeting Reminder

The Session has called a congregational meeting after worship to:

  1. Approve a slate of five Elders for the Class of 2027
  2. Approve a slate of two Trustees for the Class of 2027
  3. Approve a slate of three members to serve on the 2025 Officer Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee is excited to present the slate of leaders below that can help our church family throughout the future. Please thank this group for their hard work and begin praying for these individuals as they prepare to step into congregational leadership. 


Karen Bennett, Mark Bland, John Fillippone,

Jason Fletcher, and Emily Hutchins


Jim Dale and Cari Parker


Jonathan Hutchins, Elaine Lawson, and Joanie Zimmerman

A Moment for Stewardship

There’s an old joke that says if it had been three wise women instead of three wise men that showed up on Christmas, they would have knitted baby clothes, cleaned the stable, and made a casserole. But the wise men took it in another direction, and brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. It just goes to show that we may each be called by God to respond to the needs of the world in different ways. 

We’ve both been called to work with you all here at Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church. From helping to build beds, knitting pumpkins, sitting on committees, helping with children, playing instruments and singing music, there are a lot of ways to serve! Some people are called to cook, build, clean, teach, decorate, visit, or greet others on Sunday mornings. 

We’re both grateful to be part of a church that provides a place to experience the love of God, and that helps our community, nation, and world. What each of us is called to do may change from year to year, so please take time to consider what God is calling you to do in this season of your life as we approach Stewardship Sunday on the 27th. Thank you all for offering your time, talents, and treasures as partners in God’s call to Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church.

In Christ, 

- Carolyn Barry and Emily Hutchins

Thank you for faithfully discerning how God has "Called" you to participate in this year's annual stewardship season. Individual packets have been mailed this week but additional packets are still available in the narthex. Please plan on filling out these packets and returning them on Stewardship Sunday, which will be October 27. If you have any financial questions, please contact Sarah Johnson at Thank you for prayerfully considering how God is calling us to help serve in this upcoming year!

Fun in the Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch continues to be a source of fun and warmth this week! We have been making connections with our community and turning visitors into friends. This week, the CHPC Youth Group had a marvelous time in the patch on Sunday evening. We had bible study, sold some pumpkins, and we even added a few scarecrow friends to hang out in the Patch! Please stop by the Patch and participate in our Youth Group's friendly competition by voting on your favorite scarecrow!

This is just one small example of how our Patch is a blessing all around, to our church as well as our community! As of this Wednesday, we have already sold over $8,000 in Pumpkins. We have accomplished so much this month, with plenty of pumpkins left to sell--and plenty of empty slots in the Patch! See the sign up sheet in the Narthex or contact Tyler to volunteer.

Click Here to Sign Up To Help in the Patch

As a reminder, the Youth Group will be spending the remaining two Sunday evenings of this month out in the Pumpkin Patch! We'll be hanging out from 5-7, having a bible study, enjoying autumnal activities, sharing a meal, and of course--selling pumpkins! Click here to sign up to provide a meal for our youth or if you would simply like to contribute to cover meal, please contact Tyler.

Save the Date for November's Youth Retreat

We are a month away from the Holston Presbytery Youth Retreat! Registration is $65 per student for housing and food for the weekend. All participants will receive a nice, reusable water bottle. This year, Holston Presbytery decided to welcome any student between 5th-12th grade! The plan is to leave from the church Friday, Nov. 8th at 5 pm. Pickup back at the church will be Sunday, Nov. 10th around noon. Please contact Tyler if you have any further questions or to sign up!

Responding to Hurricane Helene

As our greater community continues to respond to the disaster left in the wake of Hurricane Helene, our connectional church is already hard at work caring for those in need and discerning the best ways we can make an impact in these needed recovery efforts. We worship a God of resurrection, who can bring back life out of destruction, healing out of disaster, and hope out of despair. Your generous support is a gift of God’s grace and love to our sisters and brothers in this time of need, and we are most grateful for the compassionate ways our church family will collectively live out our shared faith in the days to come.

Presbyterian Disaster Relief
Holston Presbytery
Black Mountain Presbyterian 

Volunteering at the Bristol Motor Speedway


One specific need that has come to the church's attention is assisting with sorting resources at the Bristol Motor Speedway. You may sign up online here to volunteer but walk in helpers are welcome at any time. Please bring gloves, a sharpie and box cutters. Additionally, more opportunities are available via the United Way's volunteer site here.

Thank you for your prayers, your attention to our neighbor’s needs, and your willingness to be a helper in Christ's name!

Congregational News

Sunday School Classes continue this Sunday after worship at 11:15 am. The Disciples Class meets in room 218 to discuss a lesson from the Wired Word, and the Remnant Class meets in room 221 to discuss the scripture from that morning’s service. Contact David to learn more about either class or to get involved in other Christian Discipleship opportunities.

The Children's Choir practices after worship in the Choir Room this Sunday morning in preparation to sing again on November 10. All children ages 3-11 are welcome to come, sing, and play! Parents - please contact either Emily Broadhead or Carolyn Barry with any questions.

The Shoebox Ministry is in full swing! If you are interested in sponsoring a shoebox for a child in need, please contact the church office. Boxes are due by Sunday, October 27 and may be left in the parlor. 

All Saints’ Sunday will be celebrated on November 3 to remember members of our congregation and/or immediate family members who have passed away during the previous year. If you have someone that has passed away since November 1, 2023, please email or call the church office with your loved one’s name by Wednesday, October 30.

Save the Date for our Thanksgiving Supper and Bible Study event! On November 17th we will meet in the gym to finish our study on the Sermon on the Mount. And we will have a Thanksgiving themed pot luck at 5 pm. So bring your bible and your favorite Thanksgiving dish!

The Midweek Bible Study continues each Wednesday from 3-4:00 pm in the Parlor. All are welcome to enjoy this lively discussion about the upcoming lectionary readings used on Sunday mornings. Contact Lisa Pecorini if you would like to participate or know more!

CHPC hosts a special prayer gathering each Wednesday evening in the church parlor at 6:30 pm. This weekly experience meets for a 30 minute intentional time of communal prayer and contemplation. All are welcome to come by and drop in as we turn to the Lord and listen for the movement of God’s Holy Spirit.

All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.

Prayer Requests 

Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Boyd Holder, Bethany Thompson, Family of Kirk Cole, Family of Angela Kelly (Bill Kelly's Wife), Family of Evelyn Hill, Bonnie Cole, Julius Maikis, Dixie Keith, Charles Gibson, Linda and Dwight Young, Richard Crawford, Donna Whitson, Family of Shirley Hurst, Family of Anne Hertel, Denise and Al Doty, Jonathan and Brenda Hutchins, Family of Joy Weber (Marissa Paulsen's grandmother)

Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities

Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,

Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett

213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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