Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 

values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 

you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers, and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!

Don't Forget About Saturday's Trunk or Treat

CHPC's Trunk or Treat is this Saturday, October 26 from 5-6 pm! Please plan to come in your favorite Halloween outfit, decorate your trunk, and welcome our visitors by passing out candy! This ministry of hospitality is one of the most well attended events of the year, so we could use as many trunks as we can get! Any donations of Halloween candy are much appreciated and may be placed in the baskets in the Narthex by Saturday at 4:00 pm.

If you plan on hosting a trunk, please arrive no later than 4:30 to park and set up. Please plan on being early so we are ready by the time our guests arrive. And let David Randolph or Gretchen Bentley know if you have any questions or plan on decorating a trunk to share treats with the over 400 visitors who stop by each year. Thank you for your serving in this way!

This Sunday in Worship:

Stewardship Sunday - October 27, 2024

In the last section of Mark 10, Christ hears the cry of Bartimaeus, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Bartimaus was a blind beggar others overlooked, but Jesus took notice of him. No matter the challenges we face in this life, Jesus takes notice of us as well! Like Bartemaus we are to "take heart, get up, for Christ is calling."

On this coming Stewardship Sunday, we turn to God's Word to study together what it means to be called to build, to give, to serve, and to take heart. All are welcome to worship with us at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary or online through our weekly livestream on Youtube. And don't forget to come early and share the Peace of Christ with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30 in the Parlor! Hope to see you this Sunday!

Sunday's Scripture:

Psalm 126:1-6, NRSV

Mark 10:46-52, NRSV


Wish to worship with us again or during the week? Click below to view last week's worship service.

Click Here

A Moment for Stewardship

When I signed up for my second call of duty as an Elder on Session, I got a call from our Pastor about which committee I might be best to serve on. David was pushing Faith Formation pretty hard and I was like “umm… I don’t think so.” As a teacher, coming to church and doing MORE teaching was not what I thought God was calling me to do. I mean I’m more of a choir guy, and I’m not just saying that because I’m married to the Choir Director, but I’ve learned that Faith Formation does much more than just teaching a Sunday School class. Faith Formation is: helping to plan church retreats with sock puppets, overseeing youth group events like Montreat, helping to plan children’s church and pop-up Bible studies.

The thing is, sometimes God calls us in that still, small know the one - late at night, when it’s all quiet in the house. Sometimes God calls us through others - maybe friends, co-workers, and yes, even preachers too. 

So, what about you? Where is it that you fit in within our church family? Each of you answer a call each Sunday morning, whether you realized it or not. You decided to log in to YouTube or come to the sanctuary to worship. And I am so thankful you answered that call and many more:

  • Thank you for playing mandolin and building beds.
  • Thank you for singing and/or playing instruments to help lead worship.
  • Thank you for preparing suppers for youth group, volunteering in the nursery or children’s church, or teaching Sunday School.
  • Thank you for spraying for wasps or putting batteries in a thermostat.
  • Thank you for planning and catering lunches for the church.
  • Thank you for organizing blood drives and flipping pancakes.
  •  Thank you for serving on a committee, leading a prayer group, leading a small group.
  • Thank you for giving of your resources and talents, either in time spent at church or money online or in an offering plate.
  • Thank you for answering the call to preach.
  • Thank you for loving our kids.

So, I wonder… what is it that is nagging at you? In what other ways is God calling you to serve? Please prayerfully consider how you are going to answer that call. Are you going to be like the Jonah from Chapter 1 or the Jonah from Chapter 3? Choose wisely how you answer that call. It might change your life; it sure changed mine. I love you Church. See you Stewardship Sunday!

In Christ, 

- Chris Broadhead

Thank you for prayerfully considering how God has "called" you to participate in this year's stewardship season. Additional stewardship packets are available in the narthex and any pledge cards or time and talent surveys can be returned to the front office. If you have any financial questions, please contact Sarah Johnson at

Thank You For Supporting Cents-Ability!

Fun in the Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch continues to be a source of fun and warmth this week! We have been making connections with our community and turning visitors into friends. This week, the Children's Church class took a tiny field trip out into the Patch last Sunday morning! We got some stickers from the Patch volunteer, we decorated our sidewalk in chalk welcoming visitors into the Patch, and the kids even got to walk away with a tiny pumpkin of their own. And that night the Youth Group added to our sidewalks to welcome people in! It was such a delight to have our younger ones take such much joy in our gourds!

This is just one small example of how our Patch is a blessing all around, to our church as well as our community! The Patch remains open daily from 11-7:00 pm through October 31. Thank you for volunteering over the past few weeks and helping us to finish strong next week! See the sign ups sheets in Narthex to sign up for the remaining two hour slots.

Click Here to Sign Up To Help in the Patch

CHPC Youth Group Update

CHPC Youth Group recently added a few scarecrow friends to hang out in the Patch! Please stop by the Patch and participate in our Youth Group's friendly competition by voting on your favorite scarecrow!

As a reminder, the Youth Group will be spending this Sunday evening out in the Pumpkin Patch! We'll be hanging out from 5-7, having a bible study, enjoying autumnal activities, sharing a meal, and of course--selling pumpkins! Click here to sign up to provide a meal for our youth or if you would simply like to contribute to cover meal, please contact Tyler.

The Holston Presbytery Youth Retreat is coming up soon! Registration is $65 per student for housing and food for the weekend. All participants will receive a nice, reusable water bottle. This year, Holston Presbytery decided to welcome any student between 5th-12th grade! The plan is to leave from the church Friday, Nov. 8th at 5 pm. Pickup back at the church will be Sunday, Nov. 10th around noon. Please contact Tyler if you have any further questions or to sign up!

Responding to Hurricane Helene

Our connectional church is already hard at work responding to the needs of those affected by Hurricane Helene. Your generous support of these efforts is a gift of God’s grace and love at this time. Thank you for the ways you share the compassion of Christ with all those in need!

Presbyterian Disaster Relief
Holston Presbytery
Black Mountain Presbyterian 

Volunteering With The United Way

Did you know the United Way maintained a website with various volunteer opportunities throughout our greater community? Click here to visit the Volunteer United website for Tennessee to see how you can get involved. Filter to newest first and scan for Hurricane needs that are scattered among other needs from local orgs. Below are a few opportunities our Mission Committee think could be a good fit for our CHPC folks:

Additional Opportunities

Another great resource to follow is the Bristol Motor Speedway's (BMS) Facebook page. The BMS relief center feeds supplies to the Multi-Agency Resource Centers that are in each of the affected counties. 

For Western North Carolina, Samaritan’s Purse is also a great option. Their volunteer website link can be found here and any Frequently Asked Questions can be found here. You can volunteer for a day. 

We worship a God of resurrection, who can bring back life out of destruction, healing out of disaster, and hope out of despair. Thank you for your prayers, your attention to our neighbor’s needs, and your willingness to be a helper in Christ's name!

Congregational News

Sunday School Classes continue this Sunday after worship at 11:15 am. The Disciples Class meets in room 218 to discuss a lesson from the Wired Word, and the Remnant Class meets in room 221 to discuss the scripture from that morning’s service. Contact David to learn more about either class or to get involved in other Christian Discipleship opportunities.

The Children's Choir practices after worship in the Choir Room this Sunday morning in preparation to sing again on November 10. All children ages 3-11 are welcome to come, sing, and play! Parents - please contact either Emily Broadhead or Carolyn Barry with any questions.

Thank you to all who helped support this year's Christmas Shoebox Ministry! Boxes are due this Sunday, October 26 and may be left in the parlor.

All Saints’ Sunday will be celebrated on November 3 to remember members of our congregation and/or immediate family members who have passed away during the previous year. If you have someone that has passed away since November 1, 2023, please email or call the church office with your loved one’s name by Wednesday, October 30.

Save the Date for our Thanksgiving Supper and Bible Study event! On November 17 we will meet in the gym to finish our study on the Sermon on the Mount. And we will have a Thanksgiving themed pot luck at 5:00 pm. So bring your bible and your favorite Thanksgiving dish!

The Midweek Bible Study continues each Wednesday from 3-4:00 pm in the Parlor. All are welcome to enjoy this lively discussion about the upcoming lectionary readings used on Sunday mornings. Contact Lisa Pecorini if you would like to participate or know more!

CHPC hosts a special prayer gathering each Wednesday evening in the church parlor at 6:30 pm. This weekly experience meets for a 30 minute intentional time of communal prayer and contemplation. All are welcome to come by and drop in as we turn to the Lord and listen for the movement of God’s Holy Spirit.

All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.

Prayer Requests 

Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Boyd Holder, Bethany Thompson, Family of Kirk Cole, Family of Angela Kelly (Bill Kelly's Wife), Family of Evelyn Hill, Bonnie Cole, Julius Maikis, Dixie Keith, Charles Gibson, Richard Crawford, Donna Whitson, Family of Shirley Hurst, Family of Anne Hertel, Denise and Al Doty, Jonathan and Brenda Hutchins, Family of Joy Weber (Marissa Paulsen's grandmother)

Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities

Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,

Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett

213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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