Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt,
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.
We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers, and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
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Accompany us this Advent! | |
Advent is just around the corner and CHPC will be focusing on a familiar passage from Isaiah 9 this upcoming Christmas Season. All are welcome to read the short book, "Names for the Messiah" by Walter Brueggemann, and to participate in small group discussions about each of the four chapters. Books are available in the Narthex for $10. Current discussion groups include: the Disciples Sunday school class, the Remnant Sunday school class, the Monday Women's Bible study, and the Congregational Bible study on Wednesday afternoons. Please speak with David if you would like to find a small group or Sunday School class to participate in. | |
This Sunday in Worship:
Christ the King Sunday - November 24, 2024
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Sunday's Scripture:
Mark 13:1-8, 24-27, NRSV
Mark 13:28-37, NRSV
Sermon Title:
"Master of the House"
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Wish to worship with us again or during the week? Click below to view last week's worship service. | |
Thank You for Supporting Cents-ability! | |
Last Call for Thanksgiving Boxes | |
Don't forget that CHPC and Colonial Heights Christian Church partner again to provide food boxes for local families in need of a meal on Thanksgiving. Please use the item suggestion card above and return your filled cardboard box to the parlor by this Sunday, November 24. Thank you for supporting this local mission opportunity! | |
Session Summary and Stewardship Update | |
Your Session met on Monday evening, November 18 for its regularly stated meeting. Items of interest included a review of the 2025 budget (see additional information below), the calling of a Congregational meeting on 12/15/2024 for the purpose of installing an elder for the class of 2026, and the authorization of the Mission committee to partner with local organizations to look for ways to assist individuals and families impacted by Hurricane Helene in our community. Also, our Capital Improvement Committee will be conducting a survey in the coming weeks concerning future updates to the worship wing of our church campus. The next Stated Session meeting will be December 16 in room 221.
In Christ,
Clark Parker (Clerk) & David Randolph (Moderator)
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Dear Members of Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church,
We hope this message finds you well and filled with peace as the coming season of Advent swiftly approaches. As we reflect on the many blessings we've shared this year as a family of faith, we also want to be transparent with you about what the future may look like given the expected finances of our church.
At this time, our proposed budget for the upcoming year is facing a deficit of $56,349, or 11% of the overall budget. Barebone expenses are expected to be $502,000 compared with forecasted revenue of $445,651. While we give thanks that pledged giving is going up for the fourth year in a row, we also acknowledge that the reality of our expenses increasing due to... well, almost everything. Insurance premiums are rising in 2025, as is the cost of the upkeep of our facilities, which are used every day of the week to enable the various ministries of our congregation–Worship, Bible Study, Fellowship, Day School, Scouts, AA, Habitat, and more.
While we want to be clear with the congregation about our financial outlook, we do not believe this challenge is an insurmountable one. We have a strong and committed faith community, and we are confident that, with prayerful consideration, we will be able to address this gap in a way that honors our shared values and mission. Here are the current steps the Session and others are taking to move forward:
Praying for Guidance and Provision – Please pray with and for us as we seek God's guidance in navigating this season of discerning how to faithfully fulfill our shared calling.
Communicating with Transparency – We will continue to keep the congregation informed as we assess our financial outlook and consider appropriate adjustments.
Navigating Solutions Together – We continue to explore ways to increase giving, reduce costs, and creatively manage our resources to ensure they are used to the highest and best use.
Opportunities for Support – If you feel called to contribute in new or additional ways, whether financially or through volunteering your time and talents, we greatly welcome and appreciate your faithful support.
We recognize that these conversations can be uncomfortable, but we also believe that by sharing this challenge with you, we invite you into the collective process of faithful decision-making and stewardship. As always, our goal is to ensure that our financial decisions reflect our Christian mission to serve and share God's love with our community and the world.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to fulfilling our shared ministry. We are most grateful for how you have been “called” to serve as the Body of Christ, and it is amazing to see all that God continues to do through the work of our church family. Together, we can collectively overcome this challenge and move forward with faith and hope to love others as Christ has loved us.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further, please feel free to speak with any member of Session or with our pastor David.
With gratitude and hope,
Clark Parker, Clerk of Session
David Randolph, Moderator of Session and Pastor
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Presbytery Response to Hurricane Helene | |
With winter approaching and the holidays on the horizon, your help is needed now more than ever! For those affected by Hurricane Helene, the cold months ahead will provide new challenges as they work to rebuild their homes, communities, and lives. Volunteer support is crucial for Northeast TN to recover and there are still so many opportunities to serve. Consider taking a shift over the Thanksgiving holiday to help spread a little cheer and a lot of love to those in need.
Thank you for all the ways you have and continue to serve as the Body of Christ to care for our neighbors in need. Below are a few opportunities for you to consider supporting:
Bristol Motor Speedway continues to operate the Northeast TN Disaster Relief Center. Volunteers are needed daily to help in the warehouse for a variety of needs, including special packing days for Thanksgiving, Winter Weather Gear, and more. To find out more and sign up for a shift click here.
Appalachian Service Project needs volunteers to help with home repairs, muck-outs, rebuilds, and more. For those not interested in construction, they also need help with office tasks such as sorting envelopes, answering phones, data entry, and other administrative tasks. For more information and to sign up click here.
Cherry Grove Baptist Church in Jonesborough needs volunteers to continue sorting and distributing donations. For more information and to sign up for a shift, click here.
Harmony Free Will Baptist Church in Carter County needs skilled laborers to hang and finish drywall, as well help with Hurricane Helene roof repairs. Volunteers must have their own transportation and wear appropriate PPE. For more information and to sign up for a shift, click here.
While these are a few of this week's most pressing needs, there are still hundreds of shifts available with dozens of agencies on Volunteer United.
Please visit to sign up for a shift (or two). Remember, you can also volunteer as a team with friends, family, co-workers or church groups! Simply create an account, then enter the email address of those you want to volunteer with. They will receive an email prompting them to create an account if they don't already have one. For help creating an account, visit
If you have any questions or need help, email or call 423.251.4563 Thanks again for being part of Volunteer United!
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Sunday is the final day to purchase a poinsettia in honor of a loved one to decorate the sanctuary this Christmas. Additional information is available in the narthex. Any monetary contributions to the Renovation Fund should be made by December 15.
Sunday School Classes continue this Sunday after worship at 11:15 am. The Disciples Class meets in room 218 to discuss a lesson from the Wired Word, and the Remnant Class meets in room 221 to discuss the scripture from that morning’s service. Contact David to learn more about either class or to get involved in other Christian Discipleship opportunities.
The Children's Choir practices this Sunday, November 24 after worship in the choir room. All children ages 3-11 are welcome to come, sing, and play! Please contact either Emily Broadhead or Carolyn Barry with any questions.
The Youth Group will resume regular Youth bible study this Sunday, November 24. Join us from 5:00 to 6:30 pm as we eat together, have some fun, and study together!
The church office will be closed November 28 and 29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Regular office hours will resume on Monday, December 2.
Save the Date for a Kid's Christmas Event on Saturday, December 7 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. We will enjoy a short seasonal film, play some games, enjoy some crafts, eat lunch, and have lots of fun! Nursery will be available; contact Tyler for questions, to volunteer, or to sign your child up!
CHPC's Annual Congregational Christmas Celebration will be after worship on Sunday, December 8. All are welcome to enjoy a nice lasagna lunch and are asked to bring a salad, side, or sweet to share. Stick around for fun and games afterwards before two groups head out into the community to Christmas Carol at 1:30 pm that afternoon.
The Women's Ministry hosts a Christmas Event on Sunday, December 15 at 2:00 pm in the gym complete with a White Elephant gift exchange! Please bring a gift that is used, created, or new (10 dollars or less) to share. Additionally, let's add to the holiday cheer by bringing a favorite finger food or dessert to share. This gathering's missional support is for the Blessing Box and all are encouraged to bring an item to stock the box for those in need. Speak with Teresa Strickler or Ramona Wise to learn more.
The Midweek Bible Study continues each Wednesday from 3-4:00 pm in the Parlor. All are welcome to enjoy this lively discussion about the upcoming lectionary readings used on Sunday mornings. Contact Lisa Pecorini if you would like to participate or know more!
CHPC hosts a special prayer gathering each Wednesday evening in the church parlor at 6:30 pm. This weekly experience meets for a 30 minute intentional time of communal prayer and contemplation. All are welcome to come by and drop in as we turn to the Lord and listen for the movement of God’s Holy Spirit.
Thank you for prayerfully considering how God has "Called" us to minister as a church family in the upcoming year. Additional stewardship packets are available in the Narthex and any financial questions may be addressed to Sarah Johnson in the office.
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.
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Prayer Requests
Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt,
Beverly Shelton, , Boyd Holder, Bethany Thompson, Bonnie Cole,
Julius Maikis, Dixie Keith, Charles Gibson, Richard Crawford,
Donna Whitson, Denise and Al Doty, Jonathan and Brenda Hutchins,
Family of Joy Weber (Marissa Paulsen's grandmother),
Dennis Vaughn (Denise Doty's brother)
Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities
Ginny Snow, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,
Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett
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213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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