Sunday School Classes take a break this Sunday, 29th and will resume the following week. Sunday after worship at 11:15 am to discuss the final chapter of the Advent study book, "Names of the Messiah". The Disciples Class meets in room 218 and the Remnant Class meets in room 221. All are welcome to either of these gatherings!
The church office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 in honor of New Years Day. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2.
The Youth Group returns in the new year with their regular Sunday evening bible study on January 5 at 5:00 pm. Contact Tyler if you wish to participate or support this ministry!
Schedules for serving in the nursery and with the children's ministry are being made now for the new year. Volunteers are needed to help support this meaningful ministry as we have welcomed new children into the life of our church family. Please consider offering your time and talents to help share the love of Christ with the smallest members of our faith community. Contact Tyler to sign up to serve today!
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Christmas Joy Special Offering! Your gift supports current and retired church leaders and helps to develop new leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges serving communities of color. To give, use the offering envelope provided or give online. Please also let Sarah know to credit your gift to this offering.
It’s not too late to return the annual Time & Talent survey to share how God is calling you to serve in the new year. Additional surveys are in the Narthex. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer and support the ministry of this church family!
As 2024 comes to a close, we continue to prepare for Christ’s coming by generously giving of our tithes and offering. Thank you for your continued support of Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church and for the ministry you help to offer in our community and beyond. Please make sure any final contributions are postmarked by December 31 to be included in this year's final giving statement. Please contact Sarah Johnson if you have any questions about your giving or to set up a pledge for 2025.
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.