Sunday School Classes meet after worship at 11:15am. The Disciples class gathers in room 218 and the Remnant class gathers in room 221. Please contact David if you would like to know more or are interested in participating in these classes or any other discipleship opportunity at the church.
The CHPC Youth Group will meet this Sunday evening from 5-6:30 pm for dinner and bible study.
CHPC’s Women’s Ministry meets on Sunday, August 18 at 2 pm in the Youth Center to plan this year’s Christmas Shoebox mission and enjoy a fun game of Bunco. Please bring your favorite finger food to share.
Our midweek Bible Study continues each Wednesday 3-4 pm in the Parlor. All are welcome to enjoy this lively discussion about the upcoming lectionary readings used on Sunday mornings. Contact Lisa Pecorini if you would like to know more!
The Spirit continues to move each Wednesday evening at CHPC with a special time for prayer at 6:30pm. This weekly prayer gathering meets for a 30 minute intentional time of communal prayer and contemplation. All are welcome to come by and drop in as we turn to the Lord and listen for the movement of God's Holy Spirit.
One way CHPC supports UKirk ETSU is by volunteering to feed students at one of their weekly gatherings. Each Monday night UKirk gathers to worship and share a meal together. If you or someone you know would be interested in signing up for one of these opportunities, please click here to sign up using the google spreadsheet. Meals are an integral part of UKirk ETSU's culture and outreach. Contact the office if you have any specific questions about how you can help support this important ministry of our presbytery.
CHPC is excited to partner with the Marsh Regional Blood Center again by hosting a blood drive right at the church during our upcoming Pumpkin Patch! The bloodmobile will be taking donations from 11 am - 3 pm on Sunday October 6, in our parking lot. Sign ups will be available closer to the event. Please note, anyone who gives blood after August 11 will be unable to donate on October 6.
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.