Our Mission: To become like Christ as we serve others, proclaim God’s love, and grow in the Spirit.

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Worship with us in person or online

The Second Sunday of Advent

December 8, 2024

This Sunday there will be ONE worship service at 9:00 am

Preacher & Celebrant: the Rev. Andrew Calandriello

CHS Sunday Children's Formation will meet at 9:00am in the St. Nicholas Room off the narthex. All ages are welcome. Children will rejoin the service at The Peace.

The Lord is coming, always coming.

This Sunday - December 8 - Breakfast with Santa!

St. Nick is coming to Holy Spirit on Sunday, December 8th – We will have only one worship service at 9:00 AM that day, followed by “Breakfast with Santa” in Dove Hall starting at 10:00 AM (until about 11:30). Breakfast, activities for kids and grandkids, and family photos with our very own St. Nick by Dabour Photography to take home. Email support@churchholyspirit.net with any questions.

What's happening?

Calling all Children and Youth!

Children's Formation and Youth Group: We are beginning drum and singing practice! Practices will be on December 8th at 9am, and December 15th at 10am. Our performances will be on the 15th during the 10:00 am service and at the 4 pm service on Christmas Eve, the 24th. We will sing with the choir at 10 am on December 22nd. All are welcome whether they've practiced or not!

Blood Drive December 30

Monday, December 30th 1:30pm – 7:30pm

at Church of the Holy Spirit

To make an appointment: www.nybc.org/drive Sponsor code: 60560

Please scan the QR code on the poster or call 1-800-933-2566. All presenting donors will receive socks! More information and the poster >

Branch of Jesse

During the Advent season, a Branch of Jesse is decorating our Narthex, a symbol of how we can provide hope to others in our community.

Through your generosity, we have received funds for 26 of the 90 $35 gift cards needed to provide gifts for our friends in local recovery homes.

Monetary donations can be made via check, cash, or PayPal. Please note "Giving Branch" on the check or on the envelope if donating cash. More information >

Please submit all contributions by Sunday, December 15th. If you have any questions, please contact Deanne Altom at deanne.altom@gmail.com or Michelle Marlow at michellekmarlow@gmail.com.


From the Nominating Committee

The nominating committee at Church of the Holy Spirit has been working over the last several months to secure candidates for the open positions on Vestry for 2025.  Now we are asking for your assistance with the next items in our assignment. 

  • Delegates to the Diocese of New Jersey Convention 2025
  • Deputies to the Watchung Convocation 2025

More information >

Remember a Loved One and Support the Greening of the Church with a Christmas Flower Donation

The Greening of the Church is Sunday, December 22 after 10 a.m. service. Remember a loved one and support the greening of the church through a flower donation.

Donations are due by Monday, December 16 to ensure that names of the people for whom the donation is being made are included in the Christmas bulletin. To submit your donation:

  1. On the outside of the donation envelope located in the Narthex, include your name and the name(s) for whom the donation is being made and whether it is a memorial or in thanksgiving.
  2. Put your donation ($40 is suggested) in the envelope and place it in the collection plate or in the mailbox outside the office. In the memo section, please include flower donation.
  3. You can also contribute online on the CHS website.

Regularly Scheduled Activities

Rector Job Posting is Active!

In Our Community

Hunterdon Helpline Raffle

Won't you support our free programs and services to those in need? We rely on your help to keep on serving the community. This is our most exciting Raffle ever!!!! Buy a ticket(s) today! See Tricia Simpson -Curtin for tickets - she has 100 to sell! One for $25, 5 for $100

The flyer and a qr code are on our website >

Sunday Service this week:

9:00 am Holy Communion

The Zoom links and FaceBook Live links are on our website's home page and will be in the Saturday CHS Online.

Lectors & Intercessor and others serving

Find the lessons appointed for Sunday here

Search Committee News (7/10/24)
Wardens & Vestry News (11/21/24)

"At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God's own love and concern."

- Mother Teresa, Love: A Fruit Always in Season

Make an Altar Flower Donation memorial or thanksgiving

Make a donation to the Bill Board

Make a pledge payment or donation

Building Use

Need to reserve a room at CHS? To check availability of the various rooms on specific dates, use this link: https://churchholyspirit.skedda.com/booking

You’ll be able to see the availability of each room but not who is using the space. To book and get details on usage, please contact Marge Keller or send an email to Admin@churchholyspirit.org