Our Mission: To become like Christ as we serve others, proclaim God’s love, and grow in the Spirit.

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November 3, 2024

All Saints' Sunday

Sunday worship services are at 8:00 am and 10:00 am.

Preacher & Celebrant:

the Rev. Andrew Calandriello

CHS Sunday Children's Formation meets at 10:00am in the St. Nicholas Room off the narthex. We meet the first three Sundays of each month. All ages are welcome. Children will rejoin the service at The Peace.

All Saints' Sunday Invitation

November 3 is All Saints’ Sunday. As is our tradition, we encourage everyone to bring photos of those you love but see no longer to display them in front of the altar. We will pass the Paschal candle hand - to - hand during the Litany of the Saints, so each of us can name our saints.

What's Happening?

The Dove Deadline!

October 31 - Contributions for November Dove due no later than Halloween. Thanks. vicki.brooks24@comcast.net

Service Auction Wish Board & Sign Up

There are items written on sticky notes that we would like to have donated for two themed baskets as well as some additional services that we are hoping for. Donors are asked to have their items brought to church by Sunday, November 3rd.

Worship - Liturgy Meeting, will take place this Sunday, November 3 - All Are Welcome!

The Worship  - Liturgy team will be meeting on Sunday directly after the 10 AM service, in the St. Julian room. All are Welcome! We will be reviewing the Blue Book, pew arrangements, any other issues/questions there may be about Worship - Liturgy and planning for the Advent - Christmas - Epiphany seasons. Please send any agenda items to Fr. Andrew at toscac2014@gmail.com.

November 16 - CHS Auction

Live and Silent Action 6 pm at Church of the Holy Spirit - Share our FaceBook Event!

Tickets are now on sale - $30 per person. The link is for online credit card sales. Someone will be selling tickets for exact change cash or check at church on Sunday.

What will you find to bid on? Check out some of the items in this slide show!

New book for Bagels & Books!

Suzanne Higgins has reserved the book kit for "The Great Alone" by Kristen Hannah. This is a remarkable story about a family in crisis and their decision to relocate to Alaska to hopefully start a new life. It has received rave reviews and was a New York Times Bestseller.

HOWEVER, instead of finding copies in the office, please see her for a copy. She will be at the 10 am service. If you need a copy and cannot make it to church, please contact her at: (908) 794-0556, cell phone; or email at SUZANNE.L.HIGGINS@gmail.com.

Many thanks, Suzanne

December 8 - Breakfast with Santa!

St. Nick is coming to Holy Spirit on Sunday, Dececember 8th – We will have only one worship service at 9:00 AM that day, followed by “Breakfast with Santa” in Dove Hall starting at 10:00 AM (until about 11:30).  Breakfast, activities for kids and grandkids, and family photos with our very own St. Nick by Dabour Photography to take home. Email support@churchholyspirit.net with any questions.

Regularly Scheduled Activities

Rector Job Posting is Active!

The Parish Profile is on our website

Please use your personal network to get this news out!

Many rector jobs are filled by word-of-mouth among friends.

Our posting will be up for two months on the Episcopal News Site


And it will be boosted with Facebook mailing https://www.facebook.com/EpiscopalNewsENS/posts/pfbid02buKbpZnpXCusUgrFUH3RV8gC6AUjuwTN9f6jYkxVV3KBfZCDyHzsAiA8nCcR3Qmwl

It also appears on the NJ Diocese


​Sunday School Teachers Always Needed

We are in need of adult teachers and aides. The curriculum is provided to you. Teachers/aides can sign up for as many (or as few) Sundays as they wish. If you have a question, please email Lindsay Wyglendowski wyglos@gmail.com. If you are able to help out, please sign up here

In our community:

Presiding Bishop Investiture

The Investiture of the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe as our new Presiding Bishop is Saturday, November 2 and you are invited!

​When: Nov. 2, with a prelude featuring a “roll call” of dioceses starting at 9:30 a.m. ET.

​The service itself starts at 11 a.m. ET.

Where: The service will be livestreamed on this page and on The Episcopal Church’s Facebook page.

Sunday Services are:

8:00 am Rite I Holy Communion

10:00 am Rite II Holy Communion

The Zoom links and FaceBook Live links are on our website's home page and will be in the Saturday CHS Online.

Lectors & Intercessor and others serving

Find the lessons appointed for Sunday here >

Search Committee News (7/10/24)
Wardens & Vestry News (10/22/24)

Make an Altar Flower Donation memorial or thanksgiving 

Make a donation to the Bill Board

Make a pledge payment or donation

Church of the Holy Spirit | 3 Haytown Rd, Lebanon, NJ 08833|

908 236-6301 | support@churchholyspirit.net| churchholyspirit.org/

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Building Use

Need to reserve a room at CHS? To check availability of the various rooms on specific dates, use this link: https://churchholyspirit.skedda.com/booking

You’ll be able to see the availability of each room but not who is using the space. To book and get details on usage, please contact Marge Keller or send an email to Admin@churchholyspirit.org