Dear CHT Members and Friends,
The challenges we face as a community, as a state and as a country feel enormous and overwhelming. And the world around us seems especially fragile, with so much suffering everywhere we turn. But we can’t despair and sit back.
In fact, we must be hopeful. And when there is hope, there can be action. And action brings us the resolve to do more and the clarity that our work, Champlain Housing Trust’s work, needs to continue.
I am thankful and appreciate the caring, generous community we live in even in the face of many challenges. This gives me hope for the future. And the resolve to continue.
Sometimes change can happen quickly and sometimes it seems to take years, and the change is gradual. We’ve been working in Burlington's Old North End since the 1980s, check out this Lincoln Institute of Land Policy video and case study which chronicles this work and the work of so many others.
Building community takes intention and effort, that’s why we love organizing our Annual Meeting & Dinner each year. Come and celebrate with us!
Above all, be safe this holiday season!