Dear CHT Member,

Around 9 o’clock on a recent Tuesday night, a sprinkler alarm went off at our headquarters on King Street. CHT’s staff responded: helping people down the stairs because the elevator was out of commission, gathering belongings for residents, making sure everyone was accounted for and safe. They showed up with cars, ready to transport people and pets to area hotels. In less than two hours, all 20 households were relocated, and work began to assess and repair water damage to the homes and our offices.

Nearly 40 staff showed up to assist in every way. As you’ve heard me say, CHT staff are our greatest assets and their dedication continues to amaze me.

While this was disrupting, we are still very busy building and creating new affordable housing. In the heart of Burlington, we are working with the three partners developing CityPlace and are creating CityPlace West, 88 affordable apartments that will bring new homes and hope to so many households. We are building affordable housing and community facilities in Winooski, Colchester, Williston, South Burlington and Shelburne. As an interim step, we are working on the emergency shelters on Elmwood Avenue in Burlington known as the “pods." Each of these projects come with a unique set of challenges. In the coming months I’ll share details to give you an update.

In the meantime, we have several job openings – and CHT has been named one of the Best Places to Work - please pass along the CHT Career Page with job descriptions to talented individuals you know who are looking for work.

Fall marks the season of giving and right now CHT has 25 volunteers working on this year’s fundraising luncheon. I invite you to make an online gift to join our community of supporters who make our work providing safe, decent, and affordable housing possible. We appreciate each and every gift.

With thanks (and Happy Halloween!),
Michael Monte, CEO
CHT in Focus
Farmworker Housing Repair Loan Program
In this video, CEO Michael Monte and Director of Homeownership Julie Curtin share details about the Farmworker Housing Repair Loan Program which allows farmers to make essential repairs and improvements to their farmworker housing.

Since April, CHT has made loan commitments to 16 farms to improve 21 residential buildings using loan capital from Vermont Housing and Conservation Board. These essential repairs and improvements will impact housing for approximately 110 – 135 farmworkers.
Vermont Public Highlights
Homeownership Equity Program
Vermont Public recently published a story highlighting the impact of CHT's Homeownership Equity Program that is working to break down barriers that have prevented BIPOC Vermonters from becoming homeowners. Hear the full story here.

Click here to learn more about the Homeownership Equity Program.
Franklin County Candidate Forum
on Housing and Homelessness
Champlain Housing Trust and three other organizations invited all Franklin County state legislative candidates to a forum on housing and homelessness issues. The nonpartisan forum was held October 4th in St. Albans and was co-hosted with Northwest Regional Planning Commission, CVOEO/Franklin Grand Isle Community Action, and Cathedral Square. CHT and co-hosts do not endorse or oppose candidates for elected office, however we do encourage voters to learn about candidates running for office in their region and to vote in the upcoming General Election Tuesday, November 8th.

Join the CHTeam! We're Hiring!
We have openings in Maintenance, Property Management, and Home Education.

Do you know a talented person with a positive attitude and a strong desire to help others who would make a great addition to our team? Send them to our Career Page!
88 King Street, Burlington, VT 05401
NMLS ID# 179570
13 Lake Street, St. Albans, VT 05478
NMLS ID# 184793
TOLL FREE 877-274-7431