
Happy Weekend! Back to school preparation is in full force, clothes/supply shopping, meal planning, touring classrooms, and new sports seasons... but nothing is more important than preparing our children spiritually!

Don't forget to bring your students to church THIS Sunday for back-to-school prayer!

There is a youth parent meeting directly following service upstairs in the loft. Also, we will be celebrating Heather and Devin with a wedding shower after service!
It's a busy weekend but don't miss out on what God has for you in our new sermon series, Time to Refuel!

This Sunday is a special time when students of any age, heading back to school, have an opportunity to come forward and get prayer for the upcoming school year. We believe that prayer changes things... that God is able to help students of all stages with their biggest hurdles. Make plans to be present and bring those heading to school in the fall!
You do not want to miss this month's sermon series, Time to Refuel! We can ALL feel like we are running on empty from time to time. God wants us to come to him and find refreshing and a refueling in Him! Invite Someone to come be a part of these services!
Mark your calendars! This Sunday, August 14th, following church service you are invited to a Bridal Shower for Heather Walden! We want to celebrate her upcoming wedding with a brunch in the church fellowship hall.
Come join us for Turnaround Kids Game Night August 26th from 6PM-8PM.
We will have dinner, fun games, crafts, and learn about God.
This event is free and for all kids in 1st - 5th grade.
We are making room for the great growth our student ministries have been having. Our Spinners Preschool is moving downstairs to the former Bookkeeper's and Pastor Will's offices-removing the wall between the two so that it is large enough for our preschoolers. Our Turnaround Kid's will now be meeting in the fellowship hall with movable walls to adjust to their needs and growth and our FLIP youth will be moving upstairs to a great newly remodeled area----or at least, it will be! We are removing walls upstairs, installing great new lighting, painting walls and installing a new wood laminate floor throughout the upstairs. It will be awesome! We will be receiving a special offering on August 21st because while the project is very important, it's also costly! Please ask the Lord what He would have you give to this project. We are asking Jesus for $10,000.00 to offset these costs, you can be part of this answer to prayer.
Our Next Free Food Drive Thru
Distribution will be
Wednesday September 14th at 1:00 PM
Our Inversion Young Adults are meeting Saturdays from 10:00-11:15 AM . They meet at Marshall and Kristi's home. This group is for young adults who have moved out into the world. We know, as we begin to navigate life as an adult, life can be a roller coaster. You chose to go on the's supposed to be fun, but sometimes you get more than you bargained for and it can sometimes involve some motion sickness. The Inversion Young Adults group exists to equip young people to prevail over sin by forging adult identity in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Tim and Lisa Scarbrough
are here for YOU!
If you need to contact Pastor,
call his cell at 937.974.5284.
The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2