Chemicals Management
CIAC welcomes Bill S-5 CEPA modernization legislation  
The Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) welcomes the tabling of legislation to modernize the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). Bill S-5 follows, and is very similar to, last April’s Bill C-28 , which died on the order paper when the federal election was called. Among the more important proposals is a legislative recognition of the Right to A Healthy Environment in the preamble of the Act, in keeping with our U.N.–recognized Responsible Care® initiative.

Industry Data
CIAC’s 2022 Industrial Chemical Outlook 
The 2022 Industrial Chemical Outlook is an early year review and outlook for Canada’s chemical sector. The chemicals sector performed well in 2020 with shipments up an estimated 31 per cent from 2020 levels and near highs reached in 2018. The lingering impacts of COVID-19 saw chemical demand increase unevenly across product classes in 2021, a trend that should moderate in 2022.

Webinar: 2022 Outlook 
In case you missed it, check out our webinar from January 27, in which David Cherniak, CIAC Business and Economics Policy Leader, reviews the 2022 outlook for Canada's chemistry and plastics sectors and answers important questions on competitiveness and sustainability.

Solving for climate change: The plastics industry is up for the task  
An op-ed by Sarah Marshall, vice president of sustainability at Nova Chemicals Corp., as recently featured in Canadian Plastics. The op-ed, titled Solving for climate change: The plastics industry is up for the task, is focused on how the plastics industry will play a crucial role in successfully creating a circular economy in Canada.

Cyber security: Understanding industrial control systems 
Join CIAC and Public Safety Canada on February 22 to learn about the role Industrial Control Systems (ICS) plays in modern society and the cyber security challenges faced from a growing threat landscape. Topics include an introductory overview of ICS, comparing information technology and operational technology, a walkthrough of ICS, and case studies of ICS cyber events.

How 'super-enzymes' that eat plastics could curb our...

Beaches littered with plastic bottles and wrappers. Marine turtles, their stomachs filled with fragments of plastic. Plastic fishing nets dumped at sea where they can throttle unsuspecting animals. And far out in the Pacific Ocean, an expanse of...

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EU proposes rules to label some gas and nuclear...

Investments in some gas and nuclear power plants would be labelled as sustainable under rules proposed by the European Commission on Wednesday, a plan that has split countries and investors, and which some lawmakers will attempt to block.

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Transport minister says there's 'no sign' vaccine...

There is "no sign whatsoever" that the volume of transport trucks crossing the Canada-U.S. border has decreased as a result of the vaccine mandate imposed on truck drivers, federal Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said Monday. "It is clear to all ...

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Health Canada releases assessment report on effects of...

OTTAWA, ON, Feb. 9, 2022 /CNW/ - The price of climate change is real. This crisis has already taken lives in extreme heat waves, and is increasing risks to Canadians from flooding, and from respiratory illnesses like asthma. Bold, urgent action...

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