- Canada’s international assistance spending increased by 3.7% to CAD$5.6 billion in 2017, up from CAD$5.4 billion.*
- International assistance accounted for 1.7% of 2017 federal budget spending – unchanged from 1.7% of 2016 budget expenditure.
- Canada’s ODA/gross national income (GNI) ratio remained at 0.26% in 2017, unchanged from the previous year.
- Africa received the largest regional share of Canadian aid (43.8%), followed by Asia (38.7%), Americas (14.2%), Europe (2.8%) and Oceania (0.5%).
- Largest aid recipient in 2017 was Afghanistan (CAD$233 million), followed by Ethiopia (CAD$193 million), Jordan (CAD$157 million), Haiti (CAD$127 million), and Mali (CAD$126 million).
- Notable increases in year-over-year international assistance levels were to Syria (+76%), Iraq (+67%), Jordan (+64%), Afghanistan (+47%), and Lebanon (+45%).
International assistance
refers to
financial resources provided by Canadian governments (federal, provincial, municipal) toward development assistance (expressed
in CAD$ on a government fiscal year basis).
- In real terms, Canadian official development assistance (ODA) increased by 4.1% to USD$4.1 billion in 2017.**
- Canada's ODA/GNI ratio remained at 0.26% in 2017, as compared to the OECD-DAC weighted average ODA/GNI of 0.31%.***
- Canada is the 9th largest OECD-DAC donor in net ODA, but ranks 16th based on ODA/GNI ratio.
- In real terms, total net ODA from OECD-DAC countries decreased by 0.6%.
- DAC countries' spending on in-donor refugee costs decreased by 11.2% as compared to 2016-17. In-donor refugee costs account for 11% of Canadian ODA but are significantly higher for other major donors (Germany: 25%, Italy: 31%, Netherlands: 17%, Sweden: 15%).
Canada's ODA only includes concessional flows from
Canadian governments (federal, provincial, municipal)
to countries/territories on the
DAC List of ODA Recipients
and multilateral institutions which are administered with economic development and welfare promotion of developing countries as its main objective (expressed in USD$ on a calendar year basis).
The OECD-DAC unweighted average ODA/GNI is 0.38%.
On March 16, 2018, CIDP and FinDev Canada co-hosted a one-day event on innovation for development impact in a 21st century development finance institution (DFI). The session convened development finance experts and other key stakeholders of Canada's new DFI to share insights on:
- Data and Technology as Accelerators and Disruptors in the Evolving Landscape of Development Finance: Getting Future-Ready
Blended Finance Taskforce
, Apr 18, 2018
Center for Global Development,
Apr 17, 2018
Centre for International Governance Innovation
, Apr 2, 2018
CIDP leverages open data and big data to provide a comprehensive picture of Canada's engagement with developing countries.
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