
The Ohio Co-Conspirators in Ending Oppression (CIEO) is a subcommittee of the Statewide Anti-Oppression Committee, comprised of individuals working in various survivor/victim services capacities in Ohio’s five regions. As beneficiaries of white privilege, members strive to honor our responsibility to dismantle racism and intersecting forms of oppression. It is on us, not Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), to actively work against white supremacy.

Learn more and join CIEO

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Putting Conversations

into Action

Save-the-dates and join us for a webinar series centering on anti-racism education, practice and action within the anti-violence fields in Ohio.

Titles and topics to be announced soon! All are welcome.


Join Member Meetings

Join us for our upcoming 2023 Monthly Working Meetings where we will continue working towards our 2023 goals and objectives.

Please note, these meetings are for Working Group or Core Members only. To learn more about becoming a working group member, visit www.oaesv.org.cieo

If you would like the meeting links re-sent to you, please email Becca Getson, [email protected] or Jenn Eidemiller, [email protected].

Black History Month & Calls-To-Action

This Black History month, we join you in grief and rage as Tyre Nichols and many more were murdered by police. We encourage you to rededicate yourself to the struggle to end racist policing and police violence within criminal legal systems that we often collaborate with or work alongside within the anti-violence fields. As well as celebrate, honor and uplift the lives, and joy of Black communities.

Take Action! Keep Going

To Do:

To Attend:

To Read:

Please share this email to friends, peers or colleagues. Do you have a resource or item to include in an upcoming CIEO Newsletter? Please email to [email protected]

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