May 2022
The Resilience Roundup highlights announcements and events along with links to the previous month's state, regional, and national resilience news. 
Learn more about CIRCA at
and the Resilient Connecticut Project at
CIRCA Updates
CIRCA, the UConn Law School's Center for Energy & Environmental Law (CEEL) and Diversity Alliance partnered to host an Earth Day Resilient Communities Conference on April 22. A recording of the conference is NOW AVAILABLE. This event brought together specialists in environmental law, municipal finance, climate and marine science, and community planning and included remarks from state Senator Christine Cohen and CT DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes. A keynote speaker from Cornell, Dr. Linda Shi, framed decision-making challenges facing municipalities in a time of climate change. See the event website for agenda details.
Along with the Newness of Spring Comes New CIRCA Products!

Resilience Planning Inventory: Many communities have begun to address the impacts of flooding, sea-level rise and climate change through planning initiatives such as Plans of Conservation and Development (POCD), Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans (NHHMP), and Coastal Resilience Plans (CRP). With the statewide expansion of the Resilient Connecticut project, the CIRCA team has created a statewide inventory of plans (POCDs, NHMPs, CRPs, regional transportation plans, etc.) from all Connecticut municipalities.

Stormwater Authority Fact Sheets:
Stormwater and Climate Resilience (Fact Sheet 1) - This first of two fact sheets describes what a stormwater authority is and outlines steps a municipality can take to establish an authority. Projects that can be funded using these type of fees are described and a model ordinance to enable an authority is included.

Next Steps to Create a Municipal Stormwater Authority (Fact Sheet 2) - Once a community has conducted the feasibility study and determined how a stormwater authority would provide needed funding, the next critical steps are to determine how fees will be assessed and to establish a separate stormwater enterprise fund. By carefully crafting the ordinances needed for these steps, a municipality can avoid legal challenges.

Elevation of Critical Facilities Fact Sheet: To help determine how critical structures are subject to different standards regarding flood protection measures, CIRCA and UConn CEEL published a new white paper in our Sea Level Rise Policy White Paper Series: Floodplain Building Elevation Standards for Critical Facilities and Activities.

Emergency Sheltering & Cooling Practices in Connecticut: This new white paper explains the role of temporary emergency shelters and cooling centers that protect human health and safety against exposure to extreme weather conditions and events. Recognizing the value of these facilities to increasing resilience of Connecticut’s populations to climate change, the Department of Public Health (DPH) identified a need for the assessment. DPH staff worked with CIRCA and Yale's Center on Climate Change and Health on this product.

Environmental Justice Mapping Screen website: CIRCA, with funding from CT DEEP, is now working on an Environmental Justice Map for the state of Connecticut. We’ve launched a new website to document the project development, share resources, and publicize outreach. There will be many opportunities to participate and collaborate on the project. We hope you’ll explore the website and stay tuned for more. 
2022 Municipal Resilience Grant Awards

CIRCA is pleased to announce our 2022 Municipal Resilience Grant Program awards to the following communities. A brief summary of each project can be found on the grant Announcement Page. These projects will be completed in spring 2023:

Town of Fairfield: Benefit Cost Analysis for Climate Resilience
Old Saybrook: Back River Living Shoreline Design
Housatonic Valley Association: Advancing Priority Culvert Right-Sizing Projects
Southeastern Connecticut COG: Stormwater Authority Pilot Project
Stonington: Holmes Street Resilient Seawall Design
CIRCA is Hiring - Join Our Climate Research Team

Physical Oceanography, Coastal Engineering Postdoctoral Research Associate: 
The Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) will work in a team developing science that supports the resilience framework for Connecticut. With supervision from CIRCA's Assistant Director of Research, the PDRA will work on the development, testing and application of numerical models of circulation in complicated coastal areas to determine levels and patterns of flood risk. Assessment of the effectiveness of risk reduction strategies will also be required. Applications close 5/9/22. Learn more and apply HERE.

CT DEEP Climate Resilience Grant Program - Public Comment Period

CT DEEP is requesting oral and/or written public comments on the elements of the DEEP Climate Resilience Grant Program Straw Proposal, including questions in the Public Notice.
A primary outcome of this grant program will be to help Connecticut communities develop a climate resilience project pipeline that can win competitive federal grant funding to substantially fund implementation and construction. Written comments may be submitted directly to [email protected] on or before May 16, 2022, by 4:00 p.m.

CT DEEP will hold a virtual meeting to receive comments on Monday May 9, 2022 at 1:00. Register HERE (and see more information in the event listing below).
EPA: Healthy Communities Grant Program

Communities in New England are eligible for $40,000 grants from the EPA's Healthy Communities Grant Program. This program focuses on working directly with communities to reduce environmental risks to improve human health by funding projects that: target resources to benefit communities at risk; assess, understand, and reduce environmental and human health risks; increase collaboration through community-based projects; and achieve measurable environmental and human health benefits. Applications are due May 9, 2022.
CT Green Bank's Green Liberty Notes

Since its inception as the nation’s first green bank, the Connecticut Green Bank has mobilized over $2.1 billion of investment into Connecticut’s clean energy economy. With independent verification as designated Green Bonds, all proceeds from Green Liberty Notes are being invested to help energy users reduce their energy burden while combating climate change. After a successful pilot offering, this will be the second issuance of the Green Liberty Notes to expand the Green Bank’s impact in Connecticut, with an end date of May 13, 2022
Long Island Sound Futures Fund 2022 - Request for Proposals Now Open!

The NFWF Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) is seeking proposals to restore the health and living resources of Long Island Sound with funding of approximately $10 million for awards in 2022. Grants range from $50k - $1.5m with lower match requirements this year. The LISFF operates within a partnership of federal and state agencies, foundations, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, user groups, and individuals dedicated to restoring and protecting the Sound. The final proposal deadline is May 19, 2022.
UConn CLEAR Webinar
Starting A Stormwater Utility: Learning from the South Burlington Experience

May 4, 1:00 -2:00 p.m.

In a second webinar of UConn CLEAR's Stormwater Utility Webinar Series, the Stormwater Superintendent of South Burlington VT, Dave Wheeler, will discuss the process of establishing the first stormwater utility in the state. This webinar will provide further detail on various aspects of setting up and maintaining a stormwater utility, such as the fee and schedule, use of funding, community impact, as well as what has been learned.
Clean Energy Group Webinar
Resilience Hubs: Model Overview and Community Case Studies

May 5, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

This Clean Energy Group webinar will overview the concept of a Resilience Hub, including the five foundational elements that make Resilience Hubs successful. Presenters will discuss the services, programs, communications and operational elements in addition to the building retrofits and resilient power systems – solar PV paired with battery storage – that have made their Resilience Hubs a trusted community node for resilience.
CT DEEP Climate Resilience Grant Program Public Meeting

May 9, 1:00 p.m.

CT DEEP wants to hear from anyone interested in conducting or participating in climate resilience planning and project development in their community, particularly potential applicants and partners under the grant program, including municipal government, councils of governments, state agencies, community organizations, nonprofit, academic, and private entities. DEEP requests oral and/or written public comments on the elements of the DEEP Climate Resilience Grant Program Straw Proposal, including the questions in the Public Notice. Register for a virtual meeting to provide oral comments on May 9, 2022 at 1:00.
EBC Webinar: 2nd Annual Summit of the EPA and New England State
Water and Wastewater Leaders

May 18, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

The Environmental Business Council's (EBC) 2nd Annual Water Resources Leadership Conference will provide an opportunity for the EPA and each New England state to review their respective water resources management plans, program priorities, and implementation strategies. Included will be a discussion regarding the various ways the states are working together on regional water issues that include extreme weather events, drought, flooding, and other climate change related topics.
NASEM's Communities, Climate Change, and Health Equity –
State-Level Implementation workshops

May 24-26, 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) will be hosting two workshops to explore state approaches to improve climate-related health outcomes, while centering disproportionately impacted communities. These workshops will be highly interactive and will include breakout sessions for attendees to share lessons learned and discuss best practices.
Climate Adaptation Forum: Sweltering Heat Waves and Increasing Drought - Can The Northeast Handle The Heat?

June 3, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Join the Climate Adaptation Forum for this first in-person event since 2020! Attendees will have the option of being in-person, networking at the UMass Club in Boston, MA, or tuning in virtually from their locations around New England, the country, or even internationally. The Forum will bring in a diverse panel of speakers who will explore what we can learn from practitioners across the country who are already feeling the heat, as well as what our region is doing to mitigate these critical threats to our public and environmental health.
Rutgers University NJADAPT Training

June 3, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center at Rutgers University is offering a free virtual training on the use of Rutgers’ climate change data visualization and mapping tools, NJADAPT. These data tools are designed to support efforts by communities to understand their impacts from climate change using the latest science and data. There are openings for 30 participants in this highly practical and interactive two-hour training. Rutgers invites individuals eager to participate to express their interest by May 15, 2022.
Carbon Brief: The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment on how to Tackle Climate Change

Limiting global warming to 1.5C or 2C would mean “rapid and deep” emissions reductions in “all sectors” of the global economy, says the latest report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC’s sixth assessment report (AR6) outlines how these emissions cuts could be achieved, including “substantial” reductions in fossil fuel use, energy efficiency, electrification, the rapid uptake of low-emission energy sources – particularly renewables. Carbon Brief unpacks the key findings of the report, in an in-depth Q&A.
Sustainable Solutions Lab Report: Learning from the
Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program

Since its 2017 launch, the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program has awarded more than $65 million in climate resilience planning and action grants. As of 2021, 328 of Massachusetts' 351 municipalities -- 93% -- have enrolled in the program. In this report, researchers from UMass Boston look at the MVP Program's design and implementation in several cities and towns in Massachusetts during the first seven years.
Rutgers New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center Report:
State of the Climate New Jersey 2021

A new report by researchers from Rutgers University, the Office of the New Jersey State Climatologist, and the University of Delaware summarizes the current scientific information on climate trends and projections within the state. The authors provide an annual climate and weather overview that can be used by state and local decision-makers, hazard planning and climate resilience professionals, and residents to monitor changing climate conditions and prepare for future impacts.
Save the Sound and Yale Report: Connecticut’s Climate Action Plan

If you’ve wondered what the Connecticut state government can do right now to fight climate change, this is the guide you need. “Climate Action Plan 2022: Cut Emissions & Build a Healthy Connecticut” examines the electricity, transportation, and buildings sectors in Connecticut to identify a short list of critical policies that our legislature should pass. The Climate Action Plan was made possible by a collaboration between Save the Sound, the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health, and other key advisors.
Kurzgesagt Video: We WILL Fix Climate Change!

For many the future seems grim and hopeless and young people feel particularly anxious and depressed. In a new study on the subject of “eco-anxiety”, more than 15,000 young people aged 16 to 25 were surveyed from ten countries. A video is also available targeting a younger population - Kurzgesagt's "In a Nutshell" video highlights positive climate trends and work people are doing to combat the looming climate crisis.
State and Regional News Clips
Governor Hochul Announces FY 2023 Investments in Clean Energy Infrastructure, Climate Resiliency and Preservation
Governor NY - April 9, 2022

Governor Kathy Hochul announced bold, unprecedented investments and environmental initiatives in the FY 2023 Budget. “Our unprecedented commitment to the pursuit of clean-energy alternatives and green infrastructure will supercharge our economy and advance our climate goals. This Budget solidifies New York’s place as a national leader in the fight against climate change," says Governor Hochul. 
CT Plans a Green Hydrogen Path, but it Has Potholes
CT Mirror - April 13, 2022

“Green hydrogen” seems to be the climate change solution of the moment — a not-widely-understood substance now talked up by the Biden administration, Northeastern governors and Connecticut lawmakers. Connecticut is partnering with New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts to come up with a proposal for a "hydrogen hub". Separately, the Connecticut legislature is considering a bill to establish a task force to study green hydrogen’s potential and CT DEEP is planning a hydrogen component in its Energy Strategy.
On Earth Day, Governor Mills Announces $2.5 Million for 75 Maine Communities to Fight Climate Change - April 22, 2022

Governor Janet Mills announced that her Administration has awarded a total of $2.5 million in grant funding to 75 communities across Maine to help them fight climate change. The grants come from the Community Resilience Partnership, a program of the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future to help Maine communities with local climate action plans and become more resilient against climate change and reduce emissions.
Boston Mayor Releases Climate Plan to Address Extreme Heat
AP News - April 22, 2022

Boston’s mayor released a plan to address extreme heat caused by climate change in disadvantaged city neighborhoods. The Heat Resilience Solutions for Boston plan presents a number of strategies that Mayor Wu says will help build a “more just, equitable, and resilient Boston.” The plan focuses on five environmental justice communities.
Grant Awarded to Make Esker Point, Palmer Cove More Resilient
The Day - April 22, 2022

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., local officials and The Nature Conservancy announced a $725,000 federal grant to make Esker Point and Palmer Cove more resilient. Blumenthal said the project to strengthen resilience in an area vulnerable to flooding and storms "can be a model for our state and, in fact, the whole nation."
Branford Plans for Future Costs of Sea-Level Rise
Fox 61 - April 22, 2022

The shoreline town of Branford is taking a proactive approach to sea level rise. "There are really three strategies. Protection, accommodate, retreat... they're going to be vastly more expensive in the future," says James Finch, Branford's finance director. Finch helped establish Branford’s coastal resiliency fund.
New Jersey Spending $21M on Projects to Fight Climate Change
Associated Press - April 22, 2022

New Jersey is spending $21 million on projects to help fight climate change, including purchasing electric trucks for some municipalities and handing out grants for projects to restore salt marshes, sea grass beds, forests and other areas.
Groton Hiring Sustainability and Resilience Manager
NBC CT - April 23, 2022

The Town of Groton is hiring a Sustainability and Resilience Manager to address the effects of climate change and create a sustainability action plan. "It's really going to take a town-wide effort in order to combat the effects because there are many homeowners and business owners who will be affected by the sea-level rise," said Mayor of Groton.
On Climate Change, A Political Shift in Connecticut
CT Mirror - April 29, 2022

With the final passage of a “Connecticut Clean Air Act,” the House put a bow on a productive session for addressing climate change and clean energy. Three environment bills passed with bipartisan support this week including Senate Bills 10, 176, and 93. “This has been a banner week for climate policy in Connecticut,” says the League of Conservation Voters.
National News Clips
New Vehicles Must Average 40 mpg by 2026, Up from 28 mpg
AP News - April 1, 2022

New vehicles sold in the U.S. will have to average at least 40 mpg of gasoline in 2026, up from about 28 mpg. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said its new fuel economy requirements are the strongest to date and the maximum the industry can achieve over the time period - reducing gas consumption by more than 220 billion gallons.
5 Takeaways From the U.N. Report on Limiting Global Warming
New York Times - April 4, 2022

Nations are not doing nearly enough to prevent global warming from increasing to dangerous levels within the lifetimes of most people on earth today, according to a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Limiting the devastation won’t be easy, but it also isn’t impossible if countries act now, the report says.
Climate Change Could Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Each Year
by the End of the Century, White House Says
CNBC - April 4, 2022

Floods, drought, wildfires and hurricanes made worse by climate change could cost the U.S. federal budget about $2 trillion each year — a 7.1% loss in annual revenue — by the end of the century. Further analysis also warned the U.S. government could spend an additional $25 - $128 billion each year in areas such as coastal disaster relief, flood insurance, crop insurance, health-care insurance, wildland fire suppression and flooding.
Researchers Demonstrate New Link Between
Greenhouse Gases and Sea Level Rise
PHYS.ORG - April 5, 2022

Ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Amundsen Sea is one of the fastest growing and most concerning contributions to global sea level rise. In a new study, scientists link rising greenhouse gases to long-term warming effects in West Antarctica. If the ice sheet were to melt, global sea levels could rise by up to three meters.
Biden Administration Announces $46M in Climate Funding
for Indigenous Communities
Axios - April 11, 2022

The Interior Department announced it's investing $46 million to address the impacts of climate change in Indigenous communities. Researchers have found that the near-total loss of historical lands leaves Indigenous people in the U.S. more vulnerable to climate change. 
Biden Restores Climate to Landmark Environmental Law, Reversing Trump
New York Times - April 19, 2022

The Biden administration announced that it is restoring parts of a bedrock environmental law, once again requiring that climate impacts be considered and local communities have input before federal agencies approve highways, pipelines and other major projects. The administration has resurrected requirements of the 50-year-old National Environmental Policy Act that had been removed by President Trump.
DOT Announces $6.4B to Slash Transportation Emissions
E&E ClimateWire - April 21, 2022

The Transportation Department is unlocking $6.4 billion to help states reduce transit-related carbon emissions, the largest source of climate pollution in the country. Funds are being routed through a new Carbon Reduction Program, which was created through President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. "I think this is the first ever highway formula program that dedicates funding to address the effects that roads and highways have on our climate," said Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.).
Florida Seeks 100% Renewable Electricity by 2050
ABC News - April 21, 2022

Florida utilities would gradually increase their electricity to 100% renewable by 2050 under a proposed rule unveiled by the state’s agriculture commissioner. The proposed rule is an outgrowth of a lengthy court battle involving dozens of young people who claim Florida is violating their constitutional rights by continuing to promote use of fossil fuels that drive climate change. Similar lawsuits have been filed in other states.
The Resilience Roundup highlights CIRCA's presence in the news, provides links to recent local/state/national news articles related to resilience and adaptation, and announces upcoming events and seminars.
The Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation's (CIRCA) mission is to increase the resilience and sustainability of vulnerable communities along Connecticut's coast and inland waterways to the growing impacts of climate change and extreme weather on the natural, built, and human environment. The institute is located at the University of Connecticut's Avery Point campus and includes faculty from across the university. CIRCA is a partnership between UConn and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP). 
State and Regional News Clips