Key Events
ECETOC TRA Tool Workshop03 May | Brussesl, Belgium Dr. Michael Chang of CIRS will attend the workshop.Contact:zxp@cirs-group.comNCTR Global Summit on Regulatory Science09-11 May | Hangzhou, China
Contact us
CIRS China
11/F., Building 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 1288 Chunbo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China Tel: +86-571 8720 6555 | Fax: +86-571 8720 6533
CIRS Ireland Singleton House, Laurence Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland Tel : +353 41 9806 916 | Fax : +353 41 9806 999
ECHA to disseminate registrants' name, contact details and full registration numbers
In the latest ECHA Q&A on IUCLID 5.4 changes and impact on submission and dissemination of information, ECHA has announced that they will disseminate the registrant's name, contact details and full registration numbers in future unless those information has been claimed confidential in IUCLID 5 by registrants. Such a confidentiality claim usually involves an update of IUCLID 5 dossier and requires a fee to be paid to ECHA. This dissemination of information will assist buyers to find REACH registered suppliers in the future and may pose a threat to companies who want to keep their business activities confidential.
More info regarding this can be found here
Last Reminder: Do not forget to submit REACH
late pre-registration before 31 May 2012
If your company plans to put a phase-in substance on EU market for the first time this year and you predict the volume to be 100-1000t/y, the last day to submit such a late pre-registration is 31 May this year..
More info about REACH late pre-registration can be found here |
Top 20 chemical companies have acquired
around 50% of new substance registration
certificate issued in China in 2011
According to CIRS's statistics, 964 scientific research record notification certificates, 4567 simplified notification certificates and 2 typical notification certificates were issued in China during 2011.
The top 10 registrants are BASF, Cytec Industries, DuPont, DSM, Dow Chemical (including RohmHass), Dow Corning, Huntsman, PPG Industries, Bayer MaterialScience, and Mitsubishi Chemical. These top 10 companies have contributed to 36.8% of scientific research record notification certificates and to 38.3% of simplified notification certificates issued in 2011. Other companies on the top 20 list include DIC, Sabic, Toyo Ink, Evonik, External Group, ITOCHU Plastics, JSR, Wacker, Henkel and 3M. The top 20 companies have contributed close to 50% of new substance registration certificates issued in 2011. More info can be found here
China publishes national standards on chemical
reagent packaging and labeling
The Standardization Administration of China (SAC) has published a draft national standard (GB 15346-201x) on chemical reagent packaging and labeling. The standard is expected to replace GB 15346-1994. In general China GHS national standards also apply to SDSs and labels for chemical reagents. However there are extra labeling and packaging requirements for chemical reagents. For example, product specification is required on a label.
More info can be found here
Webinar presentation of the latest SFDA
regulations on cosmetics and new cosmetic
ingredients are now available upon request
The following webinar presentations are available upon request:
- Ms April Guo, A summary of latest updates of cosmetic regulations since April 2011; - Mr Yunbo Shi, Documents required for the registration of a new cosmetic ingredient in China; - Dr Shujun Cheng, Director, Chinese Center for Alternatives Research and Evaluation (CCARE).
Please contact if you would like to obtain a copy of any of the above presentations
Reminder: Be Aware of the Validity of New
Substance Notification Exemption Certificate
under China's Oder 17
This is a reminder that companies who have acquired new substance notification exemption certificates under China's Order No. 17(2003), need to re-apply for scientific research record notification or simplified notifications under the Order No. 7 of the Provisions on Environmental Administration of New Chemical Substances in China (2010). The new substance notification exemption certificates issued under Order No. 17 are only valid for 1 year. To find out whether you need to re-apply new substance notification certificates, please consult Mr Eric Xiong(
China MOH has removed 38 food additives
from the list of approved food additivies
The Ministry of Health (MoH) of China has published a notice to remove 38 food additives (for example, 4-phenylphenol, metatartaric acid) from the list of approved food additives in China. These additives can now no longer be used in China
More info can be found here
CIRS now offers free SDS and label review
services for Europe and China
CIRS now offers free SDS review services to companies exporting chemicals to Europe or China. To find out whether your SDSs and chemical labels meet the requirements of REACH/CLP regulation or China GHS. Please note that this offer is only valid for a limited time and terms and conditions apply.
Please send your existing SDSs for review to Mr. Morgan Prendeville (