In This Issue
1. Checking IECSC(2013) Online
2. Workshop on Latest Updates of K-REACH
3. 8 Substances Added onto REACH Authorization List
4. Q1 Chemical Regulatory Report for China
5. Coping with Upcoming HazChem Registrations in China
6. More New Substance Notifications Approved.
Key Events
Free Webinar: Coping with HazChem Registrations in China
in Chinese | 8 May 2013
This webinar will focus on the practical handling of HazChem registrations in China and provide insights at how to cope with the revised Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals. Click here to register.
Workshop on Latest Updates of K-REACH
Shanghai, China | 30 May 2013
This event is brought to you by KTR & CIRS. To register for this event, please click here.
Contact us
CIRS China
11/F., Building 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 1288 Chunbo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
Tel: +86-571 8720 6555 | Fax: +86-571 8720 6533
CIRS Ireland
Singleton House, Laurence Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland
Tel : +353 41 9806 916 | Fax : +353 41 9806 999
On 8 April 2013, the latest draft version of Korea REACH was published. We would like to invite you to participate in our workshop on the latest updates of Korea REACH to be held in Shanghai on 30 May. This half day workshop brought to you by CIRS & KTR will entirely focus on the essential topics of upcoming Korea REACH:
- The relationship between K-REACH & TCCA;
- Latest updates of Korea REACH and its status;
- Pre-registration & registration;
- How to comply with upcoming K-REACH & practical advice;
All attendess will get a copy of English version of Korea REACH guide. To register for this event, please click here.
The other exciting news is that we have incorporated the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in China (IECSC 2013) into CIRS's free Chinese Chemical Inventory Search System (CCISS). You can easily search IECSC (2013) online along with other important chemical regulatory lists in China with one click. To try it today, please click the link below:
We hope you find the rest of this newsletter useful.
best regards and enjoy!
CIRS Regulatory Team.
An additional 8 Substances are Added onto REACH Annex XIV Authorization List
21 April 2013, There are now 22 substances on the Authorization list (updated in April 2013). Under REACH Substances of Very High Concern(SVHC) listed in Annex XIV ("Authorization list") will not be allowed to be used, placed on the market or imported into the EU after a date to be set unless the company is granted an authorization. More info can be found here.
REACH 2013 registration deadline approaching
25 April 2013, With just over one month left until the 2nd REACH transitional deadline for 100, many individual registrants are making final preparations to obtain their joint submission token from the lead registrants and submit their dossier to ECHA via REACH IT. CIRS is currently assisting 100's of companies to meet their compliance objectives and are operating an EU helpline for any companies which require assistance with their dossier preparation, understanding their data requirements or submitting their dossier via REACH-IT. Should you require any assistance with meeting the REACH2013 deadline, don't hesitate to contact our large team of regulatory experts for support. Our EU helpdesk can be reached on 00353 41 9806916 and email enquiries can also be sent directly to
CIRS Publishes Q1 Chemical Regulatory Update Report for China
11 April 2013, CIRS publishes Q1 Chemical Regulatory Update Report for China. The report has summarized some main chemical regulatory updates for chemicals, cosmetics and agrochemicals in Q1 2013 in China. The full report can be downloaded here.
China MEP Approves More New Substance Notifications.
21 April 2013, 7 typical notifications and 165 scientific research notifications have been approved in Q1 2013 by China MEP. The latest statistics can be found at CIRS's China New Substance Registration Watch.
China MEP Publishes Supporting Documents for Environmental Administration Registration of Hazardous Chemicals
1 April 2013, China MEP has published 4 supporting documents for environmental administration registration of hazardous chemicals on its website. The publication of above documents indicates the start of HazChem registrations with environmental protection authorities in China. According to China MEP's 12-year plan, the first round of environmental administration registration of hazardous chemicals will be completed before 2015. More info can be found here.