Latest Updates about REACH & CLP | |
Companies shall submit notifications of certain SVHCs to ECHA no later than 1 June 2011.
ECHA has released IT tools and guidance for SVHC notificaiton this month. Article companies shall submit notifications for certain SVHCs no later than 1 June 2011.
Under REACH, producers and importers of articles (furniture, construction products, clothing etc) have a legal obligation to notify ECHA if any Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) included in the Candidate List is present in their articles above the threshold of 0.1% weight by weight and if the quantity of such substance in those articles is over 1 tonne per producer/importer per year. For those substances included in the Candidate List by 1 December 2010, the relevant notifications have to be submitted not later than 1 June 2011.
More info about SVHC notification can be found here.
CLP regulation is ammended by (EU) No 286/2011
Commission Regulation (EU) No 286/2011 of 10 March 2011 amending the CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 came into force on 19 April 2011. The ammendment aligns CLP regulation with the third version of UN-GHS. The changes will apply to substances from 1 December 2012 and to mixtures from 1 June 2015.
More info about our CLP regulation can be found here. |
Other Chemical Control Laws | |
Revised Regulations on Safe Management of Hazardous Chemicals come into force on 1 Dec 2011 in China
The State Council, China's Cabinet, published the revised version of Regulations on Safe Management of Hazardous Chemicals in China on 11 March 2011. The regulation, which has clauses for the production, storage, use, sales and transporting of hazardous chemicals, will come into force beginning Dec. 1 this year.
This regulation has given legal forces to China GHS national standards for the first time. Companies who fail to classify, label and package hazardous chemicals in accordance with those standards would face a maximum penalty of 50,000 yuan or a ban on production or import.
This regulation also requires registration of hazardous existing chemicals.
CIRS will hold a free webinar on the latest regulations on safe management of hazardous chemicals in China(2011) and China GHS on 10 May 2011. Please click here to register (space is limited).
US TSCA IUR Update Reporting Starts from 1 June 2011
The Inventory Update Reporting(IUR) rule of TSCA requires manufacturers and importers of certain chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory to report site and manufacturing information for chemicals manufactured (including imported) in amounts of 25,000 pounds or greater at a single site. This needs to be done every four years. The latest IUR Update Reporting starts from 1 June this year.
If you export chemicals to USA or manufacture chemicals in USA, you might be affected by this regulation.
More info about IUR Update Report can be found here