February 2021
CISD Booster for Special Programs News
Carroll ISD Special Programs
Virtual College and Career Fair
February 10, 2021
Carroll ISD Special Programs
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
February 27 (full)
March 27, 2021 (a few spots remain)
Registration Required (Max 20 per session)
Mark your calendars for our next Brown Bag about Transitions
April 28, 2021
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m followed by Q&A with parent panel
SASO Girls has supported our Fun Fair for several years -
Support their Blood Drive!
February 19, 2021
Membership is our #1 Fundraiser
$25 family - $5 teacher
The CISD Booster for Special Programs is district wide organization that supports Special Programs for all eleven campuses. We are a federally recognized non-profit 501(c) 3. 
MEMBERSHIP is our #1 fundraiser. 

Technology Help
Check Out Our Website Resources
and Submit Resources to Add
New TEA Fund for Families of Students With Low Incidence Disability, Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)
They are on-line accounts made available to eligible parents of students with disabilities that have been impacted by COVID-19 school closures. Families of students with eligible disabilities can use the on-line accounts to obtain goods and services up to a specific dollar amount that supplement what otherwise happens in school to help their child make more educational progress.

Families of students with eligible disabilities can use the on-line accounts to obtain goods and services up to a specific dollar amount that supplement what otherwise happens in school to help their child make more educational progress. 

A low incidence disability (e.g., an intellectual disability, a developmental disability, a visual impairment, hearing loss, a significant physical disability, multiple disabilities, or are on the autistic spectrum).
CPSH Introduction to Independence,
Sunday, February 28 2021 1pm-5pm (CST)
Texas Workforce Commission
TWC - Texas Workforce Commission is a Texas state agency that offers programs to students/adults with disabilities including Special Education and 504 at no cost. 
Programs they are currently offering for the 2020-2021 school year and summer of 2021. They are split into services for students 14-15 years old and services for students 16 and older. Please review them and see what they have to offer that might be of benefit to your son/daughter. It is always good to start learning pre-employment skills early! If your son/daughter is 13, you can see what they can do when they turn 14.
Do you have a student that will be at least 16 by May 31?
Calling all Parents of a student that will be at least 16 by this May 31. Do you want your student to have a paid part time job for 5 weeks this summer? If the answer is YES, then keep reading and see the attached flyer. 
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is providing a paid summer work program thru Work Ready Texas. There will be two sessions –
May 31 – July 2
July 5 – August 6
Your student will work with a job coach initially and then the job coach will fade as needed. Each student will work a maximum of 20 hours per week (depending on the student). Students will gain paid work experience in entry level retail, customer service, food services, stocking/shipping and receiving, or recreation services in this area.  Transportation is available if needed. 
To apply:
1. Complete the attached VR 1820 - signed by parent (if the student is a minor) or adult student
2. Documentation of Disability – send the first page of the ARD paperwork that states the diagnosis
3. Copy of Photo ID as one of the following: Student ID/ Driver’s License/ Passport
4. Copy of Social Security Card
5. All of the above must be sent to richard.jenke@twc.state.tx.us
Deadline for applications is March 12th     But do not wait until March 12, this could fill up! 
Questions can be answered by Mr. Jenke at richard.jenke@twc.state.tx.us or you can contact me at karen.donegan@southlakecarroll.edu
Apply Now for Texas Partners in Policymaking
Teaching Social Media Skills
Register for February Webcast
Wednesday February 17th - 3:00 - 3:45 pm CST
29 Acres
Services For The Full Spectrum of Autism
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Social Media Chair:
Upcoming Events
2020-2021 Brown Bag Lunch & Learn Dates
  • April 28, 2021 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Topic Transitions followed by Q&A with parent panel
2020-2021 Officers

President Angela Kwentus 
Treasurer Jacolyn Lieck
Secretary Rebecca Paredes
Fundraising Holly Birnbach
Communications Flora Sanders with help from Student Assistant, Cole Sanders
Social Media Bonnie Pendergrass
CISD Booster for Special Programs | 501(c)3 | 817-889-1278 || www.cisdboostersp.com