Get your 2019 application in today!
JB Reminder: planning meeting is this afternoon! See the calendar on our website or the JB Calgary Facebook group for more details!
2019 Programmes
Village (11 years + 1 leader)

Denmark, Roskilde  
7/5/2019 - 8/1/2019

Guatemala, Guatemala
12/26/2019 -1/22/2020 (WINTER)

USA, Jacksonville
6/28/2019 - 7/25/2019

Step Up

C-2019-004  Brazil, Araraquara 
(14 years + 1 leader) 
6/29/2019 - 7/21/2019

C-2019-018  Great Britain, London 
(15 years + 1 leader) 
7/19/2019 - 8/10/2019

(12-13 years + 1 leader)

Summer 2019 - dates to be determined

Please contact  for more information on Interchange

Local Staff

We are also looking for local staff to help lead the 2019 Village that we're hosting in Calgary. Please share with your friends, neighbours and teachers! This is a great chance to work with 11 year-olds from around the world!

Youth Meeting
Y-2019-034  Mexico, Monterrey
6/30-7/14, 2019 
(individual age 16-18)

JC (16-17 years)
V-2019-009  Brazil, Sao Paulo (Female invite) 
12/27/ 2019 - 1/23/2020 (WINTER)

Seminar Camp (17-18 years)

Please contact Jill at
to apply for Seminar Camp

Brazil, Canada, Denmark, El Salvador, France, Great Britain, Guatemala, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, USA

IPP (19+ years)

Sweden - Creating Safe Environments 
-25 June to 12 July 2019 

Czech Republic - Lift Each Other Up 
-13 to 27 July 2019 

Portugal - Building Bridges 
-26 July to 11 August 2019 

Italy - Peaceful Fights
-4 to 18 August 2019
Japan - Stories of Fukushima
-11 to 24 August 2019

Check out the descriptions and the rest of the amazing IPP's being offered around the world  here! Deadline for first round of submissions is Dec. 15, 2018. Contact  Jill for more info!

Applications for all Village, Step Up, JC, YM and Interchange programmes are due by Dec. 7 at midnight.

Interviews for all delegations and leader positions will take place during the activity on December 9, 2018 at Grace Presbyterian Church.

Apply now! Applications can be found on our website!