Spring 2018, Volume 2:2
CIVME Meets During AAVMC's Annual Symposium in Washington, D.C.
CIVME members met face-to-face at the annual AAVMC meeting in Washington, D.C. on March 1st, 2018. The meeting was a productive one that focused on selecting the winners of the 2018 Educational Research micro-grants, developing a marketing and outreach strategy for the council, re-evaluating the governance structure of the council and determining long-term outcomes and metrics. The council was pleased to have input from several guests and staff members of AAVMC. Rotation of council members will start over the next couple of years as CIVME seeks to establish itself as a mature initiative of the AAVMC organization. This year, Dr. Fei Rong Mei and Dr. John David Kabasa, both rotate off the council as their terms come to an end, and CIVME thanks them very much for their service and support during our developmental phase. Please click here to read more about the meeting and the new leaders who have joined our Council!
CIVME Funds Second Round of Annual Educational Research Grants
CIVME has funded three program grants designed to foster the enrichment and advancement of international academic veterinary medicine. Funded proposals include collaborative projects from 15 institutions in 11 different countries and five global regions. CIVME was founded during the AAVMC's 50th anniversary year (2016) to help advance AAVMC interests in elevating the quality of international academic veterinary medicine. Specifically, the charge from the AAVMC Board of Directors was to "advance high-quality veterinary education internationally through enabling and empowering best practice." CIVME seeks to advance their initiatives by promoting inter-regional collaboration. Please click here to learn more about the grants that were funded.
VetEd Down Under presented at University of Adelaide - Roseworthy
A new veterinary education initiative held its inaugural meeting 13-14 February, at the University of Adelaide's beautiful, semi-rural Roseworthy campus. Styled as 'VetEd Down Under', the Australasian Veterinary Educators Symposium aims to promote veterinary education in the Australia and New Zealand region through inclusive sharing of research, innovation and best practice. The format and 'spirit' of the symposium was closely modeled on the very successful VetEd symposium held by the Veterinary Schools Council (VSC), which represents the schools of UK, Ireland and the Netherlands. Three core principle underpin the conference: inclusivity through an affordable and welcoming atmosphere, sharing through networking for collective benefit, and promotion of best practice. Please click here to read more about this exciting conference and explore the symposium proceedings.
"The Way We Learn - A CIVME Event" Webinar Scheduled
The first of a series of CIVME webinars will be presented next October. A webinar titled "The Way We Learn - A CIVME Event" will be presented on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 4 p.m. GMT Summer time (London, GMT+01:00 and/or Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT - 04:00). Featured presenter is Dr. Stephen May, President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and Professor of Education and Senior Vice-Principal of the Royal Veterinary College. Educational research demonstrates that a central feature of high-quality learning is "what the student does," at the same time as showing that the major factor influencing educational outcomes is the teacher. This apparent paradox is resolved by the recognition that great teachers understand "the way we learn" and inspire and engage us in relevant activities in ways that progressively build our knowledge and skills. This first webinar in the CIVME series will address learning, as the starting point for exploring assessment and teaching that supports students in achieving their full potential. Click here for registration information.
CIVME Schedules Fall 2018 meeting for Utrecht
CIVME representatives will hold their semi-annual meeting at Utrecht University in the Netherlands from October 25-27, 2018. CIVME members will conduct routine organizational business during the meeting. CIVME meets twice a year, once during the AAVMC's annual conference in Washington and once in another location. Last year the group met in Mexico City and the year before they met in London. For more information, contact Tony Wynne at twynne@aavmc.org.
VetEd 2018 - International Symposium of the Veterinary Schools Council at Utrecht July 4-6, 2018
The International Symposium of the Veterinary Schools Council will present VetEd 2018 from July 4-6, 2018 at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. Keynote speakers include Prof. Cees van der Vleuten (about Programmatic Assessment), Prof. Jan van Tartwijk, Prof. Debbie Jaarsma, and Prof. Wim Kremer. A special pre-conference worksop on Entrustable Professional Activities will be presented by Prof. Olle ten Cate. The annual VSC Veterinary Education Symposium was established by a group of enthusiastic veterinary educators working in vet schools in the UK and Dublin. The symposium takes place over two days during the summer. It rotates around VSC schools and aims to be an economical way for veterinary educators to share ideas and innovations for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate vets. Are you interested? Please register before June 15th, 2018 through this link! Click here to read more about VetEd 2018.
Profiles of CIVME Educators
Dr. Nicole Mastenbroek  
Dr. Nicole Mastenbroek is assistant professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Nicole studied both Veterinary Medicine and Work & Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University. Following graduation at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine (1985), she worked in large animal veterinary medicine for almost 20 years. During this period she became increasingly interested in work-related mental well-being and was inspired to study Work & Organizational Psychology. Nicole is professionally interested in studying mental health and wellness in veterinary professionals and focused her PhD work on methods for studying potential predictors of burnout and engagement among young veterinary professionals. With her two-fold career in veterinary medicine and work psychology, Nicole is also an active member of the Utrecht University focus area Professional Performance that generates a multi-disciplinary research space that studies transitions in professional work. Click here to read a more detailed profile.

Dr. Rikke Langebæk
Dr. Langebæk received her degree as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from University of Copenhagen in 1986 and worked in companion animal private practice for a number of years before returning to the university as an assistant teacher in basic surgery in 1995. One of Dr. Langebæk's pedagogical goals has been to implement educational methods that could support students' learning by providing them with a positive learning environment, reducing the stress that many students experience when faced with live-animal surgery. This motivated her to investigate the emotional effect of training on low-fidelity models in the surgical skills lab, and in 2011 she finished her PhD on this subject. In one of her more recent projects, she has been investigating a possible link between creativity and surgery, using a creative assignment/challenge to promote surgical learning and decision-making in veterinary students. Click here to read a more detailed profile.
Dr. Luis Zarco
Dr. Zarco is a veterinary educator who has devoted an important portion of his energy and professional life to promoting positive changes in veterinary education. Dr. Zarco presently serves on the faculty of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where he served as Dean of the Veterinary College from 1997 to 2005. He was also past president of the Mexican Association of Veterinary Medical Schools and the Pan-American Federation of Veterinary Schools. He is also former President of the Mexican Council on Veterinary Education (CONEVET) and a former Coordinator of the Accreditation Committee of the Pan-American Council of Veterinary Education. While serving as dean, he organized the historic "First World Meeting of Leaders in Veterinary Education" in 2003, which attracted educators from North America, South America, Europe and Asia, as well as leaders fro WHO, PAHO, and FAO. Click here to read a more detailed profile.
Dra. Macarena Vidal
Dra. Vidal has served as dean of the Veterinary Medicine School of Major University in Santiago de Chile since 1997. She has provided leadership on the development of competence-oriented educational models focused on student learning, has led numerous graduate theses, and coordinates academic courses in the areas of public health, epidemiology and health ecosystems. Prior to appointment as dean, she was Head of the Epidemiology Department of Livestock protection in the Agriculture and Livestock Service of Chile. That work has continued throughout her educational career, as she coordinated the interministerial Commission in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Matters from 1996-2016. Her work led to the development of important global export markets for Chile in the areas of silviculture and agriculture and she has earned numerous professional recognitions for her work in this area. Click here to read a more detailed profile.
Meetings and Events of Interest to Veterinary Educators
Veterinary Educator Collaborative - Primary Care Veterinary Educators Conference
22-24th June 2018
Ithaca, New York,
Abstract submission closed

VetEd 2018
4-6th July 2018
Utrecht, Netherlands
Abstract submission closed

ViEW AMEE Preconference Workshop

The ViEW pre-conference workshop at AMEE 2018 is titled "The three C's of Technology Enhanced Learning - Current trends, Collaboration and Cutting edge." Don't forget to sign up for the workshop when you register for AMEE - it promises to be a very interesting day with lots of ideas to take back to your own institution! Thank you to the facilitators: Dr Chris Trace, Prof Jan Ehlers and Dr Jodi Korich. Find out more and sign up here.

25-29th August 2018
Basel, Switzerland
Abstract submission closed

17-19th October 2018
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Abstract deadline: 1st July


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