Ma Koreh   /What’s Happening?
Weekly CJDS Newsletter
“One People, One Dance ”
D’var Kesher from the Principal
April 20, 2018 / Yom Ha’atzmaut - 5 Iyyar 5778
Parashat Tazria-Metzora, Leviticus/Vayikra 12:1-15:33

As Jews in America, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut are among the most emotionally complex and difficult holidays to convey and experience. We move so quickly from solemnity to joy that these days can feel jarring. 

In the United States, we have a Memorial Day and an Independence Day, but they do not feel as intentionally marked to me. Every year on Yom Hazikaron in Israel, for two sacred minutes, people of all ages, races, ethnicities, nationalities, religious views, and political views bow their heads in silence during a national siren. I have heard the contrast between these national Israeli holidays and the national US holidays attributed to the youth of Israel as a country compared to the United States, or the impact of losing so many in a country as small as Israel. Virtually everyone feels a connection to the loss. But I wonder if part of what makes Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut so powerful is their proximity to one another. 

At CJDS on Thursday, we spent time in the morning commemorating fallen soldiers with a beautiful ceremony put together by Eva Tibor and a moving personal story from CJDS parent, Timor Dill. At the end of the ceremony, we raised the flags back to their full height and announced the transition to Yom Ha’atzmaut. We showed the students an amazing video celebrating Israel’s 70th birthday party. While we were all filled with joy, many people were also crying – the cost of Israel’s independence still fresh in all of our minds. 
The Fourth Grade helped us all celebrate the accomplishments of 70 years of Independence through their Israeli Inventor Fair. All of the students researched an Israeli inventor and displayed information about the scientist or designer and their work, for everyone to see. They also stood by their exhibits to answer questions and describe their research proudly to all the visitors. Two students even had the opportunity to email directly with their scientists in preparation for this project. This celebration helped us move towards the joy appropriate for Yom Ha’atzmaut.
In the afternoon, we were invited on to a time machine with Annelyn and had the opportunity to “meet” famous Israelis from Israel’s 70 years – a politician (David Ben Gurion), a singer (Izhar Cohen), Bamba food inventor, an Olympic medalist (Gal Friedman), an Ethiopian immigrant, an engineer, and an actress (Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman)!
As we arrived back to 2018, we were ready to celebrate Israel with dancing. CJDS participated in the learning and filming of a special dance that was choreographed especially for Israel’s 70th birthday that is being learned, danced, and filmed all over the world. Check out our video on Facebook!
I also had the honor to serve as the master of ceremonies for the Columbus Yom Hazikaron ceremony on Tuesday night. In preparing for the ceremony, I heard wrenching stories of tragic loss from members of our community.

Just a few hours after that two minute siren, all of Jerusalem transforms – there are concerts everywhere, children and adults spraying silly string at each other, and thousands of people dancing in front of City Hall.

The transition from Yom Hazikaron to Yom Ha’atzmaut – from sorrow to exuberance – within 24 hours connects the “how” with the “why” of the State of Israel. We cry and dance and sing all at the same time because independence feels so much more poignant when we know how we got there.

Shabbat shalom,

(Perhaps I’ll see you dancing some more at Israel Celebrates 70 at the Columbus Zoo at 4pm on Sunday where the CJDS Dance Club Ketzev will be featured!)
Ms. A.G.
04/23/2018 (Mon. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Elaine Edelstein
04/24/2018 (Tue. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Josh Feinberg
04/25/2018 (Wed. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Isaac Weiner
04/26/2018 (Thu. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
04/27/2018 (Fri. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Sheree Lamendola

04/30/2018 (Mon. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/01/2018 (Tue. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/02/2018 (Wed. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/03/2018 (Thu. 11:25am - 1:00am): Jennifer Rosichan
05/04/2018 (Fri. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Sharyn Koch

05/07/2018 (Mon. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/08/2018 (Tue. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/09/2018 (Wed. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Isaac Weiner
05/10/2018 (Thu. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Jennifer Rosichan
05/11/2018 (Fri. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Sheree Lamendola

05/14/2018 (Mon. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/15/2018 (Tue. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/16/2018 (Wed. 11:25am - 1:00pm: OPEN
05/17/2018 (Thu. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/18/2018 (Fri. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Sharyn Koch

05/22/2018 (Tue. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Isaac Weiner
05/23/2018 (Wed. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/24/2018 (Thu. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/25/2018 (Fri. 11:25am - 1:00pm): Sharyn Koch

05/29/2018 (Tue. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/30/2018 (Wed. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
05/31/2018 (Thu. 11:25am - 1:00pm): OPEN
Memorialize a loved one
Friday, May 25

We remember loved ones through the acts of loving-kindness we perform in this world. In keeping with CJDS' tradition, we invite you to attend our Annual Butterfly Release on Friday, May 25 from 1:30-2:20 p.m.   During the event, name(s) of people you wish to have memorialized are read aloud as each butterfly is released.

We encourage you to attend this event to personally memorialize your loved ones.    Click here to submit a name.    
It's time to register for the CJDS Color Run!

WHAT: A 1 mile run/walk around the scenic CJDS campus (where you will get multiple multi colored handprints "stamped" on your shirt, at different color stations along the run/walk)
WHEN: Friday, May 25
TIME: Just after school at 2:30 p.m. (ending at 3:15 p.m.)
WHO: CJDS Students, Parents, Siblings, Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and Friends! Not a runner? No worries! Color “runs” are a blast for everyone.
COST: Suggested donation of $15.00 per runner (checks payable to CJDS)

Please remember to wear a white shirt, something you would not want ruined!

Proceeds from the CJDS Color Run benefit our school by making our building a greener facility.
Thu. 5/3 Lag B’omer Celebration 2:00-3:15 p.m.
Fri. 5/4 All School Kabbalat Shabbat (1st Grade Leading) 1:40-2:20 p.m.
Fri. 5/11 Classroom Kabbalat Shabbat 1:40-2:20 p.m.
Sun. 5/13 Yom Yerushalayim
Fri. 5/18 All School Kabbalat Shabbat (Kindergarten Leading) 1:40-2:20 p.m.
Sun. 5/20 - Mon. 5/21: Shavuot
Thu. 5/24 Arts Night 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Fri. 5/25 All School Memorial Day Assembly 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Fri. 5/25 Annual Butterfly Release 1:30-2:20 p.m.
Fri. 5/25 CJDS COLOR RUN 2:45-3:15 p.m.
Thu. 5/31 6th Grade Graduation 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Fri. 6/1 Last Day of School Assembly and Education Bridge 10:45-12:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Dismissal) OFFICES CLOSE AT 12:30 p.m.
Sun. 6/3 CJDS & PJ Library Butterfly Extravaganza (all ages welcome, activities for 3-6 year olds)10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. in CJDS Butterfly Garden
Save the Date: August 1, 2018
We are thrilled that  Sheryl Sandberg  will be coming to Columbus August 1 to speak at a community-wide event at the McCoy Center in New Albany benefiting the children of  CJDS . Ticket and sponsorship info forthcoming shortly. Everyone is welcome--come hear an inspiring leader and support your school.
Jennah Sher
Executive Director
Temple Israel
Jennah Sher, Executive Director of Temple Israel, after participating in the joint Shabbat Tefilah at Genoa Park before the Columbus March for your Lives on March 24, and upon reading about our CJDS students’ “walk-up mix-it-up” in the March 23 issue of the Ma Koreh , she wrote the following letter to Jenny, Ms. AG, and Dr. Z:
"My heart is touched by the creative energy and power of collective action, and power for change. It was also personally meaningful for me to have you participate on Shabbat morning services with us. Not long ago Jenny, you quoted Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel - I'm paraphrasing – but we as Jews are asked to take a leap of action and not just a leap of faith. Seeing so many Jewish faces taking action is inspiring. Seeing your students willing to take action and become true change in the world is, in a word, incredible. Thank you for your leadership, mentorship and friendship. Thank you for helping me start the work week with CJDS students! Kol Ha Kavod!"
Pictured below: Our students and faculty led the CJDS Yom HaZikaron Ceremony.
Pictured below: Our students loved their special Yom HaAtzma'ut Israel gear. The hats and glasses were generously donated by our friends at The Brenner School in K'far Saba, Israel.
Pictured below: Our Kindergarten class had fun building the Old City of Jerusalem out of blocks.
Pictured below: 4th Grade was full of pride as they shared their presentations with the entire CJDS community, family and friends. Yesher Koach!
Pictured below: Their presentations included fun facts, dirrect connections to Israel, and in some cases, technology. One student used the CJDS 3D printer to support her project on Danit Peleg . Danit Peleg is a Fashion Designer known for her 3D printed fashion work.
Mi Sh'berach. When a member of the CJDS family is ill or in need of healing, the entire community lends its support and its prayers for a full and complete recovery. 

Jerry McFerin, CJDS Bexley Bus Driver- We wish you a speedy recovery.

Bradley Rothbaum, CJDS Alumnus (2016) (Benyamin Eitan).

Amy Stern , grandmother to CJDS student Izzy Stern (2018) and CJDS alumnus Jonathan Grimm (2017), we wish you continued healing after your scheduled surgery.

Jennifer Wasserstrom , member of the CJDS Board of Trustees and CJDS parent of alumnae Chloe (2013), Phoebe (2015) and Wendy (2017), we wish you a speedy recovery to your foot.
Mazal Tov!
Mazal tov to CJDS Faculty member, Jessi Kohl (pictured below) on her engagement to Josh Mark!
Mazel Tov to CJDS Co-Founder Tobi and her husband Ken Gold on the birth of a new grandson on April 19! They are together in Chicago with their daughter, Sarah Gold and her husband, Avi Allen, who are the proud new parents of a 6lb 2 oz baby boy! As Tobi said, “Everyone was doing well when we left them last night!”
Mazal tov to the following CJDS faculty and alumni who were honored during the Twelve Torches Ceremony on Thursday, April 19 as part of the community Israel@70 celebrations.

Alyssa Schottenstein (CJDS 2011)
Katie Feldstein (CJDS Faculty)
Toby Mars (CJDS 2012)
Mazal Tov to CJDS Art Teacher, Susan Couden, whose art was featured at the JCC as part of a gallery making Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'Atzmaut more meaningful.
Mazal Tov to the Zelkowicz family - Dr.Z’s brother and sister-in-law, Sam and Jenny Hyman, had a baby boy weighing in at 7lbs exactly, in Vancouver on April 19. Gavi (2023), and brother Asher are thrilled about their new cousin and can’t wait to meet him in June. 
Mazel tov to Rabbi Daniel Alter (pictured below center), who was installed last Shabbat as a rabbi educator at Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor, MI. Rabbi Alter was a student of Dr. Z’s at HUC in Los Angeles, along with Rabbi Whinston (pictured left), who is the senior rabbi at TBE.

Hakarat HaTov!
The Hebrew term for gratitude is הַכָּרַת הַטוֹב (H akarat HaTov), which means "recognizing the good." If you would like to recognize an act of good in in our CJDS community by any employee or volunteer, please let us know about it HERE!
We want to recognize the impromptu Tefilot initiated by several CJDS students, at various Bexley bus stops this morning (when the bus was running late). What a great reaction to a late bus!

Thank you to...

Ron for always having a smile on his face and bringing joy to all of us.
The Bexley Bus students on receiving a wonderful complement from their driver, Jennifer, for "being the best group she's ever driven." Wow!
Dena Rives for helping to take pictures of the 4th grade
Paul and Poly Zeigler for steping in to serve lunch this week.
Elaine Feldstein for stepping into help with lunch.
Eran Rosenberg and Eva Tibor for creating and overseeing such a meaningful Yom Ha Zikaron
Sara Martin-Fuller and Lindsey Nathanson for their help with cleaning up after our Yom Ha'Atzmaut celebration.
Ms. A.G. for teaching the whole school - students and faculty - the very complicated dance called "Israel Sheli" (My Israel) with equal parts joy and patience.
CJDS Tribute Cards.
CJDS Tribute Cards provide a thoughtful and caring gift for everyone. The income generated by every purchase enhances a child's educational experience at CJDS. You can get the All-Occasion pack year-round. It includes five pre-printed memorial cards and five pre-printed special event cards for only $90. You can also make an individual tribute gift and we will send a Tribute card to the recipient. Tribute cards require seven business days for delivery.
The collection of Personal Care and Beauty product waste along with Oral Hygiene product waste continues to be an important Tzedakah Club initiative at CJDS! 

We are encouraging our school community to NOT throw away any of these items! Please send them in with your student or drop them off at CJDS! These readily and often used items are collected and sent to TerraCycle by Tzedakah Club.  TerraCycle reuses, recycles, or upcycles these items. Additionally, TerraCycle "pays" us per item and the money "earned" gives us the opportunity to make a difference in the world! The money CJDS collects is then donated by Tzedakah Club to non-profit organizations that help our planet and its people in countless ways!  

We look forward to updating you in the future with news of how much we have collected and to which non-profit organizations we have made contributions!! 

How to help: CJDS students are collecting Tzedekah money for The National Red Cross to support disaster relief efforts around the world.
BOXTOPS for Education
Keep clipping!
Todah Rabah to our Parents and Grandparents who enjoy serving lunch!
Lunch volunteers are needed for the next few weeks. Please visit the sign up form below to see if you are able to help.
Click on each of the active links below to learn more!

Click right now to help CJDS earn money while you shop:
Get all of your spring gardening needs and benefit the CJDS Environmental Education Program!  

Purchase Oakland Nursery gift cards through CJDS and  we will keep 20% of the profits!
  • Cards are $20.00 each
  • Checks should be made payable to CJDS for the desired amount. 
  • Your gift cards may be picked up at the CJDS front desk, or mailed home to you within two weeks.
NEW!!! CSA Produce at CJDS
Find out more at
Click on the image below to learn more
Click on the image(s) below to learn more.

Join CJDS at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium where Ketzev, the CJDS Dance Club will perform!
Click on the images below to learn more.
Congregation Tifereth Israel Spotlight Series

An Evening With Peter Sagal
Host of NPR's "Wait, Wait. . . Don't Tell Me!"
Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 7:00 pm

A Program Honoring
Karen & Neil Moss
CJDS: The story of your child's creation.