Canadian Library Association Releases 2014 Survey of Challenges to Resources and Policies in
Canadian Libraries: Guaranteeing Library Access to "All" Expression?
Nazi occultism in a graphic novel; a DVD laced with the "F word"; a children's picture book rebuked for"promoting" a negative female body image; a series of graphic novels portraying violence and explicit sexuality; an adult novel deemed "too explicit for a public library collection" and inappropriate for any age group; allegations in a biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower of a wartime extra-marital affair; grammatical errors in two children's picture books; an audiobook with offensive language and explicit sexuality ("porn") that was mistakenly thought to be a self-help book; a graphic novel purportedly showing a one-sided view of the Gaza Strip conflict; deeply racist portrayal of blacks in a famous classic film; a DVD with no warning it was about " the homosexual lifestyle"; a book with allegedly defamatory references; a DVD with disturbing police footage of a crime scene.
All of these were among the 83 items in library collections somewhere in Canada that were challenged in 2014 for expressive content deemed objectionable, offensive, unsuitable, or otherwise unacceptable.Twenty-five library policies involving intellectual freedom and access principles were also challenged.
These resources and policies populate the
Annual Challenges Survey of complaints received by publicly funded Canadian libraries about their materials, services, or policies. Now in its ninth calendar year, the Survey is conducted annually under the auspices of the Canadian Library Association, in order to create a national snapshot of such challenges and their outcomes. Documenting and reporting challenges is one way in which these publicly funded Canadian libraries demonstrate their commitment to public accountability and institutional transparency.
The 2014 report includes a full listing of challenged titles and a comprehensive database of challenge details.
The reasons given to justify bans and restrictions were varied, but explicit sexuality, age inappropriateness, violence, and offensive language predominated for the majority of them.
This pattern has remained the same for four years. More than thirty other grounds were mentioned in 2014 for the remainder.
While few titles were withdrawn from library collections, library staff never dismiss lightly the concerns expressed by complainants. Every request for reconsideration of library materials or a library policy requires library staff to strike a defensible balance between the rationale for the complaint and the public's right to know, within a context of professional values and the mission and policies of the library. As Sandra Singh, CLA President and Chief Librarian of the Vancouver Public Library, notes:
"Intellectual freedom is fundamental to a free and democratic society, innovation, and human advancement. For well over 100 years, school, public, and academic libraries across Canada have worked tirelessly to ensure that every Canadian has access to the ideas and information they need to explore our world and enrich their lives. At times, this work has involved helping community members understand why libraries build broad collections that may contain materials considered offensive to some, as well as taking a stand against censorship when the need arises."
The Canadian Library Association (CLA) released of a new Statement on Intellectual Freedom and libraries.
This new Statement replaces the previous 30 year old Position Statement on Intellectual Freedom. The Statement seeks to provide a broader national and international context for the role of libraries in ensuring intellectual freedom as well as a framework for Canadian libraries to provide, defend, and promote equitable access to the widest possible variety of expressive content and resist calls for censorship and the adoption of systems that deny or restrict access to resources.
"I am very excited to have had the privilege of shepherding a revised statement of intellectual freedom principles on behalf of the Canadian Library Association" stated Alvin Schrader, Chair Intellectual Freedom Advisory Committee. "I am indebted to Community members who provided valuable feedback on an earlier draft and to my intellectual freedom advisory committee members for their contributions."
The CLA would like to thank the hard work of Alvin Schrader and the CLA Intellectual
Freedom Advisory Committee in reviewing and updating this core statement for the library and information community. "The Committee has presented a strong and compelling update to one of the library field's most important value statements," noted Sandra Singh, President of the Canadian Library Association. "Without the active vigilance of librarians and library workers across this country, there is always a risk of slow erosion to the fundamental information rights protected through intentional and active adoption of statements such as this."
Soft Launch of the Newly Re-vamped Feliciter
The CLA Executive Council and Communications Standing Committee Chair have had lengthy discussions on the alternatives going forward and would like to introduce the new online platform of Feliciter available at http://www.community.cla.ca/
Feliciter will continue to provide our membership and others in the community a means to learn, be informed and engage each other. Moving forward, the Communications Standing Committee will continue to solicit articles and news worthy items from the community through the Communications Standing Committee. The editorial calendar along with submission guidelines will be posted on Feliciter once the schedule has been finalized.
As a newly formatted e-magazine we appreciate your patience as we go through this transition.
2016 CLA Forum News
Save the Date!
June 1 - 3, 2016
Ottawa, ON - Delta City Centre
As forum details become available, updates will be posted at
2015 conference highlights and materials will still be available.
Follow the conference discussions on twitter #claott16
2016 Canadian Library Association Forum
Dear colleagues,
Over the past couple of months Executive Council (EC) has been discussing the future of a national conference and in particular, how to approach the upcoming conference scheduled to take place June 1 - 3 in Ottawa. In recent weeks, EC has made some decisions regarding the 2016 conference structure that we would like to share with you. These decisions were made taking into account many factors including both formal and informal feedback from delegates and the community at large, opportunities provided through a national gathering, and finances.
The CLA 2016 will be a national policy summit and convention as opposed to a general conference and it will be called the 2016 Canadian Library Association Forum.
To give you a sense of the significant structural changes, additional decisions regarding CLA 2016 include:
- There will be two days of content over three days (Wed afternoon, Thurs, and Friday morning) and within that there will be 3 - 4 streams of sessions per day each lasting approximately half a day. Sessions will focus on creating and encouraging dialogue around the issue or topic area.
- Content for CLA 2016 will focus on policy, will be curated and there will be no open call for content. Content, policy, and topic areas have been identified and will be curated by Executive Council who may choose to seek proposals for certain sessions or delegate the task of curation to a member external to Executive Council. Where there is subject alignment, Networks and Committees may be asked to assist with the development of CLA Forum sessions.
- The opening will feature a keynote speaker and the closing session will bring delegates together to share highlights and/or actions resulting from the dialogue in each topic area. Consideration may also be given to having a closing keynote speaker in addition to this sharing of the results of the dialogue.
- Consideration is being given to live streaming the opening general session dependent on cost.
- Networks and Committees will be invited to hold business meetings on Wednesday June 1 in the morning. Networks looking to offer professional development will be redirected to The Partnership and the Education Institute for discussion and potential development of programming through the Institute thereby providing the Network or Committee with the support needed to offer the education that they wish to offer.
- There will be one all delegate social on Wednesday, the opening night, providing the opportunity on Thursday evening for delegates and corporate partners to meet with friends and colleagues further enhancing their opportunity to network and share in ways that best meet their needs. This event will also present an opportunity for CLA to publically recognize the many volunteers who contributed to CLA's work over the years.
- The CLA Awards and Book Awards will be presented throughout the CLA Forum.
- The trade show will be reduced in size and will consist of table top displays only. New ways for involvement by CLA's corporate partners will be developed in consultation with them.
- CLA will create/provide ways in which its corporate partners can be involved in the program and discussions as well as creative ways for networking for both delegates and corporate partners.
- The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday June 2, 2016 from 3 - 5 pm.
The forum streams agreed to along with one keynote topic (these may change or evolve as we advance the process of curating speakers) are:
- LAC/National Digitization Strategy
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission Recommendations
- Copyright/Intellectual Property
- Digital Marketplace
- Intellectual Freedom in the 21st Century
- Competitive Landscapes - Value of Libraries/ROI/why libraries/why librarians? - unique value proposition
- Convergence in the heritage sector ("LAM" - could run more than once)
- National Digital Strategy (as a nation how approach)
- Unconference: Emerging Policy Issues
- National Metrics Program
- Libraries and Citizenship - Keynote -however the name needs to be changed
Executive Council is excited about the opportunity that this new format and approach provides and looks forward to seeing you in Ottawa in June. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact CLA's Executive Director, Valoree McKay at vmckay@cla.ca.
Valoree McKay, CAE Christina Hwang
Executive Director Chair, 2016 CLA Forum
Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada Award
The CLA Intellectual Freedom Advisory Committee is now seeking nominations for the CLA Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada Award. This award recognizes and honours outstanding contributions to intellectual freedom in Canada by individuals or groups. Preference is given to librarians, other library workers, and library institutions. However like-minded individuals such as teachers or authors and groups such as schools, publishers or writers groups are also eligible.
Individuals and institutions having demonstrated leadership and courage in defending and promoting the principles of intellectual freedom in Canada; or,
Individuals and institutions having demonstrated leadership and courage in resisting censorship and in opposing violations of intellectual freedom pressures in Canada; or,
Individuals and institutions having produced innovative and creative projects, programs, or materials that promote the principles of intellectual freedom in Canada.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, December 18, 2015.
Read More
Check out the latest career ads and find out more details by visiting CLA Library Careers Listing:
Cataloguing Coordinator - Bibliographic Services
University of Alberta Library, Edmonton, AB
Closing Date: December 7, 2015
Medical Librarian
The Research Office Cancer Care Ontario (CCO), Toronto ON
Closing Date: December 7, 2015
Team Lead, Information Services
Canadian Agriculture Library, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON
Closing Date: December 10, 2015
Reference Librarian
The New Brunswick Public Library Service (NBPLS) /Le Service des bibliothèques publiques du Nouveau-Brunswick (SBPNB), Campbellton, NB
Closing Date: December 7, 2015
Information Management Specialist 2/Spécialisté én géstion dé l'information 2
Bank of Canada/Banque du Canada, Ottawa, ON
Closing Date: December 6, 2015/le 6 décembre 2015
Associate Manager
Whitemud Crossing Branch, Edmonton Public Library, Edmonton, AB
Closing Date: December 6, 2015
Director, Academic Services and Learning Resources
George Brown College Library, Toronto, ON
Closing Date: Not given
Associate Manager
Stanley A. Milner Library
Closing Date: November 22, 2015
Prairie History Librarian
Regina Public Library
Closing Date: November 27, 2015
Employers? Look to CLA for all your career ad needs! With over 16,000 page views monthly, it ranks the highest-viewed area on the CLA website. Ads range from $225 - $350 per month (depending on level of membership)!
Launch of YCW Summer Student and Graduate Internship Program 2016-2017
The Canadian Library Association, in partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage, is pleased to announce the launch of the Young Canada Works (YCW) summer student and graduate internship programs for 2016-2017. Again this year, young Canadians, from coast to coast to coast will benefit from world-class opportunities to acquire and enhance skills that will give them an advantage when they enter the job market, while at the same time allowing them to earn money.
In 2015, the Canadian Library Association assisted in the creation of 100 summer and 4 internship positions across Canada. Positions such as Reading Club Coordinators, Library Assistants, Digitalization Assistants, Program Coordinators, and Special Collection Interns, were funded in an effort to preserve and promote the heritage sector.
Applications for both YCW in Heritage Organizations (summer jobs) and YCW Building Careers in Heritage (internships) will be accepted until Friday, January 15, 2016 at 11:59 PM eastern standard time. All applications must be completed online at through the Young Canada Works portal. Should you have any further questions regarding the application process; or questions about programming in general, please do not hesitate to contact Jon MacDougall at 613-232-9625 ex. 321, or by emailing ycw@cla.ca.
On behalf of the Canadian Library Association and the Department of Canadian Heritage, we thank you for your continued interest and support of the Young Canada Works program.
Workshops / Webinars / Events
Top Tech Trends in Libraries
Every year, Stephen Abram, author of the popular librarian's blog "Stephen's Lighthouse" shares his list of top tech trends with the Education Institute. This popular annual session runs quickly through those technologies and trends, in an hour, that should be on any librarian's radar and applied to your strategic planning and environmental scanning activities for your organization.
Key outcomes:
* Get a heads up on the trends and technologies in the pipeline * Learn new trends to discuss and think about for your strategic planning * Learn how to view trends in other sectors and apply them to library land
Stephen Abram, MLS, is principal of Lighthouse Consulting Inc. as well as executive director of the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries. He has been president of OLA, SLA, and CLA and authors the Stephen's Lighthouse blog.
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Time: 12PM EST Duration: 1 HR Webinar Price: $45 OLA Members / $55 non-members Read More
3D Printing: Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Implications for Libraries As with many new technologies, 3D printing has the potential to profoundly change the way we live. A number of libraries are already offering 3D printing services allowing patrons to bring digital files to create physical objects at the library. At the same time as creating opportunities, however, 3D printing raises challenges for libraries - especially challenges involving copyright and other intellectual property rights. Come join this day-long symposium to explore the legal implications of 3D printing for libraries, and how we can adapt to the nuanced issues raised by these technologies. Presented by the OLA Copyright Users' Committee with special guest Harj Mann of the law firm Anissimoff Mann.
Date: Friday, December 4, 2015 Time: 9-5PM EST Duration: Day long presentation Location: Hart House, University of Toronto: 7 Hart House Circle,Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3H3 Price:
$100 OLA Members / $150 non-members / $35 Student Read More
Your politicians, your elections: our work at Library and Archives Canada
The purpose of this seminar is to introduce participants to the crucial role that Library and Archives Canada (LAC) plays before, during and after a federal election.
Who are the clients? What types of documents do they transfer to LAC? Why are these documents important? Come and see how donations of political archives enrich LAC's collection and provide a better understanding of the Canadian decision-making process and those who play a role in it.
Presenter(s): Élizabeth Mongrain, Manager, Governance and Political Affairs, Library and Archives Canada
This activity will be bilingual.
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Time: 2:00PM EST Duration: 1 HR presentation Location: 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario Price: No cost to attend Read More
How Does The New Policy Influence Us In Our Daily Learning Commons Adventures?
This revised series supports the Alberta Learning Commons Policy with ideas, tools, and participant activities in a series of 6 webinars framed on using A Guide to Support Implementation, Essential Conditions. The series is in three parts in order to allow participants to use the information in their learning commons developments over a period of time in their schools. The revision puts greater focus on participant's sharing of learning commons questions, journeys, ideas, challenges and successes.
Part I: Developing Shared Vision and Leadership (Two Webinars)
Part I provides background on the Alberta Learning Commons
Policy, resources that can support it, and context specific charting and planning. Guiding questions will include:
* What are the desired elements of a learning commons?
* How will the school 'get there'; e.g. short range, long range? What will success look like?
* Who should be on a learning commons team? What will the team need to know and understand?
Part II: Examining Research and Evidence; Rethinking Resources and Engaging the Community (Two Webinars)
Part II incorporates how principals and library teams revisit their own learning commons visions and plans to:
* reflect upon and share research relating to transforming to a learning commons
* decide on how to best gather evidence for learning commons student learning and use the data to re--think resources (e.g., human, print, digital)
* bring the community into the process at all stages
Part III: Professional Growth and Time (Two Webinars)
Part III involves support for planning around professional growth and time,
and creating networks in support of learning commons development. Ideas explored will include:
* establishing dialogue groups for learning commons teams to meet with other teams nearby and share timely topics
* conference/in-service information
* new professional resources.
Presenter(s): Linda Shantz-Keresztes and Judith Sykes (CLA School Library Advisory)
Date: January - April, 2016 (Mondays or Thursdays) Time: 4:30PM MST Duration: 1 HR Webinar Price: No cost to attend, must pre-register Read More
FINAL DAY! November 27, 2015
Fire Sale on ALA Publications (in stock / limited copies available)
Great deals - up to 50% off
The week of November 23-27th, 2015 we will be making available limited stock titles of ALA Publications at great discounts. The available copies will be
posted on the front page of www.cla.ca as a list for you to browse and shop with an email link for your order request.
Buy 2 get 50% off a 3rd book
Buy 3 get the 4th one free!
Damaged Books Final Sale on ALA Publications (in stock / limited copies available)
Great deals - up to 50% off
SHOPCLA will have a two day sale on December 10-11 2015. We will be posting the titles online the week of November 30th on front page of www.cla.ca for you to browse, shop and email us your order request. Mark it in your calendar, there will be some great deals on publications from 2013 - 2015!
For more information contact
The ALA Guide to Information Sources in Insurance, Risk Management
Lucy Heckman
13: 978-0-8389-1275-1
Price: $ 95.00
The insurance industry is among the most highly regulated industries today, and literature on the field is a complex thicket of sources. This valuable, one-of-a-kind resource is a comprehensive guide to locating and using information resources about the insurance industry. Pointing researchers, practitioners, faculty and students of business administration, law firms, and anybody interested in researching the insurance industry to the most relevant information, each chapter contains an annotated list of specific print and digital sources, plus explanations on how to make best use of sometimes-forbidding technical materials. Included are company directories, almanacs, databases, websites, legal resources, and industry-specific guides that cover
- All major lines of insurance, including property/casualty, life, health, and reinsurance
- Social Insurance, including Social Security, unemployment insurance, and pensions
- The insurance policy from the standpoint of practitioners, regulators, and consumers
- Insurance law and regulations
- All areas of risk management including financial, technical and intellectual property
- Actuarial science and its current applications to financial engineering
- Archival and historical material
Including an introduction defining risk management and describing its use in the insurance industry and the field of actuarial science, this resource is a must for every reference collection.
To order this and other titles, please shop CLA
Dewey Decimal & Library of Congress Classification
Christina Neigel
176 pages, Softcover
Price: $ 49.00
Christina Neigel's much anticipated publication An Introduction to Dewey Decimal & Library of Congress Classification Systems: A Workbook is now available for distribution. Ms. Neigel states that "this book presents and introduction to the two major North American systems of classification" providing "readers with the foundational skills to build basic classification notations and recognize their meaning and significance when using existing library records."
To order this and other titles, please shop CLA
Any Questions?
Author: Marie-Louise Gay
ISBN 978-1-55498-382-7
Price: $ 19.95
Note: This is a signed copy by the author. Limited quantities remain.
Many children want to know where stories come from and how a book is made. Marie-Louise Gay's new picture book provides them with some delightfully inspiring answers in a fictional encounter between an author and some very curious children, who collaborate on writing and illustrating a story.
To order this and other titles, please contact orders@cla.ca
The Night Gardener
Author: Jonathon Auxier
ISBN 978-0-670-06772-5
Price: $ 19.95
Note: This is a signed copy by the author. Limited quantities remain.
When orphaned Irish siblings Molly and Kip arrive to work as servants at a creepy, crumbling English manor house, they discover that the house and its inhabitants are not what they seem. Soon the siblings are confronted by a mysterious stranger and the secrets of the cursed house will change their lives forever. This much-anticipated follow up to Jonathan Auxier's exceptional debut, Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes, is a Victorian mystery in the tradition of Washington Irving and Edgar Allan Poe. The Night Gardener is a mesmerizing read and a classic in the making.
To order this and other titles, please contact orders@cla.ca
This One Summer
Author: Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
ISBN 978-1-59643-774-6
Price: $ 18.95
Note: Limited quantities remain.
Rose and Windy are summer friends whose families have visited Awago Beach for as long as they can remember. But this year is different, and they soon find themselves tangled in teen love and family crisis. From the creators of Skim comes an investigation into the mysterious world of adults.
To order this and other titles, please contact orders@cla.ca
Task Forces on LIS Accreditation Announced
ALA President Sari Feldman appointed two task forces on LIS accreditation. These were authorized by the ALA Executive Board in San Francisco in June, and stemmed from a collaboration of the ALA Executive Board and ALISE leadership during 2014-15.
The two task force charges and memberships are: Task Force on Accreditation Process and Communication and Task Force on the Context of Future Accreditation
Save the Date! Join us for the IFLA 2016 Information Literacy Satellite Pre-conference:
"Information and Artifactual Literacies: Engaging Minds in Libraries and Museums"
August 11-12, 2016 at DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois
We welcome broad participation from library and museum practitioners and researchers from around the world who are interested in exploring this topic and sharing their practice and research through presentations, workshops, and poster sessions.
Co-sponsored by the IFLA Information Literacy Section, ALA's Association of College & Research Libraries and DePaul University Library. Further details, including a call for papers, will be forthcoming.
Donald G. Davis Article Award
The Donald G. Davis Article Award is presented by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association every second year to recognize the best article written in English in the field of United States and Canadian library history including the history of libraries, librarianship, and book culture.
Eligibility and criteria Eligibility: Entries for each biennial award must have been published between January 1 and December 31 of the two years preceding the award year.
Nominating process: Any member of the Library History Round Table may nominate one or more articles by sending a recommendation to the Chair of the Davis Award Committee. Also, the editor of the LHRT Newsletter Library History Bibliography will submit a list of candidates. Nominations should be sent by January 11, 2016, to Chair, Davis Award Committee.
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IFLA BibLibre International Library Marketing Award
The IFLA Section on Management and Marketing in collaboration with BibLibre, Paris, France, has the pleasure to announce the IFLA - BibLibre International Marketing Library Award for 2016.
The IFLA - BibLibre International Marketing Award honors organizations that have implemented creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns. Up to 10 finalists will be chosen to recognize them for their outstanding achievements and three winners will be selected.
Winners will get 2000€ plus registration and travel to IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Columbus, Ohio, USA!
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IFLA 2016 National Committee Fellowship Grant Announced!
The IFLA 2016 National Committee, through generous donations from the North American library community, will offer up to 50 full fellowships to librarians from outside North America (U.S. and Canada) to attend the IFLA 2016 Congress in Columbus, Ohio.
The fellowship will cover travel, accommodation, a per diem food allowance, and conference registration fees. Priority will be given to younger professionals with a minimum of 5 years experience in the field of libraries who do not usually attend IFLA Conferences. More information on the Application Process can be found on the Congress Website.
News From the Community
Call for Proposals
Call for Articles - The Learning Round Table of the American Library Association is looking for articles for the Learning Exchange Newsletter.
Submission guidelines: Anything related to continuing education, staff development, training and learning in libraries is welcome Articles should be 500-700 words in length, written in an informative style. Previous topics have included techniques, resources,programs, and future programs. Articles for the upcoming issue are due by November 18th.
All inquiries, article submissions, and correspondence should be sent to
IFLA Annual Congress - Calls for Papers for the Open Sessions The content of the IFLA Conference Program is organized by different professional groups (Sections, Core Programs and Special Interest Groups). Calls for papers will be submitted through these groups and made available on the IFLA call for paper webpage Read More
Call for abstracts
The ALIA National 2016 Conference program committee invites abstracts relating to the conference theme Engage, Create, Lead. Please visit the conference website for further information on submission guidelines.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 19, 2015.
Read More
Call for Expressions of Interest to host the 9th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference in 2017
The International Advisory Committee (IAC) for the International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) Conference Series warmly invites expressions of interest from individuals, organizations, and associations working in the public sector (e.g. academic, school, local and regional authorities, national associations) to host the 9th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference in 2017. Candidates wishing to host the Conference must apply by Monday November 30 2015
Read More
Call For Proposals - Managing Human Resources in the library and information context:
How do we want to work tomorrow?
The library environment is currently characterized by many challenges due to profound changes driven by a variety of factors, including, technological, economic, socio-political, and educational developments. At the heart of these changes we find our most valuable resource, the personnel working in libraries. Human resource management is therefore at the forefront of many complex issues and opportunities, which need to be understood, debated, and deliberated upon, in order to strengthen our organizations and find new and dynamic solutions to unique problems, currently challenging the library environment.
Keeping the above in mind, the IFLA Management and Marketing Section is organizing a satellite meeting on «Managing Human Resources in the library and information context: How do we want to work tomorrow?» to take place before the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in 2016.
Research papers, case studies and articles are invited. We encourage innovative and practical perspectives on current and forward looking approaches to library human resource management initiatives, programs, issues, and policies. The deadline to submit proposals is December 1, 2015. Read More
Call for Proposals - WILU 2016 The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) is Canada's only conference devoted to library instruction, information literacy, and information fluency. Sessions explore both research-based and applied subject matter, and are attended by librarians from Canada, the United States, and beyond with a variety of teaching and learning interests. The WILU Program Committee is pleased to invite proposals to be considered at WILU 2016, May 30 - June 1, to be held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. The deadline for submitting applications is December 7, 2015. Read More
The National Trust joins Architecture Canada in calling for submissions to the PRIX DU XXE SIÈCLE
The National Trust for Canada and Architecture Canada / RAIC invite submissions for the 2016 Prix du XXe siècle that recognizes significant architecture of the mid-20th century in Canada.
The Prix du XXe siècle celebrates design quality and enduring excellence, recognizing buildings that continue to be used as designed or that have successfully accommodated new uses without being altered in ways that detract from the original design intent. The award recognizes nationally significant architecture in Canada, designed by an architect from any country, or a building anywhere in the world that was designed by a Canadian architect. Only existing buildings that were completed after 1950 and before 1988 are eligible for nomination. The deadline for submitting applications is January 14, 2016. Read More
Call for examples: Library services to people who are experiencing homelessness
The IFLA Section on Library Services to People with Special Needs is writing guidelines for providing library services to people who are experiencing homelessness. An important step in the process of developing guidelines is collecting actual examples of such library services and project.
Please, tell us about your experiences and challenges in organizing library services for the homeless people in your community!
The deadline for submission is 15 January 2016 and all submission should be made via special form Read More
CFP: Public Services and User Engagement (Special issue of portal: Librarians and the Academy) Call for proposals for a special issue of portal portal: Libraries and the Academy seeks proposals for a special-themed issue on the future of public services in academic libraries. The purpose of this issue is to prompt thinking and discourse around a broader definition of library services to the campus community, and most importantly, to examine the redefined role of innovative public services within twenty-first century academic libraries. Public services can involve any knowledge, skill, or functional specialty related to the user experience. Submissions due December 1, 2015. Read More
Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues invites submissions for a themed issue on Digital Curation and Research Data Management.
The concepts, processes and practice comprising digital curation are, in 2015, prominent in many journals, but clarification on best practice is still desirable. Libraries and other collection institutions are aware of the need to manage their digital resources: from creation, indexing, storage, preservation and dissemination of data, to understanding tools for analysis and the subsequent addition of value, the establishment of workflow policies, promotional outreach and fundraising. The phrase digital curation is perhaps primarily understood within the cultural context, but it also encompasses management of research data. This special issue will include papers focusing on a broad spectrum of engagement related to the management of our complete digital heritage, and our current digital research output. Emphasis should be placed on these issues in the context of national libraries and other national collection institutions.
Manuscripts should be sent, by 31 December 2015 Read More
Call for Posters: IFLA World Library and Information Congress
Presenters of a poster will be expected to be present on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 August 2016 in order to explain their poster and to hand out any leaflets, or other information materials, they have available for viewers of their poster. Each presenter can therefore only present one poster. Any organization that submits more than one application should indicate a priority to their submissions or confirm there will be enough staff members available for the presentation. The deadline to submit is February 1, 2016.
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Call for Papers: IFLA Journal special issue on Research Data Services
IFLA Journal invites papers for a special issue focused on research data services and libraries across all continents. The issue will be published in October 2016 as Volume 42:3. In particular, the main goal of the special issue is to gather the latest theory, research, and state-of-the-art practices from libraries that are informing and innovating effective data services.