The Ohio State University
Oval in autumn
Julie McNally

Featured FLAS Fellow: Anna Bulkowski

Anna Bulkowski is a FLAS fellow studying Portuguese. "As a future lawyer, I think it is incredibly important to not only be able to communicate with a wide range of people, but to be culturally competent as well," Anna says.

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Andean & Amazonian instruments

Teach the Andes: Resource of the Week

The Andean Music Outreach Teachers' Guide and Idea Cards (developed by the Andean Music Ensemble, The Ohio State University) are great for providing cultural background and instructions for the production of Andean Music for K-12 students.

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September 14
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Buckeye Bridge Series: Activist Study Abroad in Ecuador

Explore the Pachaysana Institute's model of study abroad and its link to social justice and movements for liberation from systemic injustices.

September 18
9:30-10:30 a.m.

Pachaysana Workshop Series- Introductory Webinar

This webinar will introduce the concept of Epistemic Justice, focusing on climate change as an overarching metaphor to explore the topic.

October 1
4:30-5:30 p.m.

Buckeye Bridge Series: Peru—nation branding through gastronomy

Join us to hear from Lucas Montes de Oca, founder of The Lima Gourmet Company, about Peru's gastronomic boom and the way forward.