The Ohio State University
Teach the Andes

Prepare for Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month is coming up Sept. 15 and we want to offer you a list of educational resources perfect for the classroom or even at home! They can be found here on our website.

Julie McNally

Featured FLAS Fellow: Carson Teuscher

Carson Teuscher is a FLAS fellow studying Portuguese. By "incorporating Brazilian voices" into his dissertation on the Allied coalition in Italy, he hopes to "globalize a narrative that has heretofore privileged Anglo-American and other Western perspectives."

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Corn on the cob

Teach the Andes: Resource of the Week

The Andean Poster Project and handouts for AP Art History (developed by Mabi Ponce de León, Bexley High School) are perfect for teaching grade levels 9-12 Andean art.

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Kendra McSweeney receives the Alexander and Ilse Melamid Medal

Kendra McSweeney, professor in the Department of Geography, has received the Alexander and Ilse Melamid Medal from the American Geographical Society. The award recognizes "outstanding work on the dynamic relationship between human culture and natural resources."