Remembering Dr. Michael Reibel
Dr. Reibel began teaching at Cal Poly Pomona in 1998. He was an urban geographer and demographer specializing in geographic trends in multicultural populations in the United States. He organized and chaired the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Council, a faculty organization that coordinates cross-disciplinary research, instruction, curriculum development, and resources related to geospatial technologies across four colleges.
You can also read a tribute by Dr. Kristen Conway-Gómez, chair in the Geography and Anthropology department.
Four of our CLASS faculty were awarded the inaugural Jose A. Gomez CLASS Faculty Excellence Award. This award celebrates our outstanding faculty and their contributions to uphold our college values and ideals through Dr. Gomez's generous support. Congratulations to Dr. Aaron DeRosa (EML), Dr. Faye L. Wachs (Sociology), Dr. Kelly Huh (Geography and Anthropology), and Dr. Mariusz Ozminkowski (Communication).
Dr. Aaron DeRosa,
Associate Professor
Department of English & Modern Languages
Dr. Kelly Huh
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography & Anthropology
Dr. Faye L. Wachs,
Department of Sociology
Dr. Mariusz Ozminkowski,
Department of Communication
Fall 2020 Wind Ensemble Virtual
Project Contest Winners
The Cal Poly Pomona Wind Ensemble completed a "Virtual Concert" project on December 2, 2020. Students created performance videos utilizing various music technology software taught throughout the semester to record and edit their musical performances. The following videos are the top five outstanding performances.
Congratulations to CJ Woods, Raymond Fong, Kerby Diaz, Alejandro Barajas, Joseph Avila, and Alexandra Castelazo!
Raymond Fong and CJ Woods:
Christmas Time Is Here by Lisa Albrecht
Kerby Diaz:
Gourmet Race by Kirby
Alejandro Barajas:
Suomineito by Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic
Alexandra Castelazo
Sicilienne by Gabriel Fauré
Kate Ozment Wins Course Design Competition & Featured in Uncharted Horizons Podcast
For English Professor Kate Ozment, the 18th Century holds literary artifacts important to history, especially the Black and Indigenous people's voices. Ozment's continued research and reading of 18th Century Black and Indigenous writing have won her the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Innovative Course Design (ASECS) competition for her course "The British Enlightenment: A Traveler's Guide."
Dr. Ozment is featured in the Uncharted Horizons podcast, where she discusses her work on women's writing, text technologies, and more!
Amy Dao Publishes New Article in Journal of Vietnamese Studies
Dr. Amy Dao (Department of Geography and Anthropology) published an article in the Journal of Vietnamese Studies. Dao's analysis is of socialist art used to promote health insurance enrollment during Vietnam's universal health coverage campaign.
Kristin Prins Interviewed for Pedagogue Podcast
Dr. Kristin Prins of the Department of English and Modern Languages is featured in the scholarly podcast 'Pedagogue.' Dr. Jason Luther of Rowan University interviewed Dr. Prins. They discussed their work on craft, materiality, multimodal pedagogies and practices, and the advantages of incorporating zines, podcasts, and other DIY projects in the writing classroom. Take a listen or read the full episode transcript!
Kristen Conway-Gómez
On Job Market Trends
Dr. Kristen Conway-Gómez of our Geography & Anthropology Department gave her expert opinion on recent graduate job market trends for 2020. "I think we will see a rise in remote working, and GIS is a key area for our graduates to secure employment. There may be increased job opportunities for geography graduates well versed in GIS and remote sensing as more organizations move to remote work."
Ocampo Lends Insight to the Critical Role of Filipino Nurses in U.S. Healthcare
Dr. Anthony Ocampo of the Department of Sociology is quoted in The Press-Enterprise. Dr. Ocampo discusses the critical role Filipino nurses play in sustaining the American healthcare system.
"Filipinos are helping to sustain the American healthcare system," Ocampo said. "Some leave their loved ones behind in hopes of creating a better life for them, and so to hear that they are dying in droves just breaks my heart."
Ocampo Sets to Understand Conservative Filipinos in Colorlines Opinion Piece
Before the presidential election, Ocampo wrote a piece in the Colorlines publication. "I Went to a 'Filipinos for Trump' Rally. Here's What I Found". The article details Ocampo's experience at the rally to gain insight into conservative Filipinos.
Alumni Spotlight: Corey Chow Contributes to Best-Selling Cookbook
Corey Chow ('02, Psychology) contributed to the book The French Laundry, Per Se! Students have access to the e-book through the University Library (sign in). You can also purchase the book online.