January 17, 2022
In case you're wondering what day it is--
according to nationaldaycalendar.com it might be:
Ugh. New year, same old COVID. CLI is limiting exposure again by staying in small isolated groups, spread out throughout the community in safe, private spaces. Definitely not anyone's first choice, but we're trying to stay connected with one another through zoom and by making gifts for area nursing home residents.
And of course bowling-- although most of league teams are stuck "bowling out" separately to minimize risk of infection. Even so, we had lots of people we know come down with COVID last week. Our thoughts & prayers are with those folks. Get better soon!
You can check out all of CLI's content by visiting CLI's YouTube channel:

Past newsletters with pictures are on our website at: www.CLIsupports.com
John's usual--

Kenilee's new ramp gets uncovered this week and we should have the railing up over the next few weeks. We'll get some pictures in future newsletters.

I am sorry to report that CLI staff, Rocio Gonzalez, is moving on. CLI was fortunate to snag Rocio right out of high school almost 5 years ago for a summer accounting internship. She did such good work that we offered her a full-time position that fall. I really appreciate everything that Rocio has brought to our company during her time here. She has been a key player in helping CLI transition to a cloud-based, decentralized provider. She is creative, industrious, and tech-savvy. Like the rest of the CLI team, she has consistently gone the extra mile for our team and our clients. Our loss is definitely another company's gain. This is Rocio's last week with us, so if you see her-- please take the opportunity to say goodbye and wish her well.

Enjoy your week. Keep yourself & those you love safe!
FAQ of the week:
Q: Why can't CLI clients just go the workshop anymore?

Ohio's rules changed almost 10 years ago to mandate that Medicaid funds can no longer be used to pay for segregated services, except as an absolute last resort. CLI and lots of other providers worked very hard to make sure that our sheltered workshops were fun, safe, and helped a lot of people earn significant money.

However, statewide 10 years ago, almost 95% of people with DD were working in the workshops instead of community jobs-- and there was little or no evidence that people were getting community jobs after working at the workshops. This was true in other states too, such as Oregon & Rhode Island, and people in those states successfully sued the states for segregating people with disabilities. Ohio's laws changed as a result. Those new laws don't allow segregation as a regular practice.

CLI decided when we privatized 6 years ago that we were going to build services that complied with these new laws, that it was easier on everyone to use this time to figure out all the kinks so that our services are legal and the most helpful to our clients and their families.
Firelands Local LLC
Happy Martin Luther King Day! 

Just a reminder that Firelands Local & CLI
are open for business!
James Johnson james@firelandslocal.com 419-921-6400
Good Works Cafe
CLI's Good Works Cafe is closed this first week in January-- but be sure to join us again next week! CLI offers a free community lunch every Friday afternoon at the Norwalk Reservoir Clubhouse. Thanks to the generous donations (money & food), CLI is able to take care of our neighbors and also get some real life restaurant and customer service job training.

If you'd like to learn more or donate--

please contact Rhonda White by phone at

-- or by email at Rhonda@CLIsupports.com
DODD Ohio Podcast with
New Director Kim Hauck

In case you missed it, Director Jeff Davis wrapped up his final podcast by interviewing incoming Director Kim Hauck and talking about the future of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.

Listen to hear her priorities as the Director.
Videos of the week-- got one you'd like to share? Send it in!