I know it has been a few minutes since there was an update.
We are finalizing our grant application with OhioEPA to go towards the purchase of a collection vehicle. The primary use of this truck will be for the collection of plastic wrap. This will also include boat wrap as we are partnering with several organizations to help facilitate this activity. You will certainly be hearing more about this project once we are approved for our grant. We are shipping out 8,000 pounds of baled plastic today.
January has been extremely busy from a production standpoint as well.
Shredding: We shredded just over 90,000 pounds of paper. That is 45 tons in Jan. alone.
This will help save the equivalent of 765 trees from being harvested.
We were also able to recycle 11.5 tons of cardboard.
In January we also completed over 100,000 units of production.
We completed our largest single job ever in January. The total weight on the shred project was 42,952 lbs. of paper.
Please be aware of your health in this cold weather. No matter how healthy you are, cold is cold. Limit your skin exposure as much as you can.