CLI Incorporated

P.O. Box 508

Norwalk, Ohio 44857


Week of June 12th, 2023

CLI has always helped people get & keep jobs in the community-- but this month we're kicking new evening & weekend services for the working stiffs!

One of our favorite agencies volunteer with is OHgo. Such a cool mission with lots of fun people!

You can find more about OHgo at:

John's usual--

Ok-- my apologies to those of you who I panicked last week by announcing that the boat trip was that Friday. I know that it caused consternation for a few people. But, this is the week. This Friday, June 16, we'll be meeting up with our friends at All Ports Yacht Club to cruise around Sandusky Bay. N2Y volunteers will also be on hand to help. It's always a good time!

We're a bit delayed in pushing CLI's summer cornhole series out this year, but we're working on a three-tournament series with a tournament in July, one in August and the final one in September. We should be ready to push out the details in the next week or two.

Finally, CLI's Rhonda White started her tenure with the OG "Christie Lane" (HCBDD) on December 16, 1998. Her employment transferred to CLI on July 1, 2016, when we privatized away from the Huron County Board of DD because of the changes in Ohio's laws prohibiting County Boards of DD from delivering adult services. I started with the agency in November of 1998, so Rhonda & I have worked together for almost 25 years. I and we have been lucky to have such a strong, dedicated advocate for our clients and our mission for so long. But-- Rhonda will be retiring at the end of this month. Well deserved, but she will be keenly missed. Of course, we know where she lives and we have big vans-- so retirement might not be as quiet as she's hoping for. Until the restraining orders kick in I guess. On Friday afternoon (the last few hours of her very last day), June 30th, CLI will be celebrating Rhonda's retirement with cake and ice cream. We bought a lot of both, so please join us at 1:30 to help us send her off right!

Have a great week!


Our area needs rain, but it's been an excellent few weeks to spend time outdoors!

And of course there may have been a little bowling too . . .

Firelands Local LLC

Click here if you'd like to work with us -- pay starts at $10.11 per hour!

James Johnson 419-921-6400

CLI's Good Works Cafe offers a free community lunch every Friday afternoon at the Norwalk Reservoir Clubhouse.

Thanks to the generous donations (money & food), CLI is able to take care of our neighbors and also get some real life restaurant and customer service job training.

If you'd like to learn more or would like to donate to this cause--

please contact Rhonda White by phone at 419-706-5136 or by email at

Question of the week

Q: I heard that morning transportation route times will be a little earlier this Friday? Is that true? Why?

A: Yes, AM transportation routes this Friday will be approximately 10 minutes earlier this week to accommodate the extra switching around for people going on boat rides with our friends at All Ports Yacht Club out of Venetian Marina. BTW-- we will being sending out a 1-call message later this week to remind people about Friday's earlier pick-up times. LET US KNOW IF YOU DO NOT GET A 1-CALL MESSAGE so we can update our 1-call distribution list to include your #.

Video(s) of the Week:

CLI's three-part mission

  • increase the earnings, status & quality of life of people with developmental disabilities
  • increase the earnings, status & quality of life of people who support people with developmental disabilities
  • actively work to improve the communities in which we all live
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