CLI Incorporated

P.O. Box 508

Norwalk, Ohio 44857


Memorial Day Week, 2023

Some of the most accessible green spaces aren't parks. This group enjoyed strolling the grounds of one of our local shrines

Volunteering with the Friends of the Norwalk Public Library

John's usual--

I was out of the office last week, so I don't have much to say in this issue. We've gotten some questions about trying new stuff. The short answer is that we're always looking for new stuff to do. Tell any CLI staff member what you'd like to do-- whether it's just recreational, work-related, fitness, whatever. The best way for all of us to learn & decide what we like (and don't) is first-hand!

That's all I have. Hope everyone had a fun, safe holiday weekend. Have a great week!


It was definitely a great week to be outdoors in northern Ohio! Just a few shots of the usual suspects at Sofias Park in Norwalk and along the shore in Huron

Firelands Local LLC

Click here if you'd like to work with us -- pay starts at $10.11 per hour!

James Johnson 419-921-6400

Volunteer decorating lunch bags for an Willard After School Program

One more Cedar Point ARC Day shot

Everyone loves a strike!

CLI's Good Works Cafe offers a free community lunch every Friday afternoon at the Norwalk Reservoir Clubhouse.

Thanks to the generous donations (money & food), CLI is able to take care of our neighbors and also get some real life restaurant and customer service job training.

If you'd like to learn more or would like to donate to this cause--

please contact Rhonda White by phone at 419-706-5136 or by email at

Question of the week

Q: Can I ask CLI to help me do a special activity that I like?

A: Absolutely! We're always looking for new ideas. Chances are that the other people would like to try your favorite thing too. Just let any CLI staff know and we'll help you put it together.

Video(s) of the Week:

CLI's three-part mission

  • increase the earnings, status & quality of life of people with developmental disabilities
  • increase the earnings, status & quality of life of people who support people with developmental disabilities
  • actively work to improve the communities in which we all live
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