CLI Incorporated

P.O. Box 508

Norwalk, Ohio 44857


Week of 2/12/2024

Dance party!

Meet CLI's

Grace Mozina:

Grace is brand new to CLI. Her first day was January 16, 2024. She has been living & working in the Cleveland area, but lucky for us, she wanted to move back to this area. So far she says that her favorite part of the job is "creating meaningful relationships with each person." Her interests and passions away from work are listening to music, as well as spending time with friends, family & pets. She also enjoys cooking & baking. Grace says that if CLI hadn't scooped her up, that she would be working with kids or adults in some other capacity. She says that "no matter what I want to be surrounded by people and to be a light in people's lives!"

We are glad to have her on board. If you see Grace out & about-- introduce yourself!

John's usual--

One of the real joys of what we do at CLI is the opportunity to develop long-time relationships with our clients and their families. It really can be very special. CLI says goodbye (for now) to Tim, who we've had the privilege of providing services to for decades. Tim is shifting over full-time to another provider to spend more time with some other friends served by that provider. We wish him well & hope he stops back in to catch up with us from time to time.

Choice in providers is hands down a quality issue-- more choice is good-- but somehow as a system we need to figure out how to enable people to maintain relationships regardless of which day service provider they choose. Perhaps even more important-- we need to build ways for people to hold competitive community jobs, but also have daily or at least weekly opportunity to meet up with friends. Too often people have quit good community jobs to return to traditional day and/or vocational programs because they are lonely. People do make new and really good connections in the community, but we also need to support decades-long friendships with peers if we truly want to support sustainable integration.

CLI has some new program ideas in the works to do more to support people in community jobs. In the meantime, any CLI clients who we support to hold a job in the community should let Kristi Green know how CLI can better support you.

Hope everyone enjoyed the Superbowl yesterday. Take a deep breath before you start working on your March Madness brackets . . .

Stay warm!


The Huron County Chamber of Commerce has aske us to help them promote Norwalk's Eclipse Website

This website is meant to be a hub for for up-to-date Eclipse Information. The Chamber is also asking anyone who is planning, know of any events going on for the Eclipse, if anyone is offering glasses to the general public or if anyone knows of any camping/lodging or anyone offering viewing locations, to share that information with the Chamber. Also, the Chamber is willing to come to your place of business to speak with you, your Leadership Team or Employees about the Eclipse.

The Chamber's phone number is 419-668-4155 or you can send them an email by clicking the box below:

Email the Huron County Chamber of Commerce

Firelands Local LLC

James Johnson


Click here if you'd like to work with us -- pay starts at $10.46 per hour!

Be our Valentine!

CLI's Good Works Cafe offers a

free community lunch every Friday afternoon at the Norwalk Reservoir Clubhouse

Thanks to the generous donations

(money & food),

CLI is able to take care of our neighbors and also get some real life restaurant and customer service job training

Question of the week

Q: We've been hearing a little bit about CLI's part in the DODD ADS Quality Pilot Grant Project-- and we've also been hearing that CLI will be offering new services to high school students and recent graduates later this spring. Where can we find out more about these programs?

A: Stay tuned! We're hoping to put information about both programs in this newsletter and on our website next week. Definitely some pretty cool stuff in the works.

Did you miss a CLI newsletter? They are all available on our website!

Video(s) of the Week:

We're still running Zoom BINGO on Thursdays. The play might be virtual, but the prizes are REAL! Let us know if you and/or your friends want to join in for this fun, FREE activity

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