John's usual--
I hope everyone enjoyed the weather this weekend. The upside of living in Ohio is that nice weather really stands out as "special". I was in St. Petersburg the weekend before last and the weather was perfect-- but I didn't feel like the locals around me were sufficiently appreciating it like we do here because it was just another sunny day.
We've featured CLI's new Transitional Youth program calendars and program descriptions this week. We're offering separate activities for 3 different age cohorts: ages 14-16, 17-19, and 20-23. Anyone interested in learning more should talk to Haven Helmstetter. Holly will be handling CLI's side of the intake, but your SSA (or possibly a Case Manager if the youth isn't served by a local County Board of DD) will be the one who authorizes this service. It's ok if you contact us first because we can help connect you with who you need to talk to about it.
Class & activity sign-up is first-come, first-served. We do want to use the Friday/Weekend activities to work toward personal outcomes and connections-- so parents & kids should be prepared to talk about what they want to get out of their participation. We're excited about this and look forward to growing the program to offer additional night/weekend opportunities to people who are working competitive, community day jobs. We don't believe that it's sustainable for people to have to choose between a job & a social life with friends. We believe that it's necessary to support both.
CLI has a new job posted for a Bowling Center Manager & Activities Facilitator. This is a hybrid position. September through April will be mostly about running the bowling alley, but the spring/summer will be flexing back into CLI programs. It should be a fun position, but will definitely include weekends & nights during bowling season. CLI believes in maintaining a healthy life/work balance-- so we'll make sure that this person gets time off, but there's no getting around business hours of a bowling alley. The deadline to apply is March 15th.
I hope everyone has a good week. We always need more pictures, so if you have any fun pictures of something that you are up to, please send them in!