Week of
October 4th, 2021
There's no new CLI video this week, but you can check out
all of CLI's videos by visiting CLI's YouTube channel:

In case you're wondering what day it is-- according to nationaldaycalendar.com
it might be:
John's usual--
Last week was a tough week for CLI. We were missing 7 out of 17 employees. This was a combination of scheduled & unscheduled events. Hopefully, this will be a pretty isolated experience. We've made it through the past year & a half at pretty much our current staffing level. We are working on non-disruptive ways to coordinate staff absences because we need to make sure that CLI staff can take care of their own obligations and spend special time with their own people. However, murphy's law being what it is, we are also building a few ways to consolidate staffing groups if needed and also a last resort plan where we might have shut down just a few programs and keep others open.

This way, if we find ourselves in a situation where we simply don't have enough staff to deliver the originally scheduled services-- we'll have a few fallback plans (B, C, D, etc.) of how we'll adjust. I'm pretty apprehensive about some fall COVID spikes as Ohio shifts back indoors. CLI's new fallback plans might affect different people in different ways depending on scheduled services. This will be important to keep in mind because the notices on your one-call message might be very different from the notice on someone else's one-call message. We'll be running a few tests of the new system that we set up later this month. This will be a transparent process will working 1:1 with everyone's ISP team as we sort this out. There are some pluses too-- as this might create opportunities to quickly consolidate staff & clients to jump on unscheduled opportunities-- like boat trips and advocacy events.

CLI's next fundraiser is on Halloween. We'll be renting lanes & tables at Kenilee Lanes for $100 each. This will get you bowling, pizza, snacks & soft drinks for up to 6 people, followed by a screening of The Nightmare Before Christmas. All profits will go toward the wheelchair accessible renovation project planned for spring of 2022. FYI-- this fundraiser will be wheelchair accessible. CLI has a portable ramp in the space and staff will help people into the dining area and also up onto the lanes. If anyone needs to use an accessible bathroom, we have two accessible bathrooms a few doors down. Not ideal obviously, but I do love the Teddy Roosevelt quote-- "do what you can, with what you have, from where you are." By the way-- CLI is happy to share our accessible restrooms with anyone that needs that accommodation, regardless of why they need it. We know that there are veterans, seniors, and many others in our community that benefit from accessible facilities and we want to be part of the solution.

This Tuesday is the next Market in the Park behind CLI's West Seminary Property. Stop by and grab an autumn treat. We're planning on some iffy weather, so it will be a warm one this time around. Hope to see you there. The vendor turnout has been pretty great-- both in terms of the number and diversity of the local vendors.

Have a great week. Keep your hands clean and the people around you safe.
This is the last week to sign up for a Kenilee Bowling League. CLI is willing to pay the sponsor fee + annual sanction fees for any team or teams that includes a CLI client.

It's a good time for sure. This year Kenilee is even including free food during leagues! Average weekly league fees are typically around $15 per bowler, but do vary slightly between leagues. League play runs from October through March.

We'd love to see some family teams or roommate teams or residential provider teams!
Would you like to join CLI for some fun virtual activities?

It's a bunch of loud fun!
James' Firelands Local Update:
Normally I start with some kind of PSA but today that will come later. I want to acknowledge the awesome group of people that we have shredding. If you remember, we collected over 21,000 pounds of paper from Payne Nickles. We were able to finish this job with a week left before our deadline. Last week Roxanne, Matt and Margaret (and me a little) shredded 31,000 pounds of paper. We also baled another 5,000 pounds of cardboard.
Now for the psa portion. There are many things happening right now that remind us of fall. The calendar, leaves changing, temperatures, corn and bean fields being harvested. As a reminder, when all of this stuff is happening, it also means that the deer will be out moving around much more than they have been. In fact, there were 4 deer at the corner of Jefferson near the pallet company in someone’s front yard looking at us in the shuttle. So we all need to keep our awareness up and keep an eye for these guys and gals.
As far as production goes, we were also able to complete 23,000 units.
Mother nature has a lot of beauty that she loves to show off. I have included a picture of a recent sunrise.

James Johnson
Good Works Cafe Donation Request

Chili Beans
Cornbread Mix
Sandwich Bags
Saltine Crackers
Egg Noodles
Chicken Bullion
Canned Tomatoes
Cupcake liners
Donations can be brought to the Clubhouse from 9:30a - 12p or call (419)921-6057 to arrange a donation pick-up.

This helps us keep costs down and be able to provide meals each Friday at a low cost.

Thanks everyone! Here's to a good week!
Kerrie Close
Community Settings Coordinator
Music videos of the week-- got one you'd like to share? Send it in!