Week of September 21st, 2020
This past week the Seminary Shakers worked on becoming one with the universe. Thanks to a grant from the Huron County Family & Children First Council, Tammy was able to attend a 3 day Yoga training session earlier this summer and she'd been putting that to good use. Woody was clearly hamming it up, but Bill meditated (flexibility is already his forte) and everyone else did some stretching-- including conventional toe-touching.
Congratulations Swick! I know that everyone knows how much time and energy Jen commits to CLI and what we do. Well the Clearwater Council of Governments and the Huron County Board of DD noticed and awarded her a $25 Amazon Gift Card. You might want to call her and make sure that she remembers that she owes you that _________ now.
John's Usual Excuses & Apologies--

Wow, did fall just show up or what?! I love fall. It's my favorite season, but I'm not ready for summer to be over. It went really quickly for me I think because it didn't really even feel like summer had arrived until July even though May & June were gorgeous too. The weather in northern Ohio this summer has be remarkable. I just hope that we don't didn't buy it on credit that comes due this winter.

CLI has had the opportunity to expand our services a little bit over the past couple weeks to serve new clients from outside the traditional DD client-base. I think that this is a good thing because it diversifies CLI income-- and I think it helps make that box that people assume we all live in just a little bit bigger. We've also applied for 3 DODD grants. The first is to improve how we use technology to help individual clients. The second is to expand STEPS services (which we think are awesome because they allow for smaller community-based groups and can be used for almost anything). The third was to help CLI & Firelands Local continue the separation of the provider agency and the employer of people with DD. I'll keep you posted.

One last reminder that Kenilee Lanes is pulling fall/winter bowling leagues together. There are openings on the Seniors' day league, the Tuesday & Wednesday Men's leagues, and the Wednesday night and Thursday morning women's leagues. Cost is typically around $11 per week and it's lots of fun.

I know that some of you want to bowl but can't find a ride. If you have a friend, family member, or someone else who would also like to bowl for free, tell them that CLI will pay their league fees if they'll give you and one more friend a ride to & from every week.

Kenilee Lanes and all leagues will be following the State of Ohio's COVID guideline for non-contact sports. We'll be sanitizing between leagues and actively ventilating the inside with fresh outside air between leagues.

That's all I have for this week. Feel free to call me with questions or suggestions. Get out side while we all still can (and not hate it)-- and wash your hands!
Brittany, Matt & Brian are pretty committed Browns fans-- no matter what apparently. They met up to take a Browns Cruise on the Goodtime. Have you noticed that there is always beer? Yeah, us too.
CLI's virtual schedule:
Firelands Local LLC Update:

James Johnson
This past week, the team really had the chance to appreciate a certain team member's driving . . .
While we at Firelands Local would never advocate putting anyone in a cage because that would be wrong-- and we are pretty sure that is not an OSHA approved use of the equipment. However, we do strictly enforce the mask policy. Sometimes examples for rulebreakers have to be made . . .
From James Johnson, GM

I would like give a special shout out to Payne Nickles and Co.. Thursday 9/17. They held their annual shred drop off at both the Sandusky and Norwalk locations. They gathered a total of 8,153 lbs. of paper to be shredded. They helped save over 69 trees. I have to add that the Sandusky office did win the annual battle between the offices by collecting over 2 tons of paper. Way to go! Looking forward to breaking the 10,000 lb. mark next year.
This past week has been very exciting at Firelands Local.
We have been recertified as AAA by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) for our 14th year in a row!

We have also just started a work crew at MTD in Willard Ben and Bonnie started this week, but they have lots of work for us going forward. This may be a great opportunity for some of you who are looking to get back to work. I will be calling folks to talk to them about the opportunity. While this is a great chance, there will also be a lot of expectations. It's a real job.
Last week I was in Monroeville doing the last community drop off for the season.  These remote drop offs have done well. I am working with 2 companies that want to do drop offs at their location for their customers-- and a request from a business in Sandusky that would like us to come to their facility and park the green truck for a remote drop off. 
We have also scheduled 6 additional bulk pickups or drop offs. We are also rapidly approaching our next Norwalk drop off on Wed. October 7. It sure does feel strange saying October already. It is hard to believe there are only 95 days until Christmas.
I would also like to thank everyone for the Birthday wishes.
Have you ever wondered why people look up at birds when they fly overhead, I am not sure the risk is worth it. I wanted to share that thought since the geese will soon be leaving us for the winter.
Who says there's NO FREE LUNCH? We know people--

How is CLI able to afford giving away free food when we (and everybody else is hustling to break-even?

It's a good question. The answer is that CLI invested a (very) small amount of seed money in April to open up a new checking account just for the Good Works Cafe. After that, it's been 100% funded by donations.

Our on-going investment now is just time.

CLI is always looking to help people give to their local community. Got an idea of something that a small group can to do to help? Let us know!
The FREE Good Works Cafe will runs every Friday at 11:30 am until they run out of meals.
If you or a friend want a delicious meal but cannot get transportation, we can deliver to you for a $20 donation!

*Donations are accepted & 100% go to future Fridays.*

Spread the word!