Week of May 11, 2020
More postcards from quarantine . . .
Thanks for all the would-be Derby Hat pics this week Keep the pictures & videos coming!
And this year's "woulda-shoulda Derby" was
Rhonda White!
John's Usual Excuses & Apologies--
It feels like things are starting to shift a little. I know that we're excited to start providing actual services again soon!

Don't forget to fill out & give your surveys to CLI staff when we deliver this week's fun bags on Wednesday. We need your input as we start planning to restart services. CLI will start re-opening in phases, so we need to know if you need something maybe sooner than someone else so that we can figure out our priority list.

It is unlikely that Ohio will permit CLI to restart large group services this year. This will be a big shift. Fortunately I know that everyone is used to doing small groups at CLI. However, it is different because we won't be able to use the large group workshop to gather & depot from anymore. Even more difficult will be transportation since the van routes will have to change because new Ohio rules are that all riders have to be 6 feet away from each other and the driver. That's a pretty empty van, which means LOTS more back & forth trips. Also, best practice means that we want to limit exposure to multiple people, which means that we won't want to shuffle CLI staff around to provide random rides. We'll all get through this, but just be prepared to be patient as we work through this together.

This should be a pretty big & fun week for CLI. We've got some fun, productive virtual pilot programs that we're launching. Please tell us what you like and don't like. You don't say, we don't know! CLI has loaner 4G smart phones-- so if you need a device to access one of the new virtual programs-- let us know. We will drop a sanitized smart phone on your porch prior to the activity & pick it up again after the activity.

Anyway, that's all I have right now. Thanks. Have a good week. Stay safe. Feel free to get in touch with questions or concerns. My phone number is 419-706-5137 & my email is john@CLIsupports.com.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
―  Helen Keller
Upcoming CLI activities this week:

  • Check in & Check up
  • Facebook Live Chat
  • Healthy Cooking (virtual
  • Dash and Dine
  • Norwalk Reservoir walk w/ Jen Swicker
The FREE Good Works Cafe runs every Tuesday. Donations are accepted & 100% go to future Tuesdays. For a $20 donation-- we'll deliver!
  • Fun Bags Delivery
  • Work Fit Group w/ Tab
We're seeing a lot of front porches these days. Let us know if you need anything!
  • Willard City Park Walk w/ Jen Swicker
(Both FB Live)
  • Check in on our HAPPY HOUR
  • Weekly Contest Announcement 
Lot's of gardening going on using the CLI "Flower Bombs" from the activity bags a few weeks back.

Clockwise from top left you can see the work in progress from Matt, Tony, Bill & Charlotte. We look forward to seeing the chutes!

Fun bags are delivered every Wednesday. Don't forget to give CLI staff your completed survey. We need your input!
Nichelle is staying fit by taking advantage of some online yoga & guided breathing exercises. It's important to keep moving!  
Kerrie Close Recruits
One More Giving Hand!
It's hard to say no when we show up at your house with a bunch of free time and all the fixings for artisan goats' milk soap! Here's Danielle getting her hands "dirty".
CLI is getting ready to re-open!
We're putting clear partitions in all of our vans so that we can provide rides again to people AND make sure that everyone stays well.

We're excited to get back in business-- but we'll all have to get used to doing things a bit differently in Corona-time. It's worth the hassle!

CLI programs will have to shift to 100% small groups that DON'T rub elbows with other small groups. This won't be too new for us. We've been pushing this service style for almost 4 years now. Still, this will be a learning curve for all of us, so brace yourselves!
Don't forget that John & Holly are looking for appropriate ways to thank Jenny Swicker for all of her help with John's car & Holly's chickens.
Got a good idea? Send an email to GetSwick@CLIsupports.com!
Other Community Activities & Resources:
·      Call  1-800-720-9616  to connect with trained counselors.
·      Call from 8 AM to 8 PM, seven days per week. After 8 PM, the CareLine will forward to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Check out "Huron County MOVES"
- a fun opportunity to be active with a chance to win prizes! 
What is it? A virtual fitness challenge, created through a partnership between Levels Gym (Willard); Norwalk Parks & Recreation (Norwalk);Willard Parks & Recreation (Willard); Huron County Family & Children First Council; Determination Nutrition (Willard); and Willard Community Connections (Willard). The purpose is to encourage Huron County families to get active, by walking, running or riding a bike, tracking their progress, and submitting via email to us on a daily basis. Prize baskets awarded on a weekly basis.
Firelands Local Update:
Finally - Rescheduled FREE Community Shred Day
Firelands Local (FL) Document Destruction has not accepted drop-offs for non-essential businesses for almost 2 months. Starting next week, FL will resume normal schedules for ALL customers-- and will reinstate the usual first Wednesday drop-offs. FL offers FREE shredding for CLI clients & their families-- as well as area seniors.

ONE BIG CHANGE-- all drop off services will need to be scheduled ahead of time so that James can follow social distancing protocols.
Spread the word!