Dear Fellow Women-in-Medicine,

It was wonderful to see over 30 fellow Women-in-Medicine (WiM) colleagues at the October meetup. We were from a multitude of specialties, ages and practice settings. Yet, despite our differences we were reminded we have much in common.

When I’ve asked participants why they made the time to participate at our WiM events, this is what I’ve heard:

  • we want to be part of a community that reflects our own life and goals;
  • we are looking to give and receive mentorship;
  • we want to encourage the community of women physicians to be leaderful;
  • we want to 'break out of our shell' and engage and the WiM group is so welcoming

So if you’ve been thinking of attending our events but haven’t made it happen, we’d love to have you join us. There’s no one that understands the ups/downs of being a woman in medicine quite like another woman physician. We are your people!

Let's keep the momentum going! We have several meetups planned for the next few months. Our next is on November 11th as we embrace Autumn by cooking and dining together with the guidance of Local Matters. In December, the popular annual Wine and Cheese tasting will take place. Feel free to bring a spouse, partner, work staff and friends. And in January, our very own Dr. Bonnie Pugh will lead us through Restorative Yoga.

We'd love to see you there! Denee

Hello Autumn! Seasonal Group Cooking Event

For our November WiM Meetup we've invited Local Matters to lead us in creating a meal using fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. You’ll participate in making a dinner of:

Curried Squash, Potato, and Chickpea Stew with, accompanied by a seasonal desert.

The meal will be paired with wine to enjoy while you're cooking and when you dine.

CMA Member RSVP - $30.00 | CMA NonMember RSVP - $40.00

Annual Wine & Cheese Tasting Event

Monday, December 9th 6-7:30pm

CMA Meeting Space: 1390 Dublin Rd. Columbus 43215

Sommelier and chef Gregory Stokes of Accent Wine and Veritas Restaurant is returning! But this time he’s taking us on a tour of women-owned Italian wineries. The package includes an Italian cheese selection and other refreshments.

At this CMA Women-in-Medicine event, bring your spouse, partner, work team and friends as we kick off the holiday season! All are welcome!

CMA Member & NonMember RSVP: $50 per person

Restorative Yoga with Dr. Bonnie Pugh

Monday, January 13th 6-7:30

CMA Meeting Space: 1390 Dublin Rd. Columbus 43215

Start your new year restored and refreshed! We'll enjoy a evening of networking, Native Cold Pressed Juice and refreshments, amazing yoga and reflective journaling.

Dr. Bonnie Pugh, pediatrician and 200+-hours Registered Yoga Teacher will lead us through an hour of stretching and restoration for the body and mind. We will move through gentle yoga stretches and hold poses to allow the fascia & muscles to release. Practice will end with a body scan meditation to restore your mind. Props are recommended: 2 blankets, a pillow or bolster, yoga mat (extras available on site if needed).

CMA Member RSVP - $25.00 | CMA NonMember RSVP - $35.00

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Columbus Medical Association | 614-240-7410 |